
Monday, October 26, 2020

Top Ten Tues


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is a Halloween freebie. What do I do??? I've done Hardy Boys/ Nancy Drew covers the last two weeks so I need to do something a bit different. I guess I'm just going to do some covers of books I want to read that have a spooky element.   

Alright I have already read this but it was freaky enough to qualify!

This is apparently a Netflix show now but I haven't checked it out as of yet. 

I guess this ended up being more of a thriller list than horror or really scary stuff, but *shrug* this is what I thought of on short notice. Still, it reminded me of some great spooky reads from the last coupla years!


  1. I remember seeing "Wilder Girls" everywhere back at its release. :)

  2. Comics totally count as books, and I'd be very happy to see more! DC needs to come out with one of those big hardback books of the Weird Mystery Tales. I'd have that in a heartbeat! Great list!

    1. Thank you! I love using comic covers... :) and yes I would LOVE to see a collection like that.

  3. I really really love the cover of Wilder Girls, it was definitely why I bought it in the first place then I got around to reading the synopsis for it right after.

  4. I remember those comic books. I was a millionaire, then my mother threw them away.

  5. I love your scary comic book covers!

  6. The Get Even cover definitely looks like it’d be a Netflix show! I’ll have to look out for that one

  7. I must get round to reading Wilder Girls at some point! That cover is wonderfully creepy!

    After a bonkers and hectic few weeks back at work, I've managed to find time for this week's Halloween TTT... hope you can pop by!

  8. I still need to read Wilder Girls. It seems like an interesting read!

  9. Great list! Wilder Girls is one I still need to read, too.

  10. Ooh nice! I went with creepy covers this week too! This reminds me that I need to finish the Scooby Apocalypse series!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  11. Yes, Wilder Girls was pretty scary.

    My post.

  12. You obviously think girls are evil. Have you noticed that just about all your books feature girls on the covers?? We are not THAT bad Greg...!

    I've got The Perfect Wife on my TBR list, something different, I know. Will have to be in the mood for it.

  13. Gone Girl is great! I highly recommend that one. Wilder Girls has been on my TBR for a while. I want to read that one real bad. Happy reading!

  14. I love how the scary book covers are very simple but still terrifying. Like GONE GIRL - why are pieces of floating hair SO scary??

    Happy TTT!

  15. Wilder Girls definitely has the creepiest cover, love these Greg!

  16. I did spooky covers as well, I wish I'd thought of Wilder Girls!
    My TTT:

  17. I think it's hard to scare me with books. With reading you don't have the scary music in the background to lend suspense or expertly timed scenes to shock and surprise. At least the well-made scary movies anyhow. Not many of them out there anymore. :)

  18. Great picks, Greg! The Wilder Girls cover is still one of my favourites but I also really like the cover for Bad Girls with Perfect Faces! I have a feeling it'll be a really accurate depiction of the characters 😛

  19. I really liked this post Greg. Here is my post-

  20. I wish I was reading scary books this month! To be honest this year has been a disaster for reading. All I want to do right now is re-read Harry potter over and over!

  21. That Songs from the Deep cover is moving! I love it! The only one I read on here was Gone Girl. Honestly, I found the first half of it boring. I think it was just the angsty mood it's written in or something. I ended up really liking the book. Nice list!

  22. Interesting list! I've got a few of these sitting here waiting to be read and they've come highly recommended so I'm sure to love them. Have a great week!

    Here's my post:

  23. That Morbius cover is terrifying! I hope to read Wilder Girls soon and I hope you enjoy Gone Girl more than I did :)

  24. Love the scary comic covers! Especially the Morbius covers is really creepy.

  25. I found the cover for Bad Girls so disturbing, but it fits the story.

  26. I loved Gone Girl. It was so unsettling, but the mystery was incredibly thought out!

  27. Whenever I see that Wilder Girls cover, I always take a second look to try to figure out what's going on!

  28. I did something similar with my TTT post today...covers with ghostly/gothic vibes. Mostly because I was too tired to do something more clever. :)

  29. I always love spooky reads and covers. These all look so good. I have a few on my TBR already.

  30. These all look spooky! I love your idea for the comics covers. I would have to look at the covers for the Locke & Key comics and the Morning Glories comics. Those are probably the two creepiest comics I've read but I can't remember how well the covers reflect that.

  31. I also tend to do books that have a spooky element, but aren't super scary. I can't handle things that are super scary! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  32. Oooh! All of these books look creepy, especially the graphic novels! Great list!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  33. I've been eyeing Bad Girls with Perfect Faces on at my library. One of these days!

  34. I didn't read as much horror this month as I intended to, so it'll end up bleeding into November. Appropriate, I suppose. And anyway, 2020 has been horrible enough!

  35. Wilder Girls has to be my favorite creepy cover ever- it is messed up but somehow still so pretty? Idk but I loved it. The first comic cover is creepy too- I think because it is so realistic feeling? Like it's fine, that's what downtown Cleveland will look like by next week, you know? I think sometimes that the realistic stuff is the scariest!

  36. These are all fantastic but there's something especially creepy about Wilder Girls and Gone Girl. I don't know exactly why but those two especially creep me out!

  37. I love a good spooky book! I did choose to dnf Wilder Girls but I am partly through Gone Girl at the moment and I am definitely getting those creepy feelings from it.

  38. I love that Scooby doo cover!! And whew Wilder Girls cover is seriously creepy!

  39. Wilder Girls has such a creepy cover; I'm curious though. I'm waiting for the audio version of The Perfect Wife from the library. This is a great assortment of creepy reads.

  40. I remember reading Scary Tales as a kid, but there's nothing scary going on here, Gorgeous Greg!(lol) Lots of hugs, RO

  41. A lot of creepy covers!! Gone Girl is good... I remember really liking it when it came out. Although... the movie not so much lol

  42. Songs of the Deep has such a creepy cover. Something about being under water in the dark... *shudder*

  43. I love creepy covers, it always makes me want to know more!


  45. I want to read Wilder Girls too. I love the cover and the synopsis!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  46. Hello! I like this iniciative. I just know "Gone Girl" from the movie. HappyHalloween :)

  47. I just love that cover for Wilder Girls. I mean, how haunting can you get?

  48. I love the cover for Wilder Girls. It's so interesting and gorgeous!

  49. I still want to read the Scooby books. 😊
