Saturday, October 18, 2014

Sunday Post The Hues of Autumn

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

I had two reviews go up last week, one for a book I really liked and the other was fine but wasn't really my thing. I seem to be reading (and acquiring) mysteries at the moment... I just started a new one and so far I like it a lot. 

This week I'm bringing a few older reviews back to the light of day- I was looking through some older ones and trying to find any that looked like good October reads. I hope you stop by and check them out, and let me know what you think. I think there's an interesting mix...


Erin at Quixotic Magpie has a post on the Fall Flavors Fest she went to. Looks like fun... and great pics too. 



  1. It felt more like March than October here but the leaves are gorgeous!

    Both your new book and the one you're reading look good; I can't wait ti read your thoughts on them.

    1. The leaves are finally turning here too- actually they have been but we're starting to really get nice colors now. Hope it starts feeling more like spring for you soon... :)

      I'm on a mystery kick now after so many YA's...

  2. Replies
    1. They do look kinda good, don't they? I'm getting in the Christmas mood a little early this year apparently. :)

  3. Love that Charlie Brown clip it's just all too temping to jump into a pile of leaves isn't it? LOL Nice haul again this week. Hope you have a good one.
    Sharon @ Sharon's Book Nook!

  4. Our Leaves have turned and are now falling off the trees. It's soooo cold here this morning I had to turn the heat on....I LOVE IT :) The cold breeze coming in the window is amazing LOL this is my favorite time of year. I haven't jumped into a pile of leaves in a long time and when I did my dad would yell at me, Lol.

    Loving all your xmas reads, I can't wait for Ho Ho Ho Read a thon :)

    Have a great week, Greg!!!

  5. Here we had some surpringly warm days between all the autumn weather, it's been weird. Today there's a lto of wind, but it isn't really cold. I really want to read more mysteries, but I just don't seem to run into any that catch my interest.

    The Nine Lives of Christmas looks good, I wonder what that's like a book told form a cat's point of view, might have to check it out!

  6. Nice new books with very appealing covers, Greg. Reading your intro made me realize that I am focusing too much on the nasty weather that comes after fall, rather than enjoying the foliage. Note to self: live in the now.

    My weekly recap:

    1. Thank you Catherine. I know what you mean- even though I'm enjoying the fall foliage, I'm not super crazy about the winter, which they're saying will be another rough one in this are, like last year. so... live in the now is a good motto!

      I am probably going a little overboard on the holiday books, I don't know what the deal is but at least I won't have any shortage for the holidays! Hope your week is great.

  7. The leaves aren't really pretty here yet. There's a few that are, but most of them are either still green or just kind of blah. I'm hoping they turn in the next couple of weeks, or they're just going to fall off and we won't get the beautiful colors at all.

  8. Do you know I never thought of resurrecting old reviews. A good idea particularly as I don't seem to have time or energy for reviewing at the moment.

    1. Well I got a little behind so i don't have any reviews ready for this week- so it seemed like a good idea. :) Plus I wanted to revisit some older ones and see how they hold up... thank you for visiting Jane! Have a great weekend...

  9. This time of year I am drawn to mystery, murder and mayhem. I will check out your reviews. Our days start out frigid, but warm up into the high 60's and 70's. If only it would stay this way. I know those -22 days are coming. Brrrrrr.

    1. Me too! We've been cold in the mornings too, and we were warming up during the days but now it's staying cold- 50's for the most part.

  10. I love the cover of The Twelve Clues of Christmas and can't wait to hear what you think of Murder at the Brightwell. It was a crazy week here, too, and I didn't finish any books either.

    We actually had snowflakes in the air this morning! Now it's just very cold and windy. Fall is almost over here.

    1. I like that covr as well- and I'm liking Brightwell so far.

      Snowflakes! We're probably not far behind... :) it's definitely been cooler here this week.

  11. It's been windy and rainy, so the leaves are falling fast and furious, like the the stock market. It finally cleared up Fri and we've had a decent weekend. It's funny how we go through genre cycles sometimes, isn't it? :)

  12. I feel like Piglet today: "It's a very blustery day... outside." Actually I've been reveling in the wind and the blowing leaves and the crisp, cool air and gorgeous blue sky. It's exhilarating - much better than summer's ennervating heat and humidity. (Loved the Peanuts cartoon, by the way.)

    You picked up some fun holiday books for the readathon! I enjoyed The Twelve Clues of Christmas. I didn't know Sheila Roberts had written a Christmas cat book, though. Maybe I'll check it out!

    1. It has been very blustery here as well... and I hadn't thought of that, but yes it does kinda remind of the Pooh blsutery day! I've actually been enjoying it as well. Fall is great.

      I'm excitd about all those holiday reads- I've picked up a few more than I planned but that's okay! I've enjoyed the Twelve Clues. The Roberts book is good so far- I read a bit of it last night.

  13. All of your books are on my list to read and they sound great.

    We've had the same type of weather here. I'm finally starting to realize that summer is gone :)

    Have a great week!

    1. Mysteries definitely are good for this time of year. It's funny, before I started blogging none of these would even be on my radar probably. Nice to expand my horizons a bit...

  14. I love mysteries so I'd be quite happy to be awash with them.

    I am - however - in denial that Christmas is approaching so am avoiding ANY book that mentions it!


    1. I think I am awash in them- I keep buying new ones! :) And Christmas too- not sure waht my deal is with all the Christmas reads ...

  15. I love those covers, looks like you are seriously preparing for Christmas, while I don't want yet to store away my Summer clothes, lol

    1. I am looking forward to Christmas, and I guess that's reflected in the books I'm picking out- although I'm not too keen o the cold weather that will come! :)

  16. We've had the same weather here in Montreal too. It now looks a lot like fall. *sigh* Anyway, you've got me all curious about Get Even so I'm off to read your review. :-)

    1. I think this weather is here to stay now. Get even was a lot of fun...

  17. I have to read your review of Get Even! I have that one and I am excited that you said it was awesome sauce!

    1. It is awesome (at least I thought so), and I hope you like it when you get to it.

  18. Charlie Brown and Snoopy. I love those characters. I always watch the holiday specials no matter how many times I've seen them. Wouldn't be right without them:)
    Thanks for sharing the Chrismas mysteries. I'm looking for a few more.
    here is my Sunday Post -

    1. I agree, they're a tradition. I hope you find some good Christmas mysteries... I've found a few. :)

  19. Mistletoe and Mayhem immediately jumps out at me, just from the cover. Good that you had a book you really liked this week - it is so good to hit the best!

    1. I d obuy books based on the cover, I have to say. :)

  20. You got me into the Christmas spirit! Fall is slow in arriving to Portland this year, it seems!

    1. Is it? I know I keep talking about fall and have to remember some folks haven't seen much of it yet... and I am in the Christmas mood early, it seems!

  21. The leaves haven't changed here at all, but they rarely do before it gets really cold and then it's winter :( it's the one thing I miss from living up north - but I don't like the cold at all, so it's a good trade in my book LOL. Need to check out your review for Get Even - I've seen it and been curious. Have a great week!

    1. I would love your weather on the one hand, but I would also miss the changing color and fall weather- so it's a mixed thing. :) Have a great week!

  22. Time for Christmas books already, isn't it? I have a couple to read, too.

    Teaser Tuesday - love that one. I gotta get back into it.

    Have a great week! :-)

    1. I know, I've been for some Christmas type reads and found a few more than I intended. :)

  23. I love cozies - I wish I had the time to actually read them!
    Sorry you didn't enjoy The Moment of Everything as much as you hoped to. I didn't have the same issues with the characters as you seem to, but on reflection I do agree with your comments about the author trying a little too hard at times.

    Have a great week,

    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    1. Yeah I wanted to like that book a little more, and it did have its moments... I think for the right reader it's a fine read. Thank you for coming by and happy reading this week!

  24. I've been on a mystery kick for a while too. Time to dig into my TBR mountain for something else. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. I might need something else too after I get through with all the mysteries I have on tap. Hope your week is good...

  25. Aww Christmas cozies and Christmas will be here before we know it. I love Snoopy and Charlie Brown, great clip ... made me smile. Have a great week and happy reading :)

    1. Hey glad you enjoyed it! You can't go wrong with the Peanuts gang... they always bring a smile to my face. Hope your weekend was nice. :)

  26. I love your mysteries.

    1. Thanks! Hopefully they'll all be good. :)

  27. What wonderful books for the holidays! The Twelves Clues of Christmas looks great.

    1. I am liking that book so far... does get you in the holiday mood a bit!

  28. The weather has been very weird over here (London, UK) we have had wind, rain and sunshine. Not sure how to dress some days!

    Your new arrivals are very festive - I love a festive read! You look like you have a busy week up ahead.

    Always nice when you like the book you are currently reading - so much less of a chore to complete it!

    1. Our weather's been variable too- windy and cold some days, but then the sun comes out! Jacket or no jakcet- that is the question!

      that is a Christmas-y batch of books isn't it?

  29. Ooh, your new arrivals look interesting! I'm looking forward to seeing your thoughts on those. :)

  30. Nice haul! Some fun Christmas gifts!
    New follower :)
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  31. Flying into the GR airport was just beautiful looking down on the treetops. I wish I did not pack my camera so I could get a picture. The Shelia Roberts book looks good. Have a great week.

  32. I adore Charles de Lint and Charles Vess. I'll get around to Cats of Tanglewood Forest sooner rather than later! Enjoy your week!

  33. Thanks for the mention and referral! :)

    Blustery is such a good word for this weather- we are enjoying that weather too. Lol. It makes me think of that Winnie the Pooh movie, the Blustery Day or whatever.

    Those Christmas books look so good! I am really excited to start reading holiday themed books this year. I can't believe we are getting so close! Yikes!

    1. You are welcome! It has been like blustery day weather now that you mention it!

      I can't believe I'm reading christmas books already... must be a blogging thing! LOL. But I'm kinda enjoying them...
