
Friday, June 7, 2024


I'm back! Well mostly. My daughter graduated from Michigan State which i mentioned last time and we had a nice long weekend last weekend. Went to Grand Haven and got caught in a downpour, ducked into a coffee shop and discovered a new band.   

Here is this week's lyric. 
 Up with the sun gone with the wind
Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

Shine a light
Shine the light, won't you shine the light

   Song of the week




  1. GREEEEEG! Welcome back! And congrats to your daughter! What did she graduate in?

    It's nice that the downpour caused you to discover a new band at least 🙂.

  2. This week's lyrics, I knew the artist, but couldn't name the title. Half points! Congrats to your daughter!

  3. Congratulations to your daughter, Greg!

  4. Rainy Seoul sounds are so charming. Congratulations to your daughter too

  5. Es bueno leerte de nuevo. Felicitaciones a tu hija. Me gusta el sonido de la lluvia. Te deseo un buen fin de semana.

  6. Congrats to your daughter, Greg! What a special accomplishment/milestone for her. Love the music this week... Elton John and Journey? Total classics!

  7. I'm glad you caught in a down pour! & found a new band to listen too! Hope summer is good to you. We are having our music festival this weekend, but I doubt I get down there with all the traffic headed to the river. It has been milder here, but I hope we get some more rain. Although, it sounds like a heatwave is coming. All the best to your writing.

    1. OK, I was inspired to write a little at Cherry Blossoms

    2. Thanks for reading! Thanks for the comments. I had thought of watching Sword and Fairy from 2005..but not just yet. I went back to Untamed Heart..since I never finished that one. Many will tell you that its the best Bromance ever with my W who was as somber as a cold dead fish least in the start of it. It definitely gave the other start a great start. I don't think he's had the acting skills since Untamed Heart. Oh, was he so randy (✿◡‿◡) And speaking of Randy..well, I found one to befriend "Justin"...which is kind of hilarious..those who stop by the blog to read and comment..always seem to be on Vada's side. Yet, I find her to be a bit of a Cad and since all these fashionistas see "black pink's Lisa" I've changed her face claim. Yes, I'm just rolling on..

    3. Hope your week was good. Tiring here..all the heat! Storms earlier..with lots of hail..ugh..but I managed..somehow. Hope you have a beautiful Father's day weekend. Hope you are doing well. I have been thinking a lot about Wade and Pan. I hope I know what to do. It isn't easy to know what to do when you know someone has done something very bad. I'm at a cross roads. I have had some insight since watching the actor on UNTAMED this week. So who knows.... all the best to your writing.

    4. Happy Father's Day! I hope it was a good one, being a Girl dad and all! It was sweet watching my oldest hold his daughter when she got cold during our lunch at Olive Garden. I hope you are being healthy and having lots of fun with the family these days. All the best to your very best June yet! Happy writing and all the more with your creativity! Be the Dad you were meant to be!

    5. Oh, I miss you. I can only hope you are traveling and having the time of your life with family and friends. Although, it has been hell week with no AC in this Heat and Humidity..but somehow I have sufficed and lived to tell the tell to any preschooler who will listen at the Children's desk. Yes, I have been the designated volunteer for the weekend. Oh..and I might be doing some RP with a misunderstood you male who has never fallen in love. How do I get into these situations? Meanwhile, life in my blogs are happening..maybe too much is happening. I can only hope I am giving the reader what they want..but you know, they have better things to do. I know..stay focused on a NOVEL..maybe someday. Hope to hear from you soon. Hoping something happened ever so Fabulous.

    6. If only DELETE wasn't an option.

    7. Oh, it is great to hear from you. Yes, the river keeps rising here. And last month there was an apartment basement that got I was inspired (✿◡‿◡)❤️❤️❤️❤️🌸🌸🌸🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈Hope it's all Rainbows there! We had a popup Hail storm that left a lot of damage last evening..ugh..before then the hell week of no AC. Thankfully, it was fixed by the heatwave..Oh, a few mean comments as of late, too. I guess summer is getting to everyone. Then the RP was a surprise. I don't know how it will actually fare. Maybe promising..but I'm not sure. I had thought all this time it was girl who wanted to RP..then I slowly realized it was a guy. And the funny thing is, he reminds me a lot of my first boyfriend who was one of those you could got on a walk with and he'd pick at plants you could eat to survive on, and not what to eat. But I'm inspired and he tends to think he's learning from me. So this RP is pretty new to him. In the past I had worked with someone who wrote mysteries and I would be like her "guest" and basically it was dialogue and characters. But it was one of those things..we just emailed each other back and forth. But she doesn't write anymore. Anyway, I guess I have abandoned the writer's group. We also had someone in the family who had to have pins in her upper right arm. She fell off the monkey bars the last day of summer school. Meanwhile..yes..yes, Lily and Boone broke up. Initially, I had wanted Mattie to be Boone's girlfriend in the beginning, but somehow Rafe got to her first...and I went with that. But at the moment..they are only roommates. So you see, I don't always control my characters.
      Sorry to write a novel. In the midst of the children's summer program. It was hilarious to hear some little boy yell this morning when he got out of storytime, "Where's the Wheel of Fortune!" When they bring their passport (a book of stickers of their reading time, if they have enough they can take a spin and win a prize and of course, a brag tag which were made at our maker's space..ever so professionally!) So yes, a lively summer at the library. Which will now be moving in September due to the shelving crisis. Our shelves might be stuck on a boat somewhere.
      Again, it's good to hear from you. Miss you too. And if you want to try RP sometimes..I'll give it a shot.

    8. Oh, I responded to your comment where you left off at the Stacy & Wade Post. Here's hoping it won't be too stormy here tonight. I am so pissed with MacDonalds. Everything on the kios now. Not even a menu flashing before you anymore at our local one. Your best bet is to go through the drive through..and I think they like it that way.
      I think the hardest part when you are writing a story on a the continuation. I mean, sometimes, I like to wait before unfolding all of it. Plus, in a way..some feel you are writing it backwards..but those who have been there from the start know. I hope things are doing great there. Actually, a nice day here..not so humid, but MO is still rising. A lot of little places in Iowa have been swallowed up.

    9. i've got plursey. Feels like someone stuck a knife under my right boob. It moves from time to time. Sometimes the right of the back and pushed up the back of my neck. I hope these meds help.

    10. The meds have helped. If only I could get rid of this little cough. I have been sleeping off and on...and of course writing too. Glad you got some soccer in this weekend. Really, a beautiful day here..a high of 79 and peaceful without the humidity, but I am sure it will be back. Hope you are getting ready for a big 4th. Thanks for your comments! Thanks for reading.

    11. It's been pouring rain..and the lung possibly feels better but I still got the cough. Not a bad one. I guess I better stay in on the 4th and just rest. I do like going out in the neighborhood usually, of course, I did write a few 4th stories in my story blogs. I have been having some fun with the Ren and Wade story too. I'm surprised he will write with me. Now if I could get all this summer stuff cleaned up around here, but it's hard to get anyone to help. I hope you have a good 4th with the family. We might grill a little something, but it does sound like the rain won't stop until about 7 pm.

    12. Still see when you post again! It is july! thanks again for your comments. Hope all is well. A bit of a family crisis I guess it will be a small affair tomorrow..although, it is Thursday. We did have a strange woman wanting to take out Ref. books out of the library. An Airforce book at that. She threatened to beat up the Head of circ. Funny thing, an officer off duty swore he'd protect the Head of Ciruculation. ..and that was Tuesday afternoon. I will try to have a great 4th! I do feel better and the margaritas have helped! Hope you have some fun. Make sure to dance with someone in the kitchen..and I don't mean daughter. Wishing you a fabulous time with all the women in your life❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    13. I am running into some upload issues with my sets on Blogger. Not sure if its a microsoft thing or what. I feel Microsoft wants to push you into buying more. I dunno. I still need a nap, but I best not. Hope you are having some fun today.

    14. I'm back at it again..another trip to the doc. No Covid or Flu. An infection in the right lung. More meds..this time for the cough. Hope you had a great 4th and an easy Friday too. Still being indoors for the most part.

    15. Oh, I have a feeling Ben and I are through. And it was going so well, sort of. Oh well, he wanted somebody to RP and I gave it a shot. I guess I was throwing too much at him. But I did get some content. And the last one, I did write a little much to get back to the bookstore..where I thought the story was going to take place. I think it's a great feat if you find someone to RP with. It's been hit and miss..although, I have never pleaded with anyone to RP with. They have always asked me. So I'm not sure I'm any good. It was just good practice. And I liked to look at the process as writing a TV show. I did post my part today at IVY. His is tomorrow. I guess I was just too much. I don't think he writes as in being CHARACTER oriented. I do love character driven stories and well, I guess I not be all there. I can carry on Ren and Wade..perhaps. At least we got up to Part 8.

    16. Who's Gregory? Don't you remember the grunge rocker (Yungblud) with Cleo? Oh, he's getting a story (✿◡‿◡)

      Yes, and I am having fun with the Ren & Wade story..I'm not sure Ben is. Still a learning experience for both of us..althought, I am certain he's a little peeved with me by Part not sure I'll get a Part 9 from him..but I'll wait and see.

    17. & more 4th of July stories tomorrow at ELLIE.

    18. Oh..and I am so waiting for a new post from you! I got a steroid shot in my left hand. God, I have had so many steroids this month..I should be bionic woman..or something. Still I have not cleaned the house yet. I hope you are working on a novel.

    19. Great to hear you have been out on the rapids! It is finally cooling some here. And I think I'm OK now. I hope. Of course, I am stuck with Wade and Ren..I dunno what I did that was so wrong..but I have to see where the story may go without someone, and I'm OK with that. Although, I did start a kind of RP beach party story and now I have 3 "girls" and I'm the guy in the story. Although, I doubt I post that on IVY. Anyway, its good practice..I hope. I hope you have been inspired too..BTW I tried my first Impossible Burger and BK. I liked it better than I thought I would. Still, they put way too many wet things on their burgers.

    20. A part of me just loves's Ben's Wade..but not Ben so much..I guess that is why I kept going...even if he's been a no show lately..oh well. ..duno how long that will last..a lot like trying my hardest to be friends with someone who is in the process of divorcing my son..ugh..I never thought it would happen to me. Talk about having to be an Academy Award winning performance..especially, when I can be the bitch from HELL. Oh, does the drama ever keep up with Ren and Wade..hehahahahaha...I guess that's what can fuel the fire when writing about so many couples. Will they or won't they! Sometimes, it is best to stay in a fiction world. Oh, and pomgrante juice and cherry juice really go well with RED WINE! & everyone keeps telling me I'm losing weight. Um, the Impossible Burger isn't horrible..yet not great. I guess I need lest mayo. Your best bet with a burger is to go for the onion rings instead of the fries. So remember that much. I think this weekend I did end up writing both parts of Wade and Ren..and I'm OK with that (✿◡‿◡)

    21. I have my part up tomorrow that made Ben cut the cord. Or maybe he's just lazy. Still, I am trying to keep it going. Although, I sometimes I wonder if I move too soon with some characters. Of course, I felt I had a lot of explaining to do about Gregory and Cleo, but to me they are real. I look back on some couples and wonder how did they stay together. I am sure I might have a few who wonder about why is she with him? Oh, the possibilities I explore.

  8. I hope you had a wonderful time despite the rain. You must be so proud! Congratulations to your daughter.

  9. i am just back too! Congrats to your daughter, what did she study?

  10. Congratulations to your daughter! And to the new music in your life, too--lol!

  11. Welcome back! And yay for your daughter's graduation😁

  12. Congratulations to your daughter! It's nice when you discover a new band to love when you least expect it. Have a wonderful week, Greg!

  13. Welcome back! It's always nice to discover a new bad.
    Have a great week!

  14. Glad you're doing well and having fun. :D

  15. Congrats to your daughter. Have a great week.

  16. Congratulations to your daughter and your family! Sounds like a fun weekend - even getting caught in the downpour sounds like it turned into an adventure. Have a great week!

  17. Congrats to your daughter! What's her next plan?

  18. Congratulations to your daughter. And getting caught in a downpour and discovering a new band sounds like a fair swap (so long as you were able to get warm and dry reasonably quickly). Thank you for this week's pulp cover - I always love seeing them.

  19. Congratulations on your daughter's graduation! Such an exciting time I'm sure! Hope you're doing well too!

  20. Congratulations on her graduation!! What an exciting time!

  21. Congrats again to your daughter!! And I'm glad you had a great long weekend. :)

  22. I know I read this already and thought I comment but I guess not?? lol Congrats to your daughter!
    That's the way to turn lemons (rain) into lemonade (new band!)

    Glad to see you back - could you please send some of that energy my way please lol

  23. Congratulations again to your daughter, Greg! Ooo! I love discovering a new band. I think I know the song this week's lyric is from. :-) I hope you have a great week!

  24. Welcome back, and congrats to your daughter!

  25. Congrats on your daughter's graduation. Whew. Enjoy your summer too.

  26. Congratulations for your daugther! Welcome back!

  27. Congrats for you and for your daughter :D

  28. I hope you are doing well. I'll try DMing you on X-Twitter, but I know you really aren't on there anymore. 👍

  29. I hope you are doing well. It's been a few weeks since you're last post.

    Congrats for your daughter!

  30. Pasaba a desearte un buen fin de semana.

  31. congratulation for your daughter.....
    nice video of Hokkaido.... thank you for your sharing.

  32. Genial fin de semana. Te mando un beso.

  33. Congrats on your daughter graduating. :D
