
Friday, October 23, 2020

Sunday Post #373

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba at the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date

So last week I promised pictures of the stray kittens hanging around. Sadly, I have not seen them in a few days but we were putting food out for them. I don't have very good pics either, but here are a few. 

Covid update! I'm feeling good, the only problem I'm having now is the fatigue you hear about. Sometimes I just want to sleeeeeeep. But other than that all seems well. Oh, and I'm happy to report that I have resumed my Friday night tradition of Chinese takeout. Yummy!!! 

Song of the week



This walking tour of the famous Shibuya area is amazing although a bit long. I love the rooftop volleyball area at 32 minutes in, and the fish tank at 52:58.  



  1. Cute kitten! Definitely a shy little guy there. So they are for sure strays? Hopefully they'll get found and helped before the weather turns too cold! And some nice pics there, I like the last one - very suitable for the season :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Thanks! Yes they were VERY shy. I didn't even get any good pics of the others. and now we're not sure where they are. :(

  2. Aww! I love black kittens!

    I'm glad you're improving, even if you're still feeling tired and sleepy. As long as those are your only remaining symptoms so far (and as long as they're going to recede), you got lucky!

    1. I do too! I had two black kitties for years and they were adorable. I have one now as well. And thank you! I consider myself very lucky!

  3. Ooh a black kitten, adorable 😁 Glad you're feeling better! Have a good week😁

    1. Thanks Tammy! I love black kittens... we have a black kitty and have had a few before too.

  4. Kitteeens :) I hope you feel better soon, Greg!

  5. That sounds like a great Friday night tradition!

  6. Yes! Feeling good and eating Chinese food, these are great things to hear. The kitty is so smol. I hope you are able to take those naps you need so you can get back to 100%.

  7. Yay for feeling better and eating Chinese food. Get plenty of rest though. It's so hard not to try and push through but you're tired for a reason! That black kitten is so adorable! There is nothing cuter then a kitten! Hope you have a great week and keep resting.

  8. I’m hoping you get through the fatigue but I know it can hang about, glad you are on the mend.

    I love the Japanese walkthrough videos, I find them very relaxing to watch.

    Have a good week and take care.

  9. Aww, little kitties. I take care of strays too. So cute. Glad to hear you're feeling better! Happy reading!


  10. I have a stray cat in my backyard as well! It always brightens my day when I see her :)

  11. Awww that little black kitten among all the color is so cute!! Sorry to hear about the fatigue, hopefully it'll go away soon. Glad you're feeling better aside from that.

  12. Oh, cute kitty! Nice that you're feeding him. Glad to hear you're feeling better besides the fatigue. Hope you're 100% soon! Love good Chinese takeout. Now I'm craving some. :)

  13. Greg, I am pleased to hear, other than the fatigue, that you are feeling better and those kittens are super cute! We have a black cat that we got from a rescue centre 😻 Take care and happy reading! πŸ‘‹πŸ“šπŸ˜ƒ

  14. I don't know if you watched the rerun of The Gilded Lily on Perry Mason? It was released in 1958, but I know neither of us were around when it originally aired. Interesting show. Yay to you feeling better and celebrating with a yummy dinner on Friday. The perfect treat to eat while watching Netflix. I'm so thrilled that you're doing much better. That truly makes my day. Hugs, RO

  15. It's funny, it's been years since I listened to Bloodletting, I must have the CD somewhere ;) All those bookstores in Japan, I'm just itching to go there ! I was surprised to see a French flag on an apparently French store. Tnaks for the promenade in Tokyo, I'd love to go there one day...

  16. Those kittens are so cute! Thanks for sharing some pics of them :)
    I'm glad you're feeling better, even if you need a lot more sleep than usual. Sending you healing vibes.

  17. I hope you will get over the fatigue soon too!

  18. I love your song this week! I was a huge Concrete Blonde fan back in my crazy goth-alternative youth! Lol.

    I am so glad you are feeling better even though you are tired. And Chinese takeaway is the best. We have a running tradition of getting Chinese on the first snow of the year - we already have our restaurant picked out already for this winter's takeout order - the Peterboro in Detroit. Fancy Chinese!

    Those kittens are so darn cute!!

  19. The kitten looks so sweet:)). I'm delighted that you're recovering well - and yes... my son found his energy levels were badly impacted for a while. I hope you go on feeling better - sleep is a really healing thing.

  20. Cute kittens! So glad you are getting over the nasty virus! Glad you can enjoy your Chinese! We do Sunday Chinese after church. :)

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  21. I don't know the last time I stopped by here on a Sunday Post, but whenever it was, I missed that you had Covid. Glad you're feeling better and hopes for continued improvement. Oh, and kitties!

  22. Such a nice hangout for the kitties. I hope they do return to be fed or someone else is feeding them. Miss Chinese food, no good place around my mom's house. One of the first things I will get when returning to GH. Continued good wishes as you recover!

  23. Glad to hear you're feeling better, despite the fatigue! But resuming the Chinese take-out tradition definitely seems like a good sign :) That kitten is adorable!

  24. Cute kitties. I hope they’re okay and come back for the food. I’m glad you’re mostly feeling better. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  25. Thank you for the cute kit pictures! They are beautiful. I am so glad to hear that you feel well again. Good, the fatigue is not so good but I hope for you that it will pass. Have a wonderful new week, Greg.

  26. I am so glad to hear that fatigue aside you are feeling good Greg! And yes I am curious about the kittens! Take care and stay safe!

  27. That picture of the comet in the sky reminds me there's a refrigerator sized asteroid that's going to pass close by Earth the day before the election. I'm so glad that you are feeling better. Cute kitty. Maybe someone took it in.

  28. I'm glad you're feeling better and hope the fatigue passes soon. The black kitty is so cute! My brother-in-law has 3 black cats, a tuxedo cat, and a tortoiseshell. The tortoiseshell is a Hemingway cat with that extra toe so her paws look like mittens. I hope the kittens are okay!

    Enjoy your week!

  29. I am so, so glad to hear that you are feeling better, or at least on the mend - fatigue is no joke. You can go about your daily business thinking you are fine and then BOOM! it hits you and you are suddenly exhausted.

  30. There's a black kitty! Looks like Stinkie!! Oh you have to keep it Greg.Black Cats are the best. Don't let Elza hear me.

    I saw a Perry Mason book on sale on BookBub this week and thought I have to read one of those.

    Glad you are feeling better. Get yourself a good immune booster and maybe a nice Vitamin B shot. Might help...

    Have a good week and here's my The Sunday Post #16

  31. I am glad you are feeling better, and while fatigue is challenging, it is the least of the problems that could happen. Thanks for sharing, and enjoy that Chinese takeout!

  32. Aw, the kittens are so cute. I'm glad you are feeling well, despite the fatigue. I'd probably be sleeping all the time if it were me since I'm always tired anyway. hah


  33. I hope you continue to feel better. Kittens are so adorable, aren't they? Have a great week!

  34. Sleep as much as you can. It will help you heal to 100%. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    We were only getting take-out once a month and choosing between pizza and Chinese, but we have decided to do take-out twice a month now so we can have both. Ha ha. We all need to pamper ourselves a bit extra during these times. πŸœπŸ•

    Have a wonderful new week! 🌞

    1. I love sleep more than I ever have lol. And ooh between the two of them I could eat those everyday!!

  35. Cute kitten pics! I'm glad to hear that you're continuing to feel better from COVID. Mmmm, I haven't had Chinese takeout in ages. So tempting to order it this week.

  36. That kitty is adorable looking. I hope you beat that fatigue. Take care.

  37. Always love seeing cat photos! Love your pulp cover feature this week. I hope you fully recover from COVID!!

  38. Hope the cats will be okay, very pretty autumn colours though. Hope that fatigue will pass, they do say its a bummer.

  39. I like your Friday night tradition & I hope the fatigue lets up soon. Take care & happy reading!

    1. I am liking it too, but any excuse to get chinese! :)

  40. Glad you can get back to your foody traditions. Very important barometer to your health lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Right? I feel like I'm back to normal with my chinese takeout!

  41. Mmmm, Chinese takeout. We did Indian takeout last week and it was everything I'd hoped for and more. Lol. The kittens are adorable! So cute.

  42. I'm glad you are feeling better. Naps are always a good idea too. You make me hungry for Chinese take-out. I may have to convince my brother to do a stir fry on his next day off. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  43. Aww such cute a cute kitty. Hope they stay safe. I also love the Salvage picture. I could look at that all day.

  44. So glad to hear you're feeling much better and hope the tiredness goes away soon, too! I'm taking a virtual trip to Mexico this weekend, and will have to see if I can find a walking tour like the Tokyo one to do. Visiting Tokyo would be amazing! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  45. I'm glad you're feeling better Greg. Now I'm in the mood for a nice Chinese curry!!!

  46. I'm glad you're starting to feel better, Greg.

  47. I am sorry to hear you got covid, but it sounds like you are working on the healing of it. My brother got it so I know about the exhaustion. Thoughts and prayers your way.

    And love kittens!!

  48. I am glad to know you're feeling well even though the fatigue is exhausting. Hopefully you can recover from that soon. And yay for chinese takeout!
