
Friday, July 22, 2016

Bookcover Spotlight #58

Why exactly are they diving naked? That's what I'd like to know.


  1. I too am curious as to why they're diving naked. Though I'm not sure *he* is? Is that red thing like a plant, or is it a bathing suit? If it's a bathing suit, that seems a little unfair lol.

    1. You're right! They're cheating lol of course only the woman is naked. And look she's all tangled up!

    2. I was just going to say that Kristen, it looks like he has on a little red Speedo or something 😂

  2. LOL probably cause they were about to hook up...or had just hooked up: they found passion at the bottom of the sea...after all :D

    1. True, true... :) as long as they have their oxygen tanks I guess they're okay lol.

  3. Can you even imagine the chafing? For real. I mean, if we used fins during practice, we had to vaseline our feet first to lessen the blisters... and this girl has on a TANK with no clothes. Just saying, it probably isn't going to be a world of fun for her. And those plants appear to be tangled in very unfortunate places. Also, the dude only has a snorkel... which would be not giving him ANY oxygen. So he's going to be too dead to appreciate her nakedness anyway. (Is it awful that I want to read this because... what even IS IT!? Bwhahah)

    1. And how exactly did she get so tangled up? I mean, really... is she rolling around in the plants? And the mouthpieces- how are they going to- okay I'm overthinking it lol.

      I noticed that about the snorkel too- how is he even down there? Let alone... you know.

      Still it looks fun... sort of? In a weird way...

  4. What I STILL Want to know is WHERE OH WHERE do you find these covers???

  5. LOL this cover and title does pose a lot of questions. Not sure why someone would opt to go scuba diving naked. It doesn't sound like the best of ideas.
