
Friday, May 17, 2024

Sunday Post 554


So I'm back after a bit of a break. I hope everyone is great. Not a lot happening. My daughter graduated from Michigan State a few weeks ago.  

Here is this week's lyric. 
 Shine a light
Shine the light, won't you shine the light  
Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

Opened my eyes to a new kinda way
All the good times that you saved

   Song of the week




  1. The book cover just looks magnificent

  2. Good to see your new post. I hope you have been well. Allergies seem to be taking everyone down these days around here to the point of wondering if its a new thread of Covid. I LOVE INXS' DON'T CHANGE! Such a beautiful bookcover! Still enjoying Spirealm. Although, I think I might enjoy it more if it the story just stayed at the house where all the teammates live instead of going into the door of the game. Of course, I am finding After Graduation stories to write in my story blogs too.

    1. Thanks for your comments! I feel summer has arrived this weekend! Beautiful weather for the most part, but I feel the humidity is on it's way! Congratulations again, on having someone graduate college. Of course, that transition can keep the whole family busy. Now, it I can just keep going. Sometimes, as I write I feel things like that are happening in my family. And I dunno if I am up for those changes. But we all evolve. I haven't sat in the writer's group for a while. Although, recently, I have thought about writing horror again. Yet, I hate scaring myself and that might be the only one who gets scared when they read it. All the best to your creativity! Thanks for being here!

    2. So good to hear from you. Hope all is on track. These days, you just never know what you might be having to tend to. Hope your mom is doing well. Thanks so much for your comment..oh, I hope you won't mind Gregory...heheheee..I had been thinking awhile about him in my CaitnMeg blog..and then by accident..I noticed I had a space to write about Nonbinary Cleo. Although, I might be off, but it felt like the right thing to do. I suppose I like coupling. I finally picked up where I left off with Applegate's series of long ago Ocean City..and I like that it has just enough imagery. I think this series was written actually by her and her husband when they were in college..anyway, it is inspiring to think what it could be with a splash of horror, perhaps..and of course, it would be a nice update of this just out of high school series.

    3. More storms after midnight tonight. Hopefully it won't be too bad. We have had some flash flooding in places. It is kind of scary to see how water can take over an apartment complex and move dumpsters down the street. Hope you are having a good week and wonderful weekend planned. Thanks for the comments!

    4. I think you maybe taking a break again. I miss you..not gonna lie..but then I have had two it might be that..even so, I hope you are hard at work with Joon and the gang. I am wondering if I may have to write some fan fic for you..(✿◡‿◡) Well, we can't have that..NO WAY! Although I have been watching the new Sword and Fairy 1 and..the ML would get in a pickle. Oh, the things I might right..but it might be to errotic! hahahaaa..I did complete Spirealm and was devasted and elated as well. Oh..MYG. It was the freaking best ending. ..even if China makes American the baddest of guys..and yes, I finally got Maddie together with someone..but you'll just have to read if..hahahaa..Hope you and your family are doing well..sorry to dwell..oh, I have found a new thriller author..and I can not remember her name..Well, behave now. Hope you write soon.

  3. Congratulations to your daughter! Such a big accomplishment.

  4. Welcome back! We missed you...and your stories 😉.

    Congrats to your daughter! Has she decided which path she's going to pursue now?

    Ugh, I had to Google this week's song because the lyrics didn't sound familiar...but the song was...

    This week's cover is very imaginative...and the tagline is funny 😂.

  5. Congrats to your daughter on her graduation. That's awesome! And I hope you have a great weekend. :D

  6. Felicitaciones por la graduación de tu hija. Te mando un beso y te deseo un buen fin de semana.

  7. Congrats on your daughter's graduation! I got a laugh from the dancing clip. Finally Miranda gets to dance in something other than 5" heels. lol So much good music this week! Don't Change is my favorite from INXS. And I know this week's lyrics. :)

  8. Congratulations to your daughter!

    I like that book cover. An interesting angle (and title!).

    Have a great week next week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  9. Congrats to your daughter. Hope you have a great week.

  10. Congrats on the daughter's graduation. Now you can sit back, relax, and watch/read...


  11. Congratulations to your daughter! That's amazing. :) And good luck to her as a fresh gruadate out in the world ~

  12. Glad you're back and congrats to your daughter!

  13. Congrats to your daughter! Enjoy the week ahead.

  14. Congratulations on your daughter's graduation, Greg:)). And another fabulous pulp cover... Have a great week.

  15. Congratulations to your daughter! Have a good week:-)

  16. Congratulations to your daughter! A thing to be proud of! Love that retro cover. I can thing of the song for the lyrics, but can't for the life of me recall the name of the band! Have wonderful week, Greg!

  17. Congratulations to your daughter!

  18. Congrats to your daughter for her graduation!!

  19. Woo hoo! Congrats to your daughter! What's her next plan?

  20. Congrats to the graduate. Congrats to you mom. Have a great reading week.

  21. Congrats to your daughter! Those pulp covers are so fun.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  22. Congrats to your daughter! That pulp cover is great!

  23. Congratulations to your daughter!
    I like Journey's music. Feeling That Way is a good one.
    Have a great week!

  24. Congrats to your daughter!

    Here’s my Sunday Post

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  25. Congratulations to your daughter! And good to see you back. Love the "Upside Down" dance.

  26. I was on a break too. :-) Good to have you back.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  27. I also went on a break. Glad you're back, Greg!

  28. Congrats to your daughter! That is where my husband graduated from :) Also love the pulp cover

  29. Congratulations to your daughter! What is her degree in? Hope everything else is well. Enjoy your week.

  30. Congrats to your daughter on her graduation!

  31. Congratulations to your daughter! Love the deep sea bedroom hideaway. Sounds like perfect listening to for when I'm trying to get some rest myself. I hope you're having a great week!

  32. I hadn't seen you around. I'm happy to see you are okay. 😎

    I hope you've been having a great week. ☀

  33. Pasaba a desearte un buen fin de semana. Te mando un beso.

  34. Congrats to your daughter! I like INXS. Happy reading and relaxing this week.

  35. And congratulations to your daughter! 🎓

  36. Yay, congrats to your daughter! And I hope you enjoyed your break :)

  37. Congrats to your daughter. :) Loving the pulp cover this week.

  38. Congratulations to your daughter! I would love to spend time in that deep sea bedroom!

  39. That tagline for Murder takes a wife sure says a lot. I have noticed now most book covers these days have no taglines, more like review lines instead, kind sad though. When did we decide reviews are better than taglines?

    Have a lovely day
