
Monday, August 12, 2019

Tuesday Tagline #153

Attack from Atlantis

They were trapped miles beneath the sea and by people who couldn't exist... 

 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Top Ten Book Characters I'd Love To Be Besties With. Let's see... besties. I'm going to go with just whoever I think of off the top of my head- as usual lately I'm doing a post at the last minute. This is fun though- I'll probably remember a ton more once this goes up. Oh well.     

1) Ned Stark 

Yeah Ned and I need to have a talk- he needs to confide in Jon way earlier, he needs to make smarter decisions, we just... need to talk.

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1)

2) Merry & Pippin

Would these guys be a riot or what?

drunk the lord of the rings GIF

3) Pooh - or anyone from the Hundred Acre Wood

I mean, why not???

excited winnie the pooh GIF

4) Madeline 

Never a dull moment?

season 2 bll2 GIF by Big Little Lies

5) Murderbot

We could watch Sanctuary Moon all day?

Rogue Protocol (The Murderbot Diaries, #3)

6) Reagan

She's fun.


7) Jennifer from 12 Monkeys

Image result for 12 monkeys gif

8) Helena from Orphan Black

Image result for orphan black helena gif

9) Snoopy

Image result for snoopy gif


  1. I have the Hundred Acre Wood gang on my list this week, because, yes, WHY NOT!? Plus, I'm clearly #adulting with their inclusion. :D Aww, Snoopy is another great friend, too.

  2. I love that GIF of Snoopy--it's so freaking cute 😍Also, it'd be so fun to be friends with Helena but I would also probably be equally terrified of her πŸ˜‚ Merry & Pippin would be the most hilarious friends to have! I can see it just being constant laughs lol Great list, Greg!

  3. Love this list! Eeyore made my list, so I feel the Pooh pick!

    I don't think I'd want to be friends with anyone from GoT LOL They'd all get me killed.

  4. Pooh is a sweet friend. I picked Piglet as Pooh's friend. My literary besties

  5. Great list! Merry and Pippin are such a good choice - I'd love to hang out with the two of them.

  6. Awww, Pooh would be a lovely friend. He is gentle and kind and even a hero sometimes.

  7. I definitely have to agree with Pooh and Snoopy. I love them both!

  8. Haha yes you and Murderbot would be a great team. Merry and Pippin would be a lot of fun too though.

  9. Helena! OMG, Greg I miss Orphan Black so much! Gosh, your list just made my day!! (And also NEd -- Ned should be besties with everyone and also nt die lol)

  10. Murderbot would be a very interesting choice!

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  11. Haha - this is a brilliant list. I love it. And Merry and Pippin would certainly get you into a few scrapes
    Lynn :D

  12. Pooh, Merry, and Pippin would be the perfect people to invite over for dinner. :D

    My TTT.

  13. I'd love to have a talk with Ned Stark, too - I'm rereading the books and realizing so much could have been avoided if he had lived, or maybe told Catelyn about Jon years ago???

  14. Aw, I want to be friends with Pooh and the gang!! Nice choices.


  15. Yep Pooh and Snoopy made my list as well and man, Helena would be awesome. I miss that show so much! Since you and Ned are going to be best buds, please give him some good advice so he can avoid his outcome.

  16. Winnie the Pooh is the only character on your list that I know. LOL Do you think he'd share his honey?

  17. I about died when I got to Snoopy! There could not be a better best friend option! I agree on Madeline as well. I'm not sure there could be a more entertaining best friend.

  18. I'm not familiar with some of these books so I am going to have to check them out!

    Amber ♡ The Book Bratz
    My TTT!

  19. Huge yes to Reagan! I didn't really like Fangirl, but her character was so entertaining. I've seen the Hundred Acre Wood gang pop up on a few lists today, and I'm mad I didn't think of them, they are so cute.

  20. Ned Stark was a great choice. It would be nice to hang out with Pooh.

  21. Pooh would be such a great friend!!! I love Reagan and as you said she would be fun. Here is my post

  22. I have seen a lot of Caths today but no Reagans. I think it would be awesome to hang out with both of them :D Great List! (And Ned totally needs a talking to!)

  23. Pooh? That's awesome! He would be so fun to hug.

  24. I knew I was going to appreciate your list with you starting off with Ned! BUT, YES. Ned! Reagan! Madeline! So many good characters. If only you could create your own friendship group/squad out of all of them!!

  25. Absolutely Yes to Hundred Acre Wood! I wouldn't have thought of it myself, but now you mention them all it's perfect :-)

  26. This is such a fun topic. I didn't participate this week but I did love reading everyone's posts.

  27. Helena is amazing and I wouldn't mind having her in my corner.

  28. I like seeing a guy's perspective on Besties this week! Ned Stark does need a kick in the pants or something from a good friend!

    We're going to stay at the Knott's Berry Farm hotel during an upcoming vacation. They're offering plush Snoopies if we want one, so we asked our boy if he wanted one, because we'd buy him one if he did.

    He replied "Is there a risk?" He was trying to find out if he had to pay for it, but the way he worded it was funny.

  29. Great list, Merry and Pippin would be fun. And I love Ned.

  30. I love how you go from Ned Stark to Pooh and Snoopy Greg!!!

  31. I only know Ned from the show and I'm pretty far behind, but I already agree with the fact that he should make smarter decisions. Reagan is fun. Great post!

  32. Great list! I would choose Ned too.:)
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  33. What a varied list! I'm with you on Winnie-the-pooh and Snoopy! And Murderbot - we could binge watch something.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  34. Ned Stark. Such a short life. ;)

  35. Murderbot would be SO fun to hang out with. Shows and snark, sounds good to me! Also agree with Jennifer. She'd be so fun and so loyal, too. Helena... honestly you're going to have to bail her out of some REAL shit πŸ˜‚

  36. Ned Stark is a good one. Because someone needs to have a sit down with him. And Pooh bear... perfection! Who wouldn’t want to be besties with Pooh? You’d always have a smackeral of honey around.

  37. Love your list, especially Ned, Pooh, and Snoopy. :)

  38. Ah, Pooh would be a wonderful friend. And yes to hobbit friends.

    I've heard so much about Murderbot but I STILL have not read the novellas.

  39. Merry and Pippin! They'd be a total riot. :)

  40. I'm all in with Pooh and Snoopy. (lol) Happy Friyay! RO

  41. Awww yes Pooh Bear! He would be the best of friends! And Merry and Pippin would be so much fun!

  42. Merry and Pippin would be soooo fun! And of course Madeline would be the life of the party :)

  43. You know... I never did finish watching Orphan Black! 😱

    Merry and Pippin would be tons of fun. 😁,

    I cannot wait to read the Murderbot books. πŸš€
