
Friday, June 9, 2023

Sunday Post 508

So let's talk about Covid. Like, the urgency's faded. Which, on one hand, I get. We can treat it now and people are surviving. But then again, some people are not surviving and maybe this should still be treated as a pandemic? I see people on Twitter talking about masks. No one masks around me these days, and to be honest, I don't either. Are you? 

In other news I posted chapter eleven of To Love Is Human. 

let it go eye roll GIF by Madelaine Petsch

Here is this week's lyric. 
I can't feel this way much longer  
Expecting to survive 

Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

Yeah it's been a long long time 
You're such a sight you're
Looking better than a body has a right to      

   Song of the week




  1. It's all about control. Follow the lines of power and that'll tell you everything you need to know about whatever "crisis' of the hour the media says we're experiencing.

    If dr's are shaking your hand, not wearing a mask, well, did it actually make a difference before? Personally, I think mask wearing, etc, just made us extra careful about contact and didn't in and of itself do anything.

  2. The only people that I see wearing masks right now are medical professionals. When my doctor comes out to see me or if the blood draw people come out, they are wear masks.

  3. The docs aren't wearing masks here. Pretty much no one is. No testing, no pandemic, I guess. It's such a weird time.

  4. My manager was in the office all week sick. I mean, visibly coughing, sniffling, hoarse/no voice sick. No mask. Fortunately, I was working from home this week so wasn't exposed to whatever he had, but I will be in office next week and he'll be there too. In fact, there's going to be a big mandatory meeting/luncheon potluck. I will be wearing a mask--and chances are the only one doing so. If there is a way I can hide out in my office the entire time and not join the crowd, I will find it. LOL It feels like most everyone around here has written the virus off as being over and it's back to normal as usual. And yet the hospital ward my cousin is in is on lockdown because of COVID right now. So it is clearly still out there. I have gotten lax about wearing my mask when out and about in general though and don't always wear one. It depends on who I am with and how many people are around.

    I hope you have a great weekend, Greg.

  5. I still wear masks at any Dr's office (and certain situations) - even though they dropped the mandate a few months ago. And I still mostly try to do things outdoors. I don't know anyone who has gotten sick for at least a year now but I do think there's a disconnect between people who will have a mild case and vulnerable people.
    Kevin has had to travel to his family a lot and both parents are immune compromised so he wears them on planes etc and tests but really no one else does.

    We will discuss whatever happens on the Silo finale lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  6. I think the lesson from pandemic is to keep the public in the dark. There is nothing good that can come out of it informing the public. At least more than 50% of the population are dumber than the other 50%.

  7. I heard on the news today that the Covid cabinet..something like that at the White House is disbanding and the guy who was running it is going back to being the Dean of some college. But a co-worker's boyfriend just had it (who lives with her) and she wore a mask all week. People are now wearing mask due to air quality. I have one in my bag. Occasionally, I wear it. Some of my cloth masks I have made into sweat pants for Ken.

    So glad I was right about last weeks lyricsπŸ–€

    Thanks for your comments. Going back to the Farmer's Market tomorrow..gonna face my fears and have some Spicy Mexican Street Corn! So you might see more foods popping up in some of my stories..🧁🌈🧑and maybe Pedro too.

    1. I hope you are having a good weekend. We got rain last night and it's only 66 at the moment. I can't believe it! Thanks for your comments. Oh...I just keep know..glad you are finding some good TV to watch this summer.

    2. What happened to Joon and Maia? Thanks for your comment about Ollie & Fan. I was kind of working with something with someone else "Kate" but that person is busy and well, she didn't really write anything about 'her' I just went on with Fan and Ollie. I have 'roleplayed' a little with some email pals in the past. Although, one was very prose oriented and didn't really seem interested in plot..and the other was going through a divorce so everything I wrote she took it so personally that we had to stop even writing each other. I guess only once I did some rather improv with someone in a chat and though we didn't know anything about each other it seemed we clicked and could keep the story going least for a little while.

  8. Yo aun uso mascarilla cuando voy a lugares pΓΊblicos y aunque el covid
    no es tan mortal debido a las vacunas uno debe cuidarse. Te mando un beso. y buen fin de semana .

  9. I am wearing mask during fall to spring seasons.... before pandemic...

  10. Most doctors' offices here are now saying masks are not required but encouraged. Some wear them in the office and some don't. Eleanor and I have not worn masks for a while now. I definitely still see people out and about wearing masks but not many. I also live in Nebraska though, and our idiot governor never shut anything down because he is the worst, and we are unfortunately massiely red so I am surrounded by idiots who continue to think Covid was a hoax. I wore masks at school even after it was no longer required, and when kiddos are sick but still sent to school anyway.

    1. Give up is totally the right word. And yes we have vaccinations now but what about those who can't get the vaccine? We are leaving so many vulnerable people behind, just to go back to "normal". Does everyone remember how shitty that "normal" world was? We had the chance to do real good and make needed changes and that chance has just blown on by. I will wear a mask again at the start of the school year because I am not planning to get Covid again.

      As for long Covid, think about how this impacts our future. The more people who get long Covid, the more time and money and healthy ways of living that will cost. Aren't we better off still trying to prevent Covid spreading, than just throwing our hands up and thinking we will deal with it later? Later is now. It's still a crisis.

    2. EXACTLY!! We are literally learning about long Covid in real time, and what we know so far ain't pretty. It's going to be so much worse I think than people realize. People who say we don't have to worry, because of the vaccine, seem to conveniently forget that not everyone can BE vaccinated.

      Our church still offers a livestream, and I am so glad they kept that option. Luckily I also know who to avoid because unfortunately we had quite a few who still think Covid was not a big deal, or wasn't real.

  11. I think the mask mandate was lifted in L.A. I don't watch the news so I have no idea what's going on anywhere unless it pops up on TikTok. That's how I learned about the smokey skies in New York.

    I haven't been on a bus or the subway yet, since I've been back in L.A., but I can assure you I'll be wearing a mask when I do. COVID or no COVID, those buses and trains are major germ factories.

    I have no plans to travel any time soon, but if I were getting on a plane I'd wear a mask, just because, again, germ factory. COVID or not COVID.

    I'll be going to the movie theaters as soon as there's something I actually want to pay money to see vs waiting for it to come to a streaming service near me, and I will NOT be wearing a mask there. Is it a germ factory just like a bus or a train? Yes, but I'll be shoving popcorn into my mouth so wearing a mask won't be possible. #priorities

  12. I want to try with meditation, nice post :)

  13. It seems to be the case with every pandemic that in about five years our bodies master the pathogens and learn immunity. So now it's not as much of a problem as before. And the vaccinations did their job.

  14. I feel like COVID has disappeared from everyone's minds even though it hasn't disappeared in reality. I wish more people would wear a mask when they're obviously sick and coughing. Some of my co-workers do, but others don't. But the kids I work with are really good about covering their mouths when they sneeze and cough now which I appreciate. It's not perfect, but it helps.

  15. Not a lot of people have been masking where I am either. It's unfortunate because a member of my family has long haul covid. We (as a family) still try to be careful when around other people, even if we can't do the same things we used to when people were still masking.

  16. People do still mask where I am at in Ohio. I am mostly lax with a mask (and I wore them for over 2 years religiously), but still wear one into CVS, it's like a germ magnet to me, LOL.

  17. I mask at work and anywhere that seems a bit too crowdy (like an airport or train station). But yeah, nobody masks anymore. I don't wanna get sick so I try my hardest lol.

  18. I have not masked since the CDC said that the vaccinated do not need to mask. Ha, that seemed like such a long time ago, and how naive the world was, eh? Even when the vaccines started failing and the vaccinated were still catching covid and spreading covid, I chose not to mask. Honestly, whether masking is effective or is not, the way our society as a whole was masking was completely pointless. The thing is, we know hardly anyone masks correctly 100% of the time, based on all the exposed noses I saw everywhere I went. Which brings me to the fact that masking wasn't even being properly enforced. People also clung onto their masks like a panacea when in actuality they were ignoring other important hygienic practices, ignoring the fact that unclean masks were germ factories themselves. As a result, folks I knew who masked seemed to catch covid just as readily as those who didn't.

    Personally, I have never caught covid, even though I spent most of the pandemic unmasked if I didn't have to wear one, and I'm not vaccinated (which I do not regret one bit). My guess is that I'd caught it without knowing it early during the delta phase. That plus subsequent exposure probably aided my immune system from preventing me from ever catching it, because ever since tests came out, I've tested every time I even got a sniffle, and every single time it's been negative. Maybe I just got lucky, but I'm of the mind that if you want to mask, you should mask. I still see some people in my area wearing them, as well as some kids at my daughters' school. It's a personal choice, and as I say to everyone, only you know what is best for your own health, so take whatever necessary steps you feel to protect it.

  19. I don't mask. I'm not convinced it actually did any book. Since I'm still working from home, I'm not too worried about catching Covid. I did have it a couple years ago, and I keep hearing that each time it mutates, it's weaker, so hopefully that will keep staying true.

    Having said this, the only people I want to die are the victims in the murder mysteries I read because a murder mystery is rather boring without a murder. But we need to balance the costs of our treatment of the disease vs. the cost of people dying. And we need to let people be responsible for their own level of safety.

    Having said that, if you are sick, stay home!!!!

  20. I am glad of no masks though cos it was hell at work. And then we still had to take them off to eat with the kids so wtf was the point?

  21. I feel like I have been seeing a few more people wearing masks lately, but it's not widespread. Most doctors offices around us have lifted their requirements. It's so hard to know what's right because I've never been through something like this before.

  22. The mask thing is so weird I feel like. I used to mask up all the time but I don't anymore. Also, I don't judge anyone who wears the masks still. I busted out my N95 mask this past week because we had hazardous air quality outside, and as soon as I put mine on at the office since the smoky smell came indoors and was giving me a headache, a few people made comments to me about my mask and I got a few strange looks. Like, how does it affect them that I masked up for the day? That's my pet peeve, when I would get strange or hostile looks while wearing a's happened in the past more often than not at the grocery store etc.
    I have to say I flew to Florida last month and did not wear a mask on the plane but some did, which to each his own. I went to the dentist last month and didn't wear a mask, but my dentist and his staff are still masked up which makes sense to me.
    Enjoy your books this week, I like that ambience!

  23. The urgency of covid is over because people are not dying in droves anymore. Yes, people are still suffering from it and dying, but it's more on the scale of a flu now than a pandemic. I don't mask anymore unless I'm sick and don't want to get others sick. This past week I wore my mask to the grocery store because I'm still coughing from the sickness I got. (I also masked during the wildfire smoke this past week.) Life is moving on.

  24. I was a die hard fan of masks for a very very long time but since April decided to stop as I really was the only one wearing a mask!

  25. I think a whole lot of people just got weary about all the huge variations between what we were hearing about the illness...mask up, don't mask up, wear double-masks, shots good, shots will kill you, shake hands, don't get that close to people, etc. And now that treatment seems to be working fairly well with fewer deaths resulting, people are just more willing to take a chance. Strangely, while I used to stare at people who were not wearing a mask, I now find myself staring at those who do. Weird how everything has evolved over time.

    I finally came down with it in March of this year after deciding to attend a high school reunion back in my hometown for only the second time since graduating in 1966. Out of the 35 or 40 folks who attended a pre-reunion dinner, some 13 of us came down with Covid within 48 hours (we tracked it back to one guy who had no symptoms himself until the morning after the dinner). All of us recovered without being hospitalized or even doing more than phone calls to our personal doctors for a conversation and meds.

    But for six weeks I worried about Long Covid because I was the very last person to fully recover. The kicker is that you are talking about a bunch of 75-year-olds here, so things have very definitely gotten better.

  26. As always cool beats.
    Have a great week.

  27. I would love if handshakes just went away regardless of reason. I think Howie Mandel had the right idea years ago. I went in to a medical facility for an endoscopy and no one wore masks-the nurses and staff. For me, masks are a double edged sword. I like protecting others from germs, but I am hearing impaired and the masks make everything so much more difficult.

  28. Hi Greg!

    We've had a couple of Covid cases in town lately again and then Swine Flue as well! Can you believe it.... There's also a really bad influenza going around and the kids at school have been really sick. I was actually also sick! But luckily it wasn't Covid.

    I went to the doctor and most of the staff were actually wearing masks. So I actually don't know. If something isn't protocol, people tend to do whatever the heck they want and don't really consider the person next to them.

    Any whooo - hope you are doing well and taking care of yourself!

    Elza Reads

  29. I plan to continue masking on public transportation, probably forever—not just for Covid, but because it reduces the risk of picking up other germs as well. (This mostly means on planes, for me. I'm rarely on buses or subways because I don't live in a city.) I do still mask in public at this point, but not when I get together with one or two friends, or with family (as long as we are all healthy.) I'm beginning to consider relaxing my mask-wearing in smaller public settings, at least until the next surge. Covid does appear to be tapering down, in terms of hospitalizations and deaths. But it's hard to tell in terms of actual cases; almost no one seems to bother to test anymore, even when they have symptoms; that, along with being high risk, is why I have been hesitant to stop masking.

    1. I forgot to say that I really like the "Enchanting Meditation Inner Earth Waterfalls" music/ambient sounds. Thank you for sharing it!

  30. So much yes about that cliffhanger on Severance! I started this week's Silo, but my mind wouldn't shut down from other things so I had to stop and will go back when I can really concentrate on it. I would love to not have to shake hands anymore. I also liked the extra space between me and other people in stores. But like I always told my students, I have a big personal space bubble. I don't do masks anymore, haven't unless I've had to. To me the problem is that they really are for the people who have Covid to wear to protect others, that's what they said since the beginning. But you can't rely on them to wear their masks, so I'd prefer just to go without. My asthma and anxiety made it hard for me to wear a mask for long periods of time. You're right though, it's not going away. It never will, it is now another disease we have to deal with and hope that we can continue to find things to help prevent it. Or at least help stop people from dying from it. Anyway, I hope that you have a nice week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  31. Nobody wears masks here anymore. No doctor's office even requires it like they used to. Sometimes I'll see the staff in doctor's offices wearing masks but they are usually hanging around their chins so I'm not sure why they even bother. People are always shaking hands now. I had Covid twice and both times were really mild. Nobody really talks about it anymore but I don't think it will ever truly be gone.

  32. All of my doctors' offices still require masking. I always mask indoors when I'm in close proximity to other people in public even if it isn't required and nobody else is masking. I hope you have a wonderful week. :)

  33. I wish I would've worn my mask when I flew. I might not have gotten sick. I will do so in the future. I haven't been wearing my mask while grocery shopping or out other places, because I don't really get close to anyone else. I do wear it when working with patients, because I am close to them. Our hospital doesn't require it anymore though unless someone is in isolation for: Covid, Influenza or TB. But I do think about what could be coming next. There could be another pandemic in the future. I just try and do what I can. Wash my hands, wear a mask if someone is breathing in my face. I sanitize surfaces other people touch if I'm touching them. Like seat rests and trays on plane rides or gas pump, grocery cart handle, etc. Not sure what else we can do.

  34. On my recent trip I masked as advised on the plane until the HVAC was turned on and after it was turned off again on arrival. It was my first holiday that I did not wear a mask. I am wearing a mask again when around my elderly parents for the first 5-7 days of my arrival at home. I agree that many aren’t using the basic principles of protecting others.

  35. We haven't been able to watch more episodes of Silo yet but want to. I am happy when I find other people discovering Severance. Blackbird is another Apple TV gem to consider. I too have stopped masking. Though I wore one for a pretty long time.. even after most around me had stopped.

  36. Yes Covid is still around and all you said is true. I still mask up when I go into a shop or to Church or on a bus. I haven't had Covid yet and don't want to if I can avoid it. I guess now its each of our own responsibility. My sister tells me the drugs taste vile for Covid.

  37. Both my kids have had COVID twice; one has long-term effects from it. COVID is around, so I try to be careful, but I don't mask up.

    Cool book cover and music this week.

    Hope you have a great week, Greg.

  38. I really like Starry Eyed. I'm adding it to my playlist.
    Have a great week!

  39. Well... I'm still spooked from the first time I had Covid and I was so sick I honestly wanted to die and get it over with. I've had it three more times. The second time was more like a regular respiratory flu and lasted around a week (the first time was about three weeks). The next two times were like 48 hour flus, and honestly they may have been because at this point I'm dome doing those awful nasal swabs. If there was a guarantee there wouldn't be another bad variant in the future, I would venture out in public, but I'm still scared right now. 😐 I will say when I do go out in public from now on I will be masked when inside or in outside crowds. Baz masks in the house again, now, and I haven't gotten sick again since. 😏

    Thanks for the Enchanting Meditation video. I love it. 😍

    Have a wonderful new week. ☀

  40. I stopped wearing a mask about six months ago, but I do still see the occasional person wearing one. And I know people who are just now getting Covid, so clearly it's not going away. I hate the idea of living the rest of my life in fear and wearing masks, so I'm just not going to do it😁

  41. We no longer wear masks but honestly, I've seen an uptick of people wearing them out and about in our town. I'm curious what sparked that to be honest. I know it's not going away and it's always in the back of my mind. Wouldn't it be interesting to see 50 years from now what they are saying about it in school history classes - for that matter, about a lot of things going on today.

    I love that song by Donnie Iris and now I can imagine it going through my head the rest of the day.

  42. No lie, it took me forever and a day to stop wearing my masks. I saw everyone around me maskless and I kept thinking they were crazy. But in my area, which I hardly ever leave, there have been no new cases so I'm finally mask-free and I'm crossing my fingers that my shots keep me protected and I never get this stupid killing virus ever again. I did get it twice lol

  43. I replied over on wordpress but wasn't sure how you kept track of stuff over there, so figured I'd leave a reply comment here as well.
    I saw you had posted your next Camping chapter (even though it doesn't seem to be up now). I thought you had moved your writing stuff to royal road, wattpad, whatever? Did you mention not moving in a post and I just missed it?

  44. I still mask up if I'm going in a store. And we very rarely eat in restaurants. Things are much better but it's not like Covid went away. With my husband's age (68) and my asthma issues, I take no chances with our health. I do see others wearing masks in the grocery store sometimes, but very very few.

  45. We don't mask anymore and pretty much all the requirements have dropped here. I think of it pretty much like the flu now and since I have some respiratory issues and Will is still somewhat immune compromised we are pretty careful with handwashing and what not and are vaccinated. I also don't go anywhere if I'm sick to do my part. Have a great week!

  46. My life has changed dramaticlaly since the first of the Pandemic, in that I have most items delivered and order things online. I am now noticing books with characters experiencing the Pandemic.

  47. I was surprised that even doctor's offices no longer require them! Of course, over here on the east coast, we were wearing masks because it was too smokey to breathe, so if it isn't one apocalypse, it's another heh. It was admittedly weird, wearing one at work after so long! Now, you know I was very pro-mask, but I also kind of feel comfortable not wearing them now? Like- eventually, I DO think we have to kind of treat it like we treat other illness, as a part of life, something to be cautious of and vaccinate against, but also, to *live* with, you know? And obviously if people want to wear masks and feel safer, they one million percent should! Although according to some, apparently... germs and viruses are not real and the media makes them up? πŸ™„

    OH I have to go read the latest installment! Yay!

  48. The whole Covid response thing irritates me to no end. It's not being taken seriously enough and in years to come we're going to keep finding out more horrific things it has done to people. People here don't wear masks enough. I want to wear mine more often than I do. I won't ever stop wearing one in a doctor's office, that's for sure.

  49. I don't really mask much anymore, either. I would if I were to get on a plane or go somewhere super busy (close contact with people), but otherwise I don't, and most people around me don't, either–though in LA you get all sorts doing their own thing, which I respect. I honestly wish it would become more normalized to wear masks when someone is sick or during flu/etc. seasons, and I probably will in the future when it feels necessary.
    I love the pulp cover this week, it has such a cool aesthetic going on. I also love that meditation video, I think I need to play it a lot this week, haha.

  50. We're no longer wearing masks and I do have mixed feelings about it too. I understand that it's not as bad anymore as it was, but on the other hand, I'm still very worried about it infecting people who have higher risk and it being bad for them. So I wouldn't be opposed to people masking up more regularly.

  51. Yeah, Covid is such a weird thing and I don't know how they can say the pandemic is actually over. I get that we know more about it now and so on. I was so paranoid when I first found out I was pregnant that I wore a mask everywhere or didn't go anywhere. I was so blessed and hopefully, I can still avoid it in the last few weeks. But my sister recently started chemo in May.. she's insanely immune-compromised and so scared to get it again. There are so many who have this fear and it seems like people don't care because they are already "weak." I don't wear masks anymore unless I'm going into a doctor's office. I don't think I'll ever stop doing that.

  52. I can't think of the last time I saw someone here wearing one. It's worrisome because there are definitely still people getting it and another new variant has popped up and no one here seems to really care. I worry about those who are vulnerable and I still worry about the possibility of long Covid. We've gotten complacent and I really hope it doesn't come back to bite us in the rear.

  53. I don't know, I feel like people are tired of wearing masks and some said they make them breathless. I can totally understand their views if they've some breathing issue. For me, I'll still wear mask if I go to crowded places. What pisses me off is seeing people who sneeze and cough yet they don't cover their mouth or wear a mask. There's been a rise in the no. of people infected by Covid lately again so I hope people who are sick will stay at home or at least masked up.

  54. The wildfire smoke is bringing masks back. The air quality is so bad! I bring my mask everywhere with me, but I don't wear it very often.

  55. My mom had a procedure at the hospital this week, and the only people wearing masks were the surgery team. They’re no longer required at doctors offices though. At this point my only wish is that people with symptoms would mask up, or just stay home!

  56. My urgency about Covid centered on my 96-year-old dad. He's been vaccinated and his wife actually had and recovered from Covid.

    I'm not worried about masks right now. But, like Melody, I'd prefer sick people to stay away from others.

  57. You're right. No one does walk around with masks nowadays, even in crowded places. I've maybe noticed 1 or 2 exceptions when entering closed spaces (airplane, recently, for example) but people mostly moved on. I do like that masks are now normalized in many places in the world when, pre-covid, people wouldn't think of getting a mask when they were sick or were entering a season where people would fall sick...

  58. I live with an at-risk person, so I'm still masking - one of the few people who is, it seems like. People staring sends my Anxiety through the roof, so I'm actually going out less now than I did before. *sighs*
