
Sunday, December 10, 2023

Song of the Week


  1. Oh, Journey! A great way to start the week! Glad the party went well. We are still having hang ups about when to get together. I found out our Secret Santa at work is a 20 to 25 dollar gift. The last one I did I don't think the person noticed anything of my likes, because I said no candles, please..and guessed what I got? I know it was a regift. It was banged up too..anyway, I have probably spent well over my 20 in various little things..and I will give them a card and be done with it with some of the staff I found things for. We were short a person today, but it wasn't too bad. It was kind of funny the co-worker was saying.."I'm never sick" and she was sick today.

  2. I like this song. This also reminds me I need to listen to more of Journey's music. Have a great week!

  3. I love Journey! There really isn't a bad song by them because they're so talented.
