
Monday, July 4, 2016

Cover Characteristics Feathers

Cover Characteristics is a meme by Sugar and Snark- every week a characteristic is selected and we post 5 books with that week's theme.  

This week's pick- Feathers 

Feathers- another theme that can go several ways. Do you look for feathers alone, for birds or whatever feathered animals are out there, or ? I decided to go with some of both- I have feathers and I have feathered creatures. :) I thought all of these picks actually are pretty good covers- they all have something to offer, so let's take a look. 

Fracture Me (Shatter Me, #2.5)

This was my first favorite.

  The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender  

 This one's kinda I don't know different I guess but from what I can tell it maybe fits the book?  

Daughter of Smoke & Bone (Daughter of Smoke & Bone, #1)  

This one actually is not really a favorite of mine, although I do like masques generally. I'm assuming there's a deception tone to this book although I don't know. 

Falling Kingdoms (Falling Kingdoms, #1)  

I think all the Falling Kingdoms covers are nice.   

Frozen Tides (Falling Kingdoms, #4) 

This is my favorite I think- it's got a nice clean art style, there's a bird in the background and the cloaked figure- it just all works.  

The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle, #1)  

Obviously these are very popular and I'm not sure I even know what they're about- but they have nice covers.  

The Raven King (The Raven Cycle, #4)  

Ditto for this one- I think this is the final book of the series and I like the birds interspersed w/ the antlers. Nice cover.  

The Probability of Miracles

My last pick for the week- I like the bright nature of this one, it seems hopeful. 


  1. I apparently really like feather covers because I've really liked all the ones I've seen! I love the cover for the Maggie Stiefvater books (and it's a series I really want to read) and Fracture Me is so eye catching!

    1. They are some nice ones! FRacture Me is nice and I like the Stiefvater ones a lot.

  2. My favourite is The strange and beautiful sorrows of Ava Lavender. Stunning title and cover. Will post tomorrow/Wednesday.

    1. I like that one too. Will watch for your post!

  3. I almost did Daughter of Smoke and Bone, as well as the Raven Boys series. Great picks!
    Check out my Covers

    1. Thanks, I like the ones I came up with. The Raven Boys are good covers.

  4. Some great picks. I like the Raven Boy covers the best I think

  5. I am such a fan of the cover for The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender!! I think it is so pretty! Great picks!!

  6. What a unique way to use the feathers for Fracture Me. That one is my favorite cover!

    1. My favorite too or very close. It's a very nice cover.

  7. I love The Raven Cycle series covers and the DOSAB cover! Both of those series are spectacular as well. Excellent picks. That first cover is very unique and I like it too! :)

    1. I liked most of these... often there's a few I'm not crazy about but in this case I was pretty happy with them.

  8. The Probability of Miracles sounds entertaining!

    1. I think so- sounds uplifting. I thought it was a pretty good cover too.

  9. I love feathers on covers! The strange and beautiful sorrows of Ava Lavender is my favorite.

    1. I never noticed them before but I liked the ones I found! And I like that one a lot too...

  10. I didn't realize there was a Shatter Me cover with feathers on it. Those are so pretty already, and the feathers make it even prettier! That one's my favorite.

    Obviously I also like the Smoke and Bone cover since I used it too. The Raven Cycle books also all have such pretty covers. And I do like that last one because it's so bright and has such great contrast!

    1. I like Shatter Me too. Just a great cover. I like the storm clouds with the eye, the feathers, the blue and purple. And the Raven Boy ones are pretty good too, especially that second one. Something about them...

      This was an interesting topic, I wasn't sure how it was going to go but it worked out alright. And Smoke and Bone's not bad, I do like the blue feathers.

  11. Great post! I really love the feathers in Stiefvater's novels, her covers are all so gorgeous. One of my other favorites would have to be Fracture Me though because at first glance they kind of just look like eyelashes and not feathers. I always love something that shows more details the more you look at it.

    1. Thank you! I could totally miss that the eyelashes are feathers if I was in the store and just glancing at it. It is an awesome cover... and so are the Stiefvater ones.

  12. Feathers. You know, you'd think I'd notice these, since I am so anti-bird, but I never really did! I also HATE feathers because I am super allergic to them. Yet... they are quite pretty on some of these covers! LOVE the Fracture Me cover- though I never noticed that it was feathers before, I guess I never looked closely enough! Totally agree with you about The Falling Kingdoms covers, they are fabulous. And the last one DOES look quite hopeful- plus I am always game for some random neon ;)

    1. Ah that's right, I forgot you were anti- bird ha ha. THis post could be a little irritating in that sense. lol Fracture Me is nice, and the Falling Kingdoms covers- those rock. Every time I see 'em I want to read those books.

  13. I love the Ava Lavender cover. It's so pretty. A book I still have to read too.

    1. It is nice. I've never read it either, it was new to me!

  14. Good picks! I would also add Immortal City by Scott Speer! :)

  15. I love the Raven Boys covers (and the books...can't wait to read The Raven King) and the Falling Kingdoms books...are they any good?

    1. I don't know, I've never read the Falling Kingdoms books, although I love the cover art. I may try them one of these days. And yes those Stiefvater covers are nice...

  16. The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender is one of my favorite books ever and yes, the cover does match what's in the book. Don't want to give too much away there.

    1. How cool, I've never read it but good to know that it's a good read!

  17. I don't even know how you begin to find these covers!! Did you go from your memory or was a Google search? I personally think the BEST one is the Fracture Me cover. It's subtle and beautiful, imho. Fantastic list for both feather AND the birds!!!

    1. I try to go with books I know or read but when that doesn't work, or I need more, i google! And I'll cheat occasionally! A bird topic would be so cool!

  18. Great picks! I found a lot of these during my search as well, and I definitely love the look of Frozen Tides.

  19. I can't believe I forgot about Smoke & Bone!
    Sorry that this week's post was a little late!
    Thanks for joining in last week :)

    Sugar & Snark
