
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Corner Boxes

This post is a bit different. Does anyone remember the corner boxes that used to adorn older comics? Up in the left hand corner, usually- Marvel and some of the other publishers used them for brand identification, I guess, or who knows why, but they were kinda cool. And then, like so many other traditions, they kinda faded away. So I thought I'd bring 'em back- or at least a few. It's amazing the rabbit hole you can fall down when you start looking this stuff up! There's a ton of these on Pinterest and just wherever on the Internets. 

So here are some of my favorites. Which ones do you like?      

Marvel Chillers corner box art featuring Tigra 

Image result for thor corner box

Marvel corner box art - Black Panther

Marvel Presents corner box art - the (original) Guardians of the Galaxy
Corner Box from Uncanny X-Men #129 (1980) I never understood why John Byrne did not include PHOENIX in this.  She was the only thing missing.-David M.
Marvel corner box art - Red Sonja

Marvel corner box art - Nova

Black Panther Corner BoxBlack Panther Vol. 2 #3 (September 1988) By Denys Cowan

Image result for vision corner box marvel comics 

Vintage Marvel corner box art - Tower of Shadows

Marvel corner box art - Howard the Duck

Avengers (1963-1996) #181 

RG Cameron Oct 24 Illo #7 'Arena'

shadowcat. kitty pryde.


  1. I think the 1979 Xmen team up is my favourite. You introduce me to the weirdest and best parts about comics, Greg!

  2. I didn't even know what corner boxes were LOL. I'm so clueless.

    Howard the Duck looks so human that he creeps me out a little...

  3. I think that this is something that I definitely overlooked. Howard the Duck is kind of a fun one. :)

  4. These look really cool when you showcase them separately like this. I didn't realize they weren't a thing anymore!

  5. I didn't know that corner boxes existed! But it's a smart way to identify your brand ;-)

  6. I didn't know about them. I've never bought a comic.

  7. I had no idea what those were called or that they went away. I do like the .30 cent price tag though lol

    Karen @ For What It's worth

  8. The prices amazed me. My memory puts them at around 25cents.

    Black Panther, sigh. Howard Duck, why didn't someone make Peking duck with him?

  9. I remember looking through comic books in the backseat of the family car during the many hours my family spent in the car every year. These boxes do look familiar but why didn't I know that there was a Howard the Duck comic book when I was a kid?!

  10. These are cool. I especially like the Black Panther ones.

  11. I won't say how old I was in 1977, but it sure is cool seeing my birthday in print on a 30 cents comic.(lol) Hugs, RO

  12. What a fun topic! I think I like the ones that have all the different characters on them best!

  13. Since I have never really read any then I have not seen any

    Oh and that avegers 7 rock

  14. When I started reading your post, I wasn't sure what you were talking about. One look and oh yes, I remember these. I distinctly remember that Thor one on one of my comics.

  15. Oh wow I had NO idea that these were a thing, but seeing them makes me realize that I did but just never paid attention! I like them, I think it's kind of sad that they don't exist anymore though, they're really fun!

  16. Yes, I remember them well! Thanks for the meander down memory lane. 👍✨

  17. I only started reading comics in the past few years, so I didn't know about these. I prob wouldn't have even noticed them if you hadn't pointed them out. They're fun though! I like that first one, she looks awesome XD

  18. I don't think I ever looked at the cover of comics. Growing up in the '50's and '60's we did read quite a few comics though. And ahem... war comics as well. In those days I'd read anything I could lay my hands on.

  19. I think the Marvel Chillers is my favorite!

  20. I have never noticed this before (but I am not a comics-reader)

  21. ha.. I didn't know about that. I kind of like them.

  22. I've never noticed these but they're cool! I wonder why they stopped doing them?
