Friday, April 19, 2024

Sunday Post


So State of Art is done the color guard season is over! 

In other news I went to a used bookstore last weekend and came away with goodies including the pulp goodness below.    

And... Movies That Suck for the week is... The Birds      

This week's discussion post is Ten Signs You're In A Sword and Planet Book    

Here is this week's lyric. 
 I've been thinking about you for so long
And I dont wanna lose you  
Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

It's not in the way that you hold me

   Song of the week




  1. I hope you enjoy all your new books, and look you teaching me something new - modern disco. (I actually remember disco)

  2. Oh, it would be Toto! Congrats on your work with the group. Glad you got some time for Used Book Stores. On the chilly side here. A cold weekend in the forecast. I went to the famous Stella's this week in our little town. A place known for their burgers. I got out of there with 11 bucks. While at 5 Guys..just the wee burgers and a chocolate shake x 2....28 bucks! Guess I'll be staying in....
    The tree pollen has been awful. Hope you have a fantastic weekend..naturally, I will be spending some time with Rafe, KC and of course, Justin...Thanks for your comments!

    1. Good to hear from you. It's been a cold start of the weekend..but maybe warmer today. Hope you are getting to relax some this weekend.

    2. Have you had any issues with "cloudfare" ...I have had two blog sites that I usually go to that are now 'forbidden'.

    3. Dark Matter does sound very familiar. I am in shock that China is letting Spirealm show. What I like about this one is how they end up in the game and it is more figuring out the mystery of the people who are a part of the game like you would when you just hangout in the tavern in the 'gaming' world. One of the actors I was familiar with is at his best in more "adventure" dramas. I liked him in the Lost Tomb series. Weatherwise..the wind has been so bad, and storms are supposed to be coming. Hope you are getting a lot done this week.

  3. Te un genial fin de semana. Me gusto la película vértigo y los pájaros. Te mando un beso.

  4. Love Vik's dance videos, especially with Miranda. Sounds like the used bookstore visit was a success. Hooray for the new goodies. Hold the Line by Toto... love it! This week's lyrics are stumping me, though.

  5. I love good finds from a used bookstore! Just makes the day better. :D

  6. Finding books at a secondhand store is like a successful treasure hunt. Have a great week!

  7. Passion at the bottom of the sea. LOL

  8. I love going to used bookstores! You can find the coolest stuff there. Have a great week!

  9. I love used bookstores! Glad you got yourself a good haul.

  10. lol... I LOVE your pulp covers 'They found passion at the bottom of the sea..' Really??? The rest of us tend to find fish and lots of water... Have a great week, Greg:)).

  11. Love pulp books! I don't find a lot of them but when I grab them! :)

  12. Oh, Vertigo! I loved that movie. And bookstores are the best.

  13. Used bookstores are the best! I haven't been to one in a while, I'll have to make a point to find one soon:-)

  14. Well I wish I could dance like these people Greg! Sadly I never could LOL

  15. I have to stop myself from going to used bookstores or any bookstore for that matter because I have so many still to read! But we have a new bookstore opening over by where I work and they asked for donations so I will probably take some to donate for them to sell. I'd try Half Price books but I never seem to get enough money out of it to make it worth messing with. Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  16. I love used bookstores. I haven't been in one for years, though. There aren't any around here. I miss them. Love the pulp fiction covers and Vertigo, too. Have a great week!

  17. I love going to used book stores hope you enjoy the new goodies

  18. Building up quite a pulp collection there! And I personally am ambivalent towards The Birds, but my husband would take exception to the label "movies that suck" because he feels hitchcock can do no wrong lol!

  19. I love a second hand bookshop. My son however does not so it's a quick in and out. We live fairly near (maybe a 40 min drive) the largest second hand bookshop in Europe which is good. So many books 😂

    Have a great week!

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  20. The Birds is a classic and one of my favorite movies! Have a great week!

  21. I could spend a lot of time at used book stores. We used to go a lot until we were able to get things digital through the library. I think I saw the Birds when I was rather young and it still creeps me out.

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  22. I can get lost in a used bookstore. Sounds like the perfect afternoon.

  23. Nothing better than a used bookstore trip, walking away with some goodies. Have an amazing week!!

  24. Hooray for finding those hidden gems at used bookstores!

  25. I've never seen more than a few minutes of The Birds but Vertigo is one of my favorites- and one of the few movies where Jimmy Stewart isn't just playing Jimmy Stewart. I love a good used bookstore! I hope you're having a wonderful week!

  26. Wow, that's a heck of a pulp cover, even as they usually go...

  27. Love visiting used bookstores! You got a nice haul! I love The Birds! Vertigo is hypnotic, but sad and tragic. Wished it had a different ending. Have a wonderful week, Greg!

  28. It's always fun to visit a used bookstore and see what goodies you can find. The good one I used to go to closed and I haven't found another really good one like that one.

  29. Lol naked diver. Hope you're having a good week.


  30. I really regret that there is no antique shop in my city. These are always interesting trips.
