
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Post



I'm alive! Thanks to everyone who reached out while I've been away. Where have I been? I don't even know. I have been watching a little soccer.  

I've spent a little time over at the lakeshore. I mentioned Grand Haven last time, below is a video of the coffee shop band I discovered if I can get it to upload. Oh, and my Movies That Suck post for the week is Creature from the Black Lagoon. Discussion post of the week is Are You A Seasonal Reader.    

Here is this week's lyric. 

 Woke up this morning with a wine glass in my hand
Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

Up with the sun gone with the wind

   Song of the week




  1. Welcome back! I like the clip of the live band. I hope you have a great week!

  2. Welcome back! Hope you had a nice break!

    Here’s my Sunday Post and The Sunday Watch

    Rabbit Ears Book Blog: WORLD’S WEIRDEST BOOK BLOG!

  3. OH YEAH! Great to find local music! I work with someone who has a band and it's nice talking to her about how they live together and write music together. Here... Benson is where the music scene has gone to. Great to see your post! 🌈☀️❤️💙❤️☀️🌈Thanks for reading. I'm glad I am in control of Wade and Ren now (✿◡‿◡) of course, I have stuff happening with the Other Wade too..(✿◕‿◕✿) Wade & Pan. But on a different blog! Oh, and I have a new Elvis face claim..although, the original 'elvis' faceclaim has shown up on 'Ellie' who is now Sterling. (Just a heads up). Of course, I am beginning to wonder if the whole Beach RP has crashed in the water. I know it's summer. People have these high hopes and then nothing..oh well. & I may have hurt some feelings. Especially, one person who always wants me to read her stuff and I finally told her it was the same old story. Also, somebody from the writer's group finally submitted a 3 page start of her novel..I guess..and she wants everyone to gush over it. Although, I don't go to the meetings anymore. I never felt there was enough of critiquing involved. No one seems to have a fair input of discussions.
    I hope you are still having some fun this July! Hope August brings you lots of smiles too! & I hope you keep writing!🌈☀️❤️🌈😍

    1. Some Kind of Wonderful is my favorite movie so when I saw that book I took it. After all, it is the original story of how Pretty and Pink was supposed to turn out, but Molly Ringwald had other plans. 💕🌈💕🌈💕 I got a new phone yesterday but I have a hiccup with Facebook (Although, I'm not really a Facebook fan). I went on my laptop to see if I could fix the issue..and laptop was in a crisises. Thankfully, things are OK. Although, I am still trying to figure out all of the new Samsung. Hopefully, I'll be happy with it. It's only Tuesday and feel I am ready for the weekend..but then again, I did work the weekend. Hope your week is going swell!

    2. Yes, I'm a Kim Wilde fan too! & I love Cambodia! I do wonder how the story would be different now if there was a Some Kind of Wonderful. And yes, Steff is a character that needed a movie! Hope your week is going well. Hot here.. and even hotter today.

    3.'ll notice something interesting in the Friday episode at Caitlin & Megan today..but the again, you might not. Hope you have a great weekend!

    4. It seems everytime I turn around I have to varify my blogger/email...I can't believe this happening to you?

    5. We had 80 mile winds last night..and a lot of trees went down. We have a branch on the roof. Crazy night. Lots of peeps without power. Hope all is good out your way. If that's not enough, a car almost ran into me on my drive home from work. It was so freaky. Some strange times around here this week. Lots of chainsaws at work around here at the moment.

    6. Here's hoping you are in good health and your house hasn't blown away. Hopefully, you've found a cabin and you are writing a trilogy! It's almost my birthday..anyway, I am doing my best not to be toooooo bad.

    7. Hope you have a good holiday weekend. Our last day at the old library. We have a month to move into the new building. I'm waiting to see if I will be put on insulin. I am wearing a sensor. Hope you are well and I hope you are writing. Miss you. All the best.

    8. Hope everything is going OK with you. I made the mistake of trying to clean house today. I think I made it worse. What was I thinking? I feel like I'm behind on my writing between the library and appointments these last couple of weeks. But of course, I thought of something to write about..especially with a few characters I have neglected lately. Hope the weather hasn't been too bad. We did have a bad storm a couple of weeks ago. Thankfully, this last one missed us. Let's hope the fall will be quiet. All the best to your health and of course, your creativity. It's good to hear from you.

    9. Here's hoping all is well with your girls and your mother, too. We have had a few family issues, too..with grandparents relocating and some family on the verge of divorce. However, this is a trying time wondering just how to get by. The price of everything is on the rise. Still, I got a new phone. I have made myself a backdrop for my Barbie photo shoots amongst all the clutter. And as luck would have it, the little one needs her Barbie fixed..that darn dog ate her arms off....and I guess I'm not going back to the writer's group. I talked to someone else who was in the group and she said it wasn't for her either, but she was very encouraging and it was good to talk to her a few days before the library close for the move. Thanks for reading and thanks for your comments 💛🍏🍎☀️💕

    10. I hope your September is going well. Here's to lots of feeling fallish..if we don't catch on fire. It is a dry one here. I did start the insulin pen. It has made a difference. We are a mess at the new library..of course, someone had decided we need to do inventory. We just can't get moved in fast enough. I did hear from Ben. I guess he had a family emergency too. Hopefully, I will get a chance to write on Ren & Wade more. But to get to some stories on my other blogs. Yes, a Liv surprise. And then there is's to creativity and writing about what makes you smile. Wishing you a great Autumn 🍂🥮🍂🥮🥮🍂🥮

    11. Are you ever going to post again? Miss you. Hope all is well. It feels like fall today. Still, having some hangups with writers and what not. Wish I had you to vent to. Miss your writing. All the best.

  4. Glad you're still alive! And I hope your summer has been a good one. :D

  5. Time just slip, slip away, right? I'm glad you're still around. I hope you're enjoying whatever is occupying your time.

    Have a lovely day

  6. Great to see you back Greg :-D

  7. Yay! I'm glad you're back and still alive. I hope you've had a good rest and you're enjoying whatever is keeping you busy! :D

  8. I'm glad to see you back. Like you read on my blog, I was out for 10 days when my internet was broken.

  9. Obviously, glad to see you are alive. Looks like you were enjoying some R&R.

  10. Me gusto leerte de nuevo. Geniales videos. Te mando un beso.

  11. Happy to hear you're still alive! Sounds like you've been enjoying things in real life, like live music and the shore. Have a great week, Greg! :)

  12. So good to hear from you, Greg! I was thinking about you last week when all the Sunday Posts started popping up and I was thinking how long it had been since I saw one from you. Good to know that all is well. So fun to see that Steve Stevens is still around. His look hasn't changed in 40 years. Haha!

  13. Welcome back! The lakeshore looks great. Loved the ASMR when I played the video. Hope you've been enjoying. :)

  14. Glad you're still kicking out there! Happy to have you back around.

  15. Buen fin de semana. Te mando un beso.

  16. I watched a bit of the euro surprise who won

  17. Nice to see ya! (Read ya? I don't know - digital age problems.)

  18. Ugh. July isn't so fun for me as I got sick. Looking forward to a better August. Great interesting post as usual.

  19. "Where have I been? I don't even know." <- I feel this lol I hope you are having a nice summer though and we both get back to some type of (semi) regular posting.

  20. Have you been watching olympic soccer? It's a shame what's been happening with the Canadian women's team :(

  21. I'm happy you are feeling better! That coffee shop guitarist's playing is pretty tasty. 🎸

    I don't know if I will chance reading your Movies That Suck... Creature from the Black Lagoon is one of my favorite old Sci-Fi movies. 😏

  22. It's good news that you're alive :)

  23. Te deseo un buen fin de semana. Te mando un beso.

  24. Ten una buena semana. Te mando un beso.

  25. Was thinking about you today and thought I haven't seen him on The Sunday Post in a while. Hope your doing well.

  26. Thought of you today, Greg. Hope all is well.
