
Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Top Ten Bookish Goals


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Top Ten bookish resolutions or goals. Interesting one! I don't normally set a lot of resolutions or goals- mood reader here!- but I have a few things I'd like to do more (or maybe less of) in the new year. So... here we go!     

1) Read more urban fantasy. I failed at this last year, big time, but this year I'll try again. I'm just picky I guess with UF.  

Three Days to Dead (Dreg City, #1)

2) Re- read more. I have a lot of books I'd like to revisit, and even reviews I'd like to re- do. So yeah maybe more re- reading. 

3) Read some older sci-fi. I used to read a fair amount, but SciFi Month and Vintage Science Fiction Month have inspired me to read more backlist stuff.  

Star man's son

4) Maybe request some ARC's. I have a Netgalley account but never use it, and as a mood reader I tend to avoid ARC's, but maybe I'll actually request a few this year??

5) Read more science fiction and fantasy. 2017 seemed like it was the year of the psychological thriller for me, I read a ton of those, and while I love 'em I want to get back to more SF/F. 

6) Reply better to comments. Sometimes I do okay and sometimes I don't- depends on the week- but I appreciate every comment and would love to answer every one. 

7) Do more bookstore spotlights. I used to do these but kinda got away from 'em, so maybe in 2018 I can spotlight some of the fun indie and other bookstores in the area. 

8) Buy more Funko's.  

Image result for funko orion slave girl

9) Do more discussion posts. I've done a fair amount but not as many lately? 

10) Read some mysteries. Even though I want to focus on SF/F this year, I have been meaning to read Agatha Christie, as well as some cozy authors I've been thinking of. 


  1. I feel like you have been wanting to read more UF for a while. Meanwhile, I've been on a UF binge lol. You should totally use your NG account! I mean, you could just request a couple, not go overboard. Bookstore spotlights sounds cool! Good luck with your goals :-)

    1. I've been wanting to for a while!! Maybe this year?!? I should just go off your blog you're ALWAYS reading them! And yeah I need to do some requesting...

  2. Discussion posts are something I'd really like to write and post more of. But so far, I haven't. Also, replying to comments promptly and visiting more blogs is a 2018 goal too!!

    YAY for all the Funkos.

    Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland, Greg. :)

    1. Yes to both! I feel like I've had a dearth of discussion post ideas of late, but yesterday I wrote one so score!

  3. On the UF side of things I would recommend Sonya Bateman, who I've been spotlighting this week. I'm going to be highlighting the best UF books in my retro reads feature this year so that'll let you see my reviews on each. Hope you'll enjoy more UF this year!

  4. I've recently discovered a newfound love for rereading, so I'd like to reread more this year, too. Best of luck with all of your goals!

    1. I've done a bit of re- reading lately too, and it's been nice! I definitely want to do that more.

  5. Greg, you listed quite a few things I intend to do as well! Great minds, huh? Hehe ;) And yes, please, more Funkos for me too!! <3

    1. That's right, great minds. :) I need all the Funkos!!

  6. Having discovered Anne Bishop's The Others series last year, I'd love to branch out and read some more urban fantasy. The bookstore spotlight sounds great!

    1. I love discovering new series, especially urban fantasy. I'm kinda picky with it but I love branching out.

  7. OOh nice! I need to go back to reading more of my adult Urban Fantasy books myself! I read a ton of YA, which nothing wrong with that but I've left a lot of adult series hanging! I still need to read the final book of Kelly Meding's series too and it's been eons since I read that one!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I've read a lot of YA lately, and mysteries. I need more UF this year! And I'm curious about Kelly Meding's other books since I liked that first one so much!

  8. I'm with you on mysteries and also on reading more SFF. I have got off track the last few years even though fantasy is definitely my thing. I struggle to find things that entice me enough to actually read though.

    1. Yes. Fantasy is my go-to genre but I feel like I've read so little of it lately? Need to correct that. :)

  9. I like your mystery goal. I've been wanting to read more Agatha Christie ever since you posted so many amazing covers of her books. Good luck achieving all of these this year :)

    1. I read a ton of thrillers but I want to read other kinds of mysteries too? And glad I could help :)

  10. I like the mystery goal and the SFF one. Though I must say 2017 was almost exclusively fantasy for me and I feel like I want to move more to the Classics. At least somewhat. Find a healthy balance.

    1. Yes finding a balance can be tough! I love fantasy but didn't read much of it in 2017, so I'm hoping to do better this year. :)

  11. Bookstore spotlights sound like a great idea! I really wish I had more indie bookstores near me to choose from.
    My TTT

    1. I love doing the bookstore spotlights and it's been a while. I really need to get back to doing them.

  12. I'm totally with you on those Funko's which are pretty amazing. I don't re-read entire books, but I have been known to go back and check out certain chapters, especially if it's something in a series. I've had to do that with JR Ward novels because I'm woefully behind. Great goals, Greg! Hugs...RO

  13. There are so many fantastic SFF titles out there. I hope you get to read a lot of them this year.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  14. Can't wait to see some more of your bookstore highlights. All I have wanted to do all month is mood read which is bad considering I have obligations to get to. I did fall of course and read "Beneath the Sugar Sky" thought and I'm glad I did. Made my not feel badly about preordering it!

  15. I sometimes feel like I go through phases in what genres I'm reading, I definitely read a lot of psychological thrillers! I want to reread more this year; one way I'm doing that is through audiobooks.

    1. I read a ton of psychological thrillers last year, and they still seem to be calling to me (I'm reading one now lol). But I definitely go through phases, before the thrillers I was reading lots of YA. Who knows what it will be this year??

  16. Love your goals! Definitely read more mysteries. Of course, I'm all about the mysteries. Agatha Christie is a good place to start. And I love featuring bookstores that I've visited. Gives them a 'free' commercial and hopefully encourages someone to stop by if they can.

  17. Wow, you don't request ARCs? NetGalley is fun as long as you don't go overboard (like me!). I have a couple of books I'd like to reread, although there is always that fear that they won't be as good the second time.

    1. I never have! Weird right haha? I'm tempted all the time though!

  18. I like your goal of posting more discussion posts. I've always wanted to do this but it's so challenging with full-time work and trying to get it all done. I hope you accomplish all your goals!

  19. Love all your goals and good luck with them!!!

  20. Good luck with your reading goals. I only made one reading goal for the year, to read 100,000 pages. It's a big goal, so I decided that I shouldn't take on any additional reading goals this year.

    1. That's a great goal! I never thought of doing a page count.

  21. These are great goals, Greg. I would like to read more fantasy this year as well, although it's more of an unspoken rule. I wish you the best!

    1. Thanks! I'm trying for more fantasy for sure.

  22. I want to reread more this year as well.
    My TTT:

  23. I love your list! I am going to adopt it! But...I don’t think I will ever reread...and you should try NetGalley especially for your beloved SF/F! Thanks for visiting my blog!

  24. Oh, I love mysteries! I hope you can fit more in this year. I also want to do more discussion posts...and I'm with you on buying more Funkos! I need more for my collection.


  25. I'd love to see local bookstore spotlights! Even if it will just make me jealous they aren't in my town :)

    1. I know right? We have some good ones around here, and I've spotlighted a few, but I need to do more!

  26. I can totally get behind you on reading more urban fantasy. It’s my favorite genre yet I hardly read it. :( I also want to reread more books. There’s so many great books out there that deserve a reread.

  27. I wan to read more mysteries and just different genres in general. And definitely more re-reads. That's something I got away from once I started blogging.

    For What It's Worth

  28. Wow Greg! Some fabulous goals on here. I really hope you achieve these!

  29. Really great goals, Greg. I am a big fan of NetGalley but made the mistake early on of requesting tons of books, thinking there was no way I would get approved for all of them. Well, I did and it took forever to reach the suggested 80% response rate. A lot of the bigger publishers ONLY look at that it seems, when deciding to approve you or not. Good luck, happy reading!

    1. Thanks Sarah. I have resisted the Netgalley bug these last few years but there are a few ARC's now and then I'd like to get, so maybe this year. And I see that a LOT, where bloggers say it's easy to get overloaded, so I'll have to be careful. :)

  30. Some great goals! I'd love to re-read more and I could also work on my commenting habits! I also love the 'get more Funko Pops' one ;)

  31. As far as Urban Fantasy books go, have you ever read A Madness of Angels by Kate Griffin? It's one of my all time favorite books and was my introduction into the whole urban fantasy genre :)
    My TTT

    1. I have not! But I appeciate the rec! I will check it out. I love it when a book has that effect!

  32. I added some older Sci-Fi to my Classics list. Books like Dune and Lost Horizon. Any other suggestions that you think I should add?

    1. Oh my gosh Lost Horizon! I read that years ago and liked it. I totally need to reread that! As for suggestions- I don't know, older sci-fi can be hit or miss but I read Non- Stop by Brian Aldiss last year and was glad I did. It gets better as it goes, and is a little insta-lovey, but it's a classic. And I like Star Man's Son by Andre Norton, it's like a YA novel before there was YA, but it's a very early post apoc.

  33. Great goals! I would like to reread a bit more. I only reread 2 books last year. Good luck with these!

  34. Love the idea of bookstore spotlights. There's something to love about every store!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  35. LOL I should do less re-reading this year but I can't stop myself from doing it once in a while!

  36. One of mine is to do more discussion posts, too! I used to do so many. I also love a good reread--although I do that all the time already. Great list!

  37. Yes! Buy more Funkos!! I really wanted the Bob Ross Funko for my birthday or Christmas but it was sold out. I have a Harry Potter, Newt Scamander, a niffler, and Luna Lovegood. I hope to do some re-reads too this year.

  38. So many genre goals. I just can't do it. I love contemporaries too much. Book store spotlights sound so fun. I would love to read those. I am always trying to do more discussion posts, but they are so hard. Good luck to you!

  39. I also want to buy more Funkos and reread some books this year! Great list!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  40. Good luck with your resolutions Greg! Speaking of know what I am going to ask lol. Have you read the first Dresden book yet? If not, I really think you will LOVE it. :O)

  41. I feel you with the commenting thing- I am trash at it. I think you do a good job though, so you should not fret. You need to get The 100 Funkos ASAP because they have been vaulted! The bookstore spotlights and discussions sound very fun. And YES, request books! Join us in being sucked down that rabbit hole :D

  42. I didn't read much urban fantasy last year either. I guess there just weren't that many new releases in the genre that I was actually interested in? There are only a handful of series that I follow religiously and none of them put out new books last year. Hopefully this year will be different! And I'm also on the lookout for new series that look good :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  43. Signing up for NetGalley is actually on my list of goals. I feel like a lot of bloggers say that they never seem to keep up with it as well as they'd like, so I'm a little worried I'll go overboard with requests. But I definitely see the appeal. Maybe we'll both get around to using it this year!

    I also love the idea of bookstore spotlights!

    Good luck with your goals! :-)

  44. I read a couple UF series last year and enjoyed them. I plan to read more this year plus more science fiction. Good luck with your goals and happy reading!

  45. Good luck with all your goals Greg. Its great that Netgalley hasn't had their hooks in you yet. Maybe you can find some UF there to try out? Might as well combine it, haha.

  46. Good luck with your goals this year! :)

  47. I love your goal to do more re-reads! I'm terrible at those. I think the only books I've actually re-read are Harry Potter. Good luck!

  48. I like the sound of book store spotlights - that would be cool to feature some local ones. :)

  49. Yaaasssss, read more urban fantasy! Now that's a bookish goal I can get behind. I'd love to see more bookstore spotlights, and discussions are always a good bet. I'd definitely be interested to see what you think of the whole ARC process -- as a fellow mood-reader, I find it difficult to stay on top of them!

  50. I used to reread so much but now I have more new books than I have time to read, rereading hardly ever happens! It would be nice to make time to reread, I have so many books I'd love to read again.

  51. Yes! Read Agatha Christies! Just avoid any that were published in the 1970s except for Sleeping Murder. I think you'd enjoy Poirot or really any of the stand alones. I want to try Urban Fantasy. I've been wanting to try some but just haven't managed it. Comment replying kills me. I always have the best intentions but rarely follow through. Good luck with your reading and your goals this year!

  52. NetGalley is definitely worth using, but careful with requesting too much at once. I still fall into this trap sometimes. Good luck with your goals!

  53. Hi! I wish I didn't feel so bad about rereading. I always think it's wasteful because there are so many books I haven't read yet. I'd like to change my thinking this year! :)
    My TTT

  54. I didn't know you didn't use Netgalley! That's why you are not stressed :)

  55. You're one of the few bloggers I know who wants to request more ARCs! I wish I didn't use Netgalley but that website sucks me in with all the pretty books and then I'm sat hoping my review rating doesn't dip below 80%. And get rereading, it's one of my favourite things to do.

  56. I've been curious about The Woman in the Window, I'll have to check back for your review.

  57. Some nice looking goals. I should really join you in the UF reading.
