
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Sunday Post #55

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer.
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Sheila at Book Journey.

This week was a whirlwind of activity and we're now into August. And the Renaissance Festival is coming soon- a couple weeks now. In other news, I discovered a few more indie bookstores and am looking forward to scouting them out here soon. I'll have a new Bookstore Spotlight this week. Response has been great and I appreciate all the comments. 

I had a COYER review last week and more to come. I've been having fun drafting my Comic of the Week feature and have some good ones lined up, I think. Feel free to let me know what you think. 


The Wild Dark Flowers: A Novel of Rutherford Park


The Counterfeit Lady (The Victorian Bookshop Mystery, #2) 


Kaja at Of Dragons and Hearts tagged me in her Liebster post- thanks Kaja! I've done the Liebster before (twice actually) so probably shouldn't do it again, but I appreciate the tag! And go check out Kaja's blog- it's great! Her Liebster post is here- lots of fun! 

Angela at Angela's Anxious Life has a rundown of the San Diego Comic Con- with pictures! Check it out! I learned some things I didn't know about the con- like how hard it is to get into some of those events. 

Captivated Reader had a great bookstore pos

Check out The Literary Lowdown over at Tales Between The Pages- some great links this week. 

Nice review for The Here and Now over at My Shelf Confessions

So how was your week? 


  1. Ooo what fun..I would love to be in hubby would run for the hills though! LOL Have a delightful week Greg :)

  2. The Wild Dark Flowers looks great, I just adore that era.
    Enjoy the Renissance festival, sounds fun!

    1. Thanks Trish, I'm liking that era too, it's a fairly new genre or whatever for me but I have to say I'm liking it. Maybe I just want a bog old country house... :)

  3. The Ren Fair is in my area now and since we will be away I am missing it. I have been wanting to go at least once in my life. I think my kids would enjoy it :)

    Summer is going by so fast and with all the rain and crappy weather my poor kids haven't had a lot of chances to go swimming so I am hoping this week when we are on vacation we will swim all week.

    Have a great week Greg!!! Happy Reading

    1. Hey have a great vacation! Hope you guys have fun and great weather. Ren fairs are fun and I enjoy the music and the crowd (and the pubs cough cough) it's just something to get away from real life for a while.

      The Michigan is a pretty big one but I like to go to other ones as well, to get a feel for how other fairs do things. Variety and all that... :)

  4. Definitely share pictures of your garb! I was excited the find the perfect dress for our local con coming up in October yesterday

    Have a great week, Greg!

    Terri M.
    Second Run Reviews

    1. You'll have to, we all want to see the costumes now :),

  5. A Renaissance Festival sounds fun, the closest I've been is a Gilmore Girls episode which is just sad… That being said I look forward to see pictures of your wears.

  6. I love Renaissance Festivals...and bookstores. Your feature on the bookstore in Michigan made me nostalgic.

    I like the look of your new cozy, too (The Counterfeit Lady); enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Thanks, appreciate that! I think The Counterfeit Lady should be good, really liked the first one and I like the timeframe it's set in and the whole Archivist society thing. Hopefully it will be as good as the first one!

  7. The Renaissance Festival sounds AWESOME - I always see those on films and TV shows, but I don't think we have those in Finland, unfortunately.
    Have a good week! :)

  8. That is so phenomenal you guys do RenFest! I know so many people that go to it. Someday, when my son can get into it, I'll drag my family to it :)

    I have to ask, have you been to Dawn Treader in Ann Arbor? I didn't know if you got over this way. Or have you done John K. King in Detroit? I love Dawn Treader... they actually have piles of books on the floor unshelved, they have that many books! I'm a Schuler's girl, myself (sorry!)

    Have a great week - enjoy your reads, too!!!!

  9. You are so lucky finding so many book stores around you. We don't have very many. Looking forward to seeing some of those Ren Fair pics! My brother used to go to the one in Circleville, OH every year. I'm not sure if he still does. I'd love to go to one, at least once. I should see what NC has.

    1. I've been surprised how many indie there are near us- it's made it easy to spotlight them! I'll hopefully get lots of pics and will share them...

  10. More beach time is always a desire! Now that our local festival is over, we can take back our beach. LOL. Have a great week.

  11. There's a big Ren Faire a few hours away from me that I haven't made it to the past few years. I hope I can swing it this year, I have so much fun.

    Good luck getting to the beach!

  12. I like your new features- Comic of the Week and Bookstore Spotlight. I love visiting bookstores and try and figure out what makes them different ad special from the rest.

    1. Thank you! I'm having a lot of fun putting those together. I like hitting new bookstores too- the problem is once I go in, it's hard to get me out! :)

  13. liking your lineup and the bookstore spotlight - will have to check that one out further =)
    not usually any I can turn down!
    HapPy reading that gorgeous WIld Dark Flowers cover treat!

    1. Thank you, hope you like the post. Wild Dark Flowers pretty much picks up right where the first one left off.

  14. I love the Renaissance Festival! I am assuming you are going to the one I go to, I think it's the only one in the state. We go every year and have a blast. We live pretty close to it. We don't dress up, but our friends do. :)

  15. I've always been curious about Renaissance Fairs...have fun!

    Read on,
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    1. They are fun, and there's so much variety so many different fairs. Also so much to see...

  16. This is my year to hit the Renaissance Fair. I manage to get there every few years. I don't dress up but enjoy the music, shows, and food. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  17. You're so lucky to have all these awesome bookstores nearby :) Hope you'll get some beach time, though.

    My Sunday

  18. I haven't been to a Renaissance Faire is ages..well not since I moved from MA (Nothing beats King Richard's) I should see if any are coming up here. I so want to go now. Have a great time! And pics!

    1. I will! Taking some good snaps is half the fun! :) And they are fun aren't they, especially the bigger ones?

  19. The Kate Parker series looks like something I'd enjoy.

    1. I really liked the first one, and highly rcommend them. Looking forward to the next one coming out this week...

  20. That Renaissance Festival sounds fun and I would love to see some picture of your garb (never heard of that word before). Finding new bookstores is always fun, although i buy most of my books online nowdays as there they are much cheaper then in stores here. I hope you have a fun week!

  21. The sea AND indie book stores ? Aren't you spoiled ! Please, post us a pic in garb, please ;)
