Saturday, March 12, 2016

Sunday Post #133

The Sunday Post is a  weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

This week was nice with temps in the 50's and even 70's on Tuesday. It's supposed to stay warm and other than a little rain wasn't bad. St. Patrick's Day is this week-somehow we're in mid March already? Are you doing anything special for St. Patrick's Day? I thought about doing an Irish themed post if time will allow. And... the stray cat I've been talking about for a few weeks has gotten friendlier. I was able to get close the other day. Guess it wanted some human attention... 

This week I'll have a discussion post on Tuesday about urban fantasy and I'll be reviewing The Passenger on Thursday. I've changed up my reading list so not sure what I'm reading next. The good news is several books I've been waiting on are releasing later this month and in April so that will help. 

Last week I read Rebel Bully Geek Pariah and enjoyed it- my thoughts will be up soon.  I also revisited a favorite cover for my Bookcover Spotlight on Friday.  

I'm listening to...



The Incident on the Bridge 


Want to re- read The Fellowship of the Ring? Rinn Reads is hosting a buddy read and also March Into Middle-earth all this month.

 Are Star Wars and The Force awakens basically the same movie? 

How about The Silmarillion in 3 minutes? 

With all the Lord of the Rings stuff in the blogosphere this week I came across this. A little piece on Tom Bombadil a nature spirit from the first book. 

Hiding in Books reviews The Syndicate a time travel story

Lakeside Musing reviews Death With An Ocean View. Makes me want to be in Florida! 


  1. Gorgeous artwork Greg, thanks for sharing those ♥ I'm glad the stray cat is getting friendlier, I'm such a huge cat-lover :) Loved that Peanuts comic too - I love Snoopy hehe! I'll have to come back and watch those LotR videos and I've seen the Darth Maul one around but haven't seen it yet. I'm at work now so probably not the right time LOL! Happy weekend!

    1. Big Peanuts fan here too! :) Yeah the stray is being a lot friendlier- still a little skittish but she doesn't just disappear now when I go out there! lol

  2. Thank you for sharing the Star Wars fan vid! That was really awesome!

    1. You're welcome, hope you liked it! I never watch that stuff I figured it wasn't that good, then I saw some site raving about it and clicked on it- and was quite surprised! :)

  3. I'm interested in your take on UF coming this week, since we've been discussing it. Who knows, maybe someone will come up with a recommendation that is a right fit for you.

    Also wondering about your thoughts on The Passenger. I was thinking of looking for it at the library soon. Some readers really enjoyed it.

    And thanks for the Peanuts strip-- Charlie Brown is a part of my childhood, lol.

    1. I hope so! I need to find some I like.

      The Passenger wasn't bad but I didn't love it. I wanted to see what would happen next, but I've seen other bloggers like it more than me. It's worth a read though I think if you like the genre- but not sure I'd pay full price for it.

  4. Saint Patrick's Day is coming up, isn't it? That was fast! I am glad to hear the cat is showing signs of getting friendlier. That is wonderful news! The Darth Maul Apprentice video you shared is really neat. And what beautiful artwork. Thank you for sharing. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Yes I can't believe we're almost to St. Patrick's already! And yeah the cat is coming around a bit... :) You have a great week as well.

  5. I always love St. Patrick's Day, as we usually do something with an Irish beer, Corned Beef & Cabbage...but how did it get here so soon? I'm not quite ready! (Although I'm told this dish is not really Irish, but is something Americans created for an Irish theme...LOL).

    I have an Irish theme in one of my rooms, photos my photographer son took when living in Ireland back in the nineties.

    I loved The Passenger...I'll be watching for your thoughts...and I'm also curious about Rebel Bully Geek Pariah.

    Peanuts cartoons make me smile...thanks!

    1. I do too, I can do green beer or pretty much green anything if it's St. Patrick's lol. Maybe a stop at the local Irish pub... :)

      The Passenger was interesting and I liked how twisty it was- and Rebel Bully was surprisingly good!

  6. You always have the best covers and art work! We aren't doing much for St Patrick's day but I have an Irish cookbook that I love that I'm going to try a new recipe out of. I have a lot of Irish roots so I try to do a little something. I'm really curious about The Passenger. It looks really good!

    1. Thanks! I love St. Patrick's! Good luck with the cooking

      The Passenger was good, I didn't love it for certain reasons but I've seen some very positive reviews so I think I just liked it a bit less than some others did.

  7. My mom always makes Corned Beef and Cabbage on St Pats but this year we are doing it on Monday and I am so excited. I also need to get myself a loaf of Irish Soda Bread, I can eat that all by myself I love it so much :)

    I am in love with the picture with the Pirate boat! That is amazing, you always find the coolest pictures.

    The weather was weird here, warm then cold and today was rather nice but chilly. I actually am enjoying the coolish/warm weather. Wish it stayed like that all the time 70's with a nice cool breeze.

    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

    1. Irish soda bread- don't think I've had that. I'll have to look that up. If it's Irish related at all I probably like it lol.

      Is that pic awesome or what? I loved the close up- the mistiness it just has atmosphere.

      Same here w/ the weather. It was 70's here one day the rest of the week a bit cool but still nice. I'll take it. :)

  8. Love the cover of The Incident Under the Bridge - very intriguing.

    I forgot about St Patrick's Day. Perhaps a post on Irish authors etc... I don't know or read many, but would probably surprise myself if I listed those I have read regularly!

    1. I like that cover too- I wonder if the book will live up to it or if this is another case of cover love for me? LOL. I'm a little surprised St. Patty's Day snuck up on me- I mean, it's this week!

  9. Yes looking forward to your thoughts on The Passenger. I liked it but didn't love it for a few specific reasons- glad I read it though.

    UF is interesting for me as it's a genre I want to read more but I need to find a series I really like.

  10. Ooh a discussion about urban fantasy? I'm in! Also I like this Under an Endless Sky sing, I'm listening as I couldn't lol. And as usual you have found some great art.

    I've never done anything for St. Patty's Day. I'm not even sure which day it is lol. But yay about the cat :-)

    1. Yes I need help finding an urban fantasy series to read. :) There's so many aspects of it that appeal to me even though I haven't read a ton of it...

      I like that song too. I've heard some of their other stuff and it's moodier but this one has a different vibe...

      Yeah I guess I should be careful what I wish for with the cat. Now he won't stay away lol.

  11. Aw, I'm glad the cat is starting to warm up to you! That pulp cover with the strategic grass placement is amazing, I love those pulp covers. Have a great week :)

    1. Yeah he's getting a lot friendlier lol. Must be all the food... :) And good thing for seaweed in just the right place right?

  12. Whaaaaa? Is Spiderman really going to be in the new movie? Can you tell I'm totally behind on all this stuff? I don't know, that seems ... odd if he is. Ah, St. Patrick's Day is a notoriously bad luck day in my family. I'm sure one of my Irish ancestors was cursed and it has been passed down trough the generations.

    1. I know, that's a surprise. That movie is going to be a bit crowded I'm thinking...

  13. Thanks for sharing all of this!
    I think it may be getting to the point where the stray kitty needs a name ;)
    All the artwork is so inspiring! It makes me want to write.
    And the Captain America trailer -- I don't think I can handle this!

    Thanks so much for including my post on your list! That's so sweet!

    1. You're welcome! I think the cat may need a name too- I've been calling him/her? tiger since he has tiger markings... not very original I know lol. And I agree about the artwork- images like that make me want to write too, they can be very inspiring!

      That trailer is awesome. :)

  14. I'm so excited just watching the GoT trailer! I can't wait for it to come back.

    We have St Patrick's Day off so I'm hoping it will be a day for reading, a long walk and just chilling for me. With some traditional food thrown in for fun :)

    And an Irish themed post would be fun, I'm hoping to do one myself as I have done so in other years (book focused ones) and I also enjoy both doing them myself and reading others.

  15. I'm looking forward to checking out your review of The Passanger, its one I've picked up because I kept seeing it around the blogosphere! Have a great week and happy reading!

    Laura @

    1. Hi Laura, I'll have the review up on Thursday. Short version- I liked it but didn't love it. If I did star ratings I would probably say 3.5. There were some things I really liked though... And I picked it up for the same reason- I kept seeing it around and had to try it! :)

  16. I love the UF artwork you shared, it's really well done! I think an artist really shows his or hers worth when drawing or painting water - I have no idea how they do it!
    I'm glad it's heating up a bit in your part of the world, and it is kind of about time, isn't it? We have spring shyly showing up here, too, but it's still pretty cool.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Thanks Lexxie, and I agree. I couldn't find the artist- the art popped up whenever I did a search on UF art. I like to drive people to artists' sites if I can...

      Same here w/ the weather. A bit cool but green stuff is starting to pop through... :)

  17. This is the first time I've watched the trailer for Game of Thrones and OH MY GOD that just gave me the chills. I am so excited!

    Here is my Sunday Post
    Molly @ Molly's Book Nook

    1. Isn't that trailer awesome? I have to say I have not been the biggest fan of the show, I think it's gratuitous at times and they go for shock value- but having said that, as a book reader I am SO anxious t oknow what's next, and since the book is so behind I'm going to dive into the show and see where they go. Can't wait!

  18. Okay, just watched the trailer for Civil War... Kaboom!!!! *Mind blown* Just beautiful. I feel a movie marathon coming along. Whose voice is Spidey, tho? Sounds like a 12 year old!

    BTW - niiiiiice Blade Runner rip offs - I'm totally kidding but don't you think?!?!?!?!?! I had to watch that movie when I was growing up, my dad was obsessed and with one tv in the house back in the good 'ol days... :)

    Here's hoping we get more good weather this week!

    1. That trailer.IS>AWESOME. Couldn't believe how good it looks. I hope Winter Soldier kicks lotsa butt in this one- I like him. And Spidey- I have no idea! Not sure who the actor is...

      I see the Blade runner similarities, definitely- especially that second one. Blade Runner's weird- I like the look of the film, the noir aspects, but the story is kinda... I don't know, I guess weird is the word. LOL. I liked how everything was dark and rainy all the time lol.

  19. I am going to my library's Celtic music concert which I did set up in honor of St. Patrick's Day. I enjoy Irish music and a local harpist will be playing (he will also be playing dulcimer and other instruments). I have been enjoying the warmer spring like weather and hope I won't see snow again in the forecast till December!

    I just watched the new Peanuts movie over the weekend and thought it was cute though I prefer the original 2D illustrations and the comics.

    1. Sounds like fun! You always set up the coolest stuff at your library! Love Celtic music...

      I wondered about the Peanuts movie, it looked good but I didn't see it. I'll have to watch it if it comes to netflix or more likely rent it on amazon. I'm curious, although I like the old style too (sometimes the latest animation looks great but doesn't... feel right?) and of course the comics are king. :)

  20. That Peanuts comic was funny! And omg, that pulp cover! bwahaha I must resist the Civil War trailer...*starts to sweat*, resistance is NOT futile...oh, who am I kidding? I'm totally going to click on that. And I need to share the Darth Maul one with my son. Thanks! :)

  21. With temperatures so nice up north, I may be able to think about coming home soon! Sure hope it continues. My BIL is the official corned beef and cabbage cooker, but we're going to miss it this year. We'll have to come up with some other way to celebrate, I guess.

    Thanks for the mentioning my review. Reading Death With An Ocean View is the next best thing to being here ;-)

  22. The temperatures here have been nice too, during the nights it's cold and freezing, but it's nice and sunny during the days. St Patrick's day isn't really a big thing here, I think they do celebrate it at a few places, but it's not really big.
    That's great you were able to get close to the stray. Those artwork pictures look great! I hope you'll have a great week!

  23. LOL That strategically placed piece of seaweed on that cover is cracking me up. How convenient that it's exactly the right size to cover just a nipple without covering too much of anything else. :P

    It was nice weather outside this week, for the most part, as well. It kind of dipped back down, but I'm hoping that the temps go back up. It was nice having a few days in the 60's.

    1. Isn't that convenient? That cracked me up too. I have fun searching those out- man the stuff they used to put on covers lol.

  24. Sounds like you are getting some nice weather I hope it keeps it up, we have had rain all week but tomorrow it's suppose to be 76 which is unseasonable, but I like

    Happy reading,
    Week in Review

  25. Love the Silmarillion vid. I haven't read that, but always wanted to. After I read The Hobbit I was going to re-read The LOtR, but never did. Maybe I'll read that instead, and then go back to The LOtR...

  26. I'm curious about your review of Passenger. I just recently read a DNF for it. My curiosity is growing for the book. Been in the 70s here and supposed to be up to 80 next week. Spring is about a week here and then it's close the windows and turn on the AC. LOL
    My Sunday Post - Laura @ fuonlyknew

  27. Thanks for sharing everything! I loved the Fan film!! And the artwork is awesome! I look forward to what you think of The Passenger. From the little bit I've read it sounds good. I keep seeing The Incident on the Bridge! I'm going to have to see about that one now!

    Have a great week!

  28. Ha! Love the pulp fiction cover of the week! If I remember will take a look at your urban fantasy post to learn. I dabble in reading a little of it!

  29. Rebel Bully Geek Pariah is one that sounds good. Can't wait to read your review! Thanks for visiting my Sunday Post earlier!

  30. ahh just so many awesome stuff!! I am a Marvel fangirl and loved that trailer so much, especially towards the end. And I need some GoT back in my life soon.

  31. I loved Tom Bombadil :') I can never get the name right though lol. Gutted when he wasn't in the movie you know.

    Yeah with cats it's just patience. It'll come to trust you in time :) That's what happened with my cat though I had to u=giggle at your comment on human contact ha ha.

    THANK YOU for your clips of Captain America: Civil War & GoT!! I'm trying to remain calm or I'll rant about them both for a very long time lol.

    Have a great week!
    Amy x

  32. Wow....Love the photos.

    ENJOY your books and reading week, Greg.

    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  33. Thanks for sharing all the great videos and music -- I loved the 3-minute Silmarillion. I should probably re-read the thing; it's been decades.

  34. I loved the LOtR videos. The narrator of Tom Bombadil was something else. Ha ha. We have what they call "Parade Day" here the weekend before St. Patrick's Day and that is basically my time to celebrate outside of the house; dressing in green and watching the pipe bands and Irish dancers (and having a green martini). They have the parade a week early so they can get some if the better pipe bands from NYC and other large cities that would be busy on the actual day. On the real day I make (turkey) ham and cabbage and buy soda bread, but that is about it. I get all partied out on "Parade Day". Have a wonderful week and St. Pat's Day. :)

  35. I'm glad your weather is improving and the cat is becoming friendlier. I love the wonderfully diverse images and videos that you share. I'll be checking the UF post too. Have a great week!

  36. I can't decide whether to watch GOT series 6 or not a I feel I want to read the book first but who knows when that will be released.

    One of my favourite parts from The Fellowship of the Ring book was Tom Bombadil, I wish they had put a little of him in to the films.

    Those city scapes are beautiful, very Blade Runner.

    I'm late posting so I hope you have had a good week!!
