
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Can't Wait Wednesday #40

 So here's a midweek round up of what I'm reading watching, etc. Plus Can't Wait Wednesday, hosted by Wishful endings. So sit back, raise a cuppa, and see what's new! And share what you're up to.  

This week my Can't Wait pick is The Extinction Trials: Rebel. There's no cover yet so I'm using the first one as a placeholder.  

The Extinction Trials (The Extinction Trials, #1)

What I'm Reading


What I'm Watching



  1. Yup the extinction trials sounds GOOD! Hope you love it And I cannot wait to hear about Echoes! The tagline! Love ❤️

  2. Both of these sound really good--and I just love the covers. Especially the one for Echoes.

    1. Echoes has an awesome cover- I hope it's as good!

  3. Both Extinction Trials and Echoes sound really interesting! Happy reading!

  4. Hope you are loving Echoes, and I haven't read The Extinction Trials yet, but it's on my list because you got me intrigued the first time you shared it :D

    Here's my WoW!

    1. Ha ha yay, I hope you like Extinction Trials, and if you don't... oops. :)

  5. I'm mega excited for Rebel! As soon as the cover appears I'll be featuring it for CWW too! I hope they go for a green cover this time...

  6. The cover for Extinction Trials creeps me out. Hope it's fabulous!

  7. Ooh nice! I really want to read The Extinction Trials! And there's already more on the way? Wow! I am so behind already! Lol!

    I hope you're enjoying Echoes! I loooooved that one! I have yet to hear of a sequel and it's driving me bonkers!! Hope you end up loving this one too!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. From what I've heard Echoes NEEDS a sequel! And yes the first two Extinction books were fab- hope you like em!

  8. I can't wait to read Echos! I am excited to get it. Great picks this week!

    Mary my CWW!

    1. I've barely started and now I'm thinking of saving it for October- for a readathon.

  9. I haven't heard of either the book you're waiting for or the book you're reading so I need to find out about them. Right now I'm going to watch the Deadwind trailer. Always fun to find new books, new things to watch!

  10. Can't wait to see what you think of Echos. Love the cover for the Extinction Trials.

  11. I didn't know there was a sequel, cool, I'm really interested in seeing the cover when it comes out😁

    1. I am too! The second one was nice and I hope the third has a distinctive cover as well!

  12. I kinda hate it when it says "the book" meets "other book" but the mention of Jurassic Park does have me a little intrigued!

    1. I was very skeptical, but you know- it wasn't bad!

  13. I had The Extinction Trials on my TBR list a long time ago. I think I read a few reviews that pointed out things I couldn't stand in books and gave up on it without actually giving it a try. I know, real smart on my part. I should give it a fair shot this time :)

    1. Ha ha I get that though. I did review it a while back, I should dig it up and post the link. But yeah not every book works. :) Hope you like it if you try it!

  14. I haven't heard of this series, but it certainly sounds intriguing. Hope you love it! Great pick!

  15. That cover of The Extinction Trials still creeps me out. It'll be interesting to see if the Rebel cover is just as creepy.

  16. Will that be Extinction Trials two, or three?

  17. These look like very creepy reads Greg LOL

  18. The Extinction Trials sounds like an awesome series!

  19. Deadwind looks nice, I know someone who would def love it

  20. Argghhh I need to get my hands on The Extinction Trials! I watched Jurassic World last night and shed a tear - how sad is that????

  21. My library still has yet to obtain a copy of the first book, so I think I'm going to have to buy it soon to finally read! I've constantly heard great things about it, so I need to get on that. Great pick! Deadwind looks really interesting, I hadn't heard of it.

  22. Added The Extinction Trials to my TBR :)

  23. I'm looking forward to seeing what you think of Echoes. The premise for that one sounds so good.

  24. Looking forward to what you think of Echoes. I think I learned about that one from your blog, and I've been very curious about it since!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  25. Oooh! The first cover for The Extinction Trials is breathtaking! I have a feeling that when the second cover is released, it will be just as amazing.

    I am really intrigued about Deadwind! I will def add it to my watchlist! Have a wonderful week. :)

  26. I have seen this around and I love the tagline. The Hunger Games is one of my favorite series and I have always wanted something similar to read! I will have to check these out eventually. TBR pile tipping as we speak!

  27. The Echoes looks really good and I'm intrigued by The Extinction Trials. Neither are my usual genre but I just finished an urban fantasy that I really enjoyed (Written in Red by Anne Bishop) so I'm eager to try more out of the box books!

  28. The Extinction Trials has an amazing cover! Its so striking... I'm going to go have to look that one up!
