Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Top Ten Things On My Reading Wishlist


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back to The Broke and the Bookish so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Top Ten Things on my reading wishlist- it can be favorite tropes or just stuff you want to see more of. I kind of went all general and just jotted down some of the stuff I've enjoyed lately- and would love to see more of.  

The Winds of Winter (A Song of Ice and Fire, #6)

You know - the book.that.will.not.come.out

Cyberpunk - I love dystopia but I'd like to see more gritty, noir- ish worlds with hackers and cybernetics and body modding. The problem is a lot of the traditional cyberpunk doesn't really work for me, but I love the concept. 

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Wayfarers, #1) 

More space opera- like this

Through the Door (The Thin Veil, #1)

I'd like to see more YA/ urban fantasy mashups like this  

Radio Silence

More books like this with great parent relationships

A School for Unusual Girls (Stranje House, #1)

More books by this author period

Gemina (The Illuminae Files, #2)

More kickass SF like this

Queens of Geek

More stuff set at conventions


  1. The book that won't come out. lol! Wait, is that Mira Grant book new? I'm kind of loving the cover.

    1. I know, right? And YES- that's a Mira grant with KILLER MERMAIDS!!!

  2. Winter will come...eventually.

  3. Haha yes we need that book. Through the door has such an interesting cover. I need to check that out.

    1. I liked Through the Door. I had trouble with the sequel but the first one was a nice mashup of Celtic mythology and urban fantasy.

  4. I'd like to read more SF as well-- and books with unique formats like Illuminae is also a huge YES for me. I love YA that does the parent relationships right-- even if the relationships aren't perfect. It's one reason why I love Sarah Dessen's books so much!

    1. I love the format of Illuminae- and Gemina blew me away! And yes YA that gets the parents right - awesome.

  5. I heard so many great things about Radio Silence, and great parent relationships just pushed it a higher on my TBR. Yes to Gemina - I just finished Illuminae and am on a SF kick :) And currently reading Queens of Geek and can only agree - yes we need more books set at conventions!

    1. Radio Silence is awesome. Hope you love it. Oh my gosh if you liked illuminae- I thought Gemina was GREAT.

  6. This is such a great list! I would love to see more great parent relationships! There seems to be a little explosion of books set at cons lately. I have a bunch on my TBR. Hopefully I can read them soon. Great list!

    1. Thank you! I agree, more parental units done right. :) And nice to see con- related books... I think as fandoms explode we'll see even more!

  7. Definitely yes to great parent relationships and far future sci fi. Great list!

  8. Hahaha! Good luck with Winds of Winter! I have absolutely no faith of seeing it published! XD And I totally agree with more far future sci-fi and cyber punk! I'm also going to have to check out Through the Door now! Great list :D

    Here are my Top Ten!

    1. I know right? It's probably NEVER coming. And I NEED more cyberpunk. And I hope you like Through the Door if you get it!

  9. Far Future is so hard to contemplate. But fun!


  10. Ha with the book that will not come out. Yes to more greta parent relationships. I need to pick up some of the books set at conventions because I think they sound awesome. Great list!!

    1. So true. And I've only read a few set at conventions (actually only the one come to mind) and we definitely need more!

  11. I'd also like to see more books with great parent relationships. Speed of Light by Carol Weston had that and it was so refreshing!

    1. The Speed of Life sounds really familiar, I may have seen that one on your blog?

  12. I agree with you on The Winds of Winter...it's top of my list this week as well!

    1. Oh my gosh where's the book???? George... George??

  13. Great list! I completely agree that there need to be more books with great parents relationships. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday

    1. A lot of people seemed to pick that and it just shows we're all looking for it! :)

  14. I LOVE the sound of Through the Door! Celtic Myths! I am getting this book!
    My husband is also still waiting for The Winds of Winter.
    Into the drowning deep sounds good and I love the cover!
    My TTT.

    1. Through the Door was pretty good! I had trouble with the sequel but don't let that stop you, if it sounds good. It's a lot of fun! And I agree w/ your husband.

  15. Definitely all great ones and I hope you end up loving them all!

  16. I think you are really gonna like The The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. It's awesome! I wish I could read GoT. I may try again. And yes to Illuminae! Glad to see I'm not the only one that hasn't gotten to it yet :)

  17. The School for Unusual Girls has been sitting on my stacks for awhile now.

  18. I definitely agree with quite a few of these like: great parent relationships, merfolk, and SF! I LOVED Queens of Geek. I would love more books like that one. Great list!

    1. I'd like to see more like Queen of Geek too. Definitely. And yes merfolk, especially the mysterious variety, and great parental relationships.

  19. Some great ones here - I'd totally love more sci-fi like Illuminae, etc. because I don't tend to read much sci-fi but I LOVE those books. I also will second books set at conventions or just anything super nerdy like that.

    1. I agree, after Illuminae and especially Gemina (which I LOVED) I definitely need more like that!!

  20. I think you'll probably get your wish with the cons. I'm seeing soooo many of those.

    For What It's Worth

    1. Are you? That's good to know, I'd like to see some well done ones.

  21. Such a great list! I'd love to see more merfolk, space operas & grittier everything.

  22. I'm all about strong parent relationships! :-) Fab choice.

  23. I've heard great things about Gemina, though it's not in a genre I typically read. I do think the delay of The Winds of Winter is funny though...and this is why I typically don't read series. The torture! The AGONY! ;)

    1. Gemina was really quite good. I highly recommend if you want a good SF. And yes- The Winds of Winter is KILLING me lol with that wait...

  24. Great list! I love strong parent relationships and love the idea of books set at conventions. It's such an amazing concept. And I really love that cover for the Kathleen Baldwing book. It's been on my TBR for what feels like ever. I need to actually read it!

    1. Same here. It's so nice to see great family relationships in YA. And cons too. I hope you get a chance to read Baldwin soon, would love to see what you think!

  25. "the book.that.will.not.come.out" <- hear hear! TWoW is up there, along with the third book of the Kingkiller Chronicles. :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  26. I've never been to a convention before, so I definitely could use more books about them, so I can live vicariously through these characters. Great list!

    1. I'd love to see more books set at conventions.

  27. That book is STILL not out? Bwhahah. Does it even still pretend that it's coming out? I am sorry. I feel like cyberpunk doesn't work for me either, even when I like the idea in theory? And I agree, I just finished The The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet, so I definitely agree! The world building (universe building?) was incredibly unique, as were the characters! And YES to more books like Gemina. Like the THIRD BOOK that we have to wait like a year for. Ugh. I should read A School for Unusual Girls. Great list!

    1. I know? It's NEVER coming I think... and cyberpunk is funny, I like it but when I read it I don't? That makes no sense, I guess I just like it a CERTAIN WAY. And I'm glad you liked Long Way. I loved that book. I need the next gemina book. And School for Unusual Girls is good!!

  28. Great parent relationship...I am sorry, I did not even know what that mean ;)

  29. I've never really been to a convention before either. I mean I've been to the Jaipur Lit Fest, but I'm not sure that qualifies. Books about any experiences that I've never had always draw me in.

    1. Yeah it's nice. To experience new things that way. Seems like a convention would be hard to write about since they're so different.

  30. Yeah space opera and cyberpunk and urban fantasy and merfolk. Although, actually, I prefer my merfolk stories with the merperson as the MC or love interest or both, but hey, that doesn't mean they can't still be maneaters or whatever lol. There should be more UF and PNR like that period, actually, in which the creatures are MCs but are still deadly and scary.

    1. Do you? See I don't think I've ever read a merfolk story where the mer was the MC, although I have read about a siren who was an MC. And a selkie... pretty close. But a killer mer perspective could be AWESOME. More UF like that please. :)

  31. More space opera like that, yes and more far future, definitely etc. Great list!

    1. I'd love to see more of both of those- the far future and space opera.

  32. I agree about the space operas like TLWTASAP!! I loved that book :D

    1. Oh that was awesome. One of my favorite SF books.

  33. Books set at conventions... some how this never occurred to me. But I too would like to see more far future SF, esp if it doesn't sink into the post-post-apocalyptic troupe.

    My TTT: http://books.thetechchef.net/top-ten-tuesday-24/

    1. Yeah I'd like to see more far future SF with a hopeful or positive representation.

  34. Loved Radio Silence too! Yeah, I know someone who is waiting for Winds of Winter and has *onl*y been waiting for three years (since that was when he finished the GoT books that were out.) I say don't hold your breath on that...
    Jen @ YA Romantics

  35. The Illuminae Files is definitely kick ass Sci-Fi. I loved the story and the format. It was such a visual experience.
    Sam @ WLABB

  36. I laughed at the book that will not come out! I love the illuminae files and it made me fall in love with sci-fi. I also want more loving supporting families because I feel like I can't even name like ten off the top of my head.

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

  37. Haha, the book that.must.not.be.named

    I am scared we will never see it. Even though I am making fun of it never coming out.. I'll panic if the series will never be finished!

  38. I'd love to read more stories set at cons, and I'm always down for more far-future SF too. In the future I'd also like to see more historical fantasy with PoC and queer protagonists!

  39. I have to find time to read A Closed and Common Orbit. I thought I would have gotten to it by now. I remain intrigued by A School For Unusual Girls. It's on my lbrary look fors list. :)
