
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

The Sands of Time 26



Stella was smiling. 

"I need someone." 

"No what?" asked Maia as she came back over. 

Stella looked at Joon, and he looked away. 

"We need someone to go through our Gate and... hopefully... close it from the other end." 

"What?" Joon gasped. "Meaning... no return?"

"I don't know. I'm not the expert."

"Why us?" asked Maia. 

"Who else?"

"I can think of plenty. How about a tactical team?"

"That's an idea. It's just early thinking. No decisions have been made."

"Oh, that's comforting."

"Well, something has to be done. I have an out of control Gate, Incursions by creatures from wherever... now I have strike teams prowling the base killing everyone..."

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend..." Joon muttered. 


"I was just thinking. If you have rogue teams from the Directorate sweeping the base, maybe it's not a bad time to talk to Hillier." 


"Well, what happens when the strikers get here? Do we get neutralized?"

"That's a great question," Mallory rejoined the group. 

"Hey, not to change the subject," said Maia, "but where's Howie?"

Everyone peered about but there was no sign of him. 

"Did he not come through the door?"

"What are those, exactly?" Joon asled. 

"They're dimensional warping... teleportation... devices. How they are powered, and how the Intruders have the power to operate them on an individual level, are a mystery to us." 

"Another reason to talk to Hillier," muttered Joon. 

"Can we remember that she's not exactly Hillier?" spat Stella. 

"Howie," stressed Maia. 

"Well, who knows. He could be anywhere." 

"Do we care?"

"I care," said Maia. "He saved our lives back there."

"Is he even a he?" asked Joon. 

"We've covered that. Who knows? I like to call him a he."

"Getting back to the Gate. If we go through... who are we looking for?"

"A gentleman named Valerus. Leo Valerus. My top Gate man, on assignment currently on a world we call Poseidon. He jumped at a chance to see a new world. It's mostly water. We have some topside bases and an undersea facility. Farpoint Station."

"Clearly things are farther along than I ever realized." 

"This is need to know, and not many need to know." 

Maia made a noise, and Stella looked at her. 

"Keep in mind I will shoot you if you talk."

"We aren't seriously thinking of doing this, are we?" asked Mallory. 

"We have choices," Stella said. "Do nothing and see what happens. The Incursions or the strike teams will likely end us. Plus cryptids and shapeshifters. Or we can do this and try to close the Gate. Come up winners. And maybe evacuate our people before the Gate goes."

"Have you tried the Directorate?"

"Yes. The fact that I haven't heard back is a cause for alarm."

"What will they do if we do close the Gate?"

"They probably will not be amused. So, yes, even if we do this we may spend the rest of our time in Siberia."

"Is this facility secure in the meantime?"

"I think so. Best we have. Although... this complex is so big we could relocate anyplace."

"You mentioned some temporal distortions a while back."


"What are those?"

Mallory and Stella exchanged looks. 

"Part of dimensional travel can involve... changes in when as well as where." 

"Time travel?"

"If you say so."

Maia walked away. 

"We don't have enough to worry about."

"We have a team in the Triassic," Mallory bubbled. "Although they're late reporting in..."

"So what's the call, Stella?"

"Let me show you Poseidon." 


  1. The conversation is becoming quite highly abstract.

  2. Uy ¿y ahora que? Siempre lo dejas en la mejor parte. Genial fragmento . Te mando un beso.

  3. Oh, I dunno if I have faith in those too..but going to a water world might be exciting..oh, and if they get the gate many ideas and choices. 💕💗❤️🌸🥠Well, the humidity is going strong here. It does sound scary in parts of the east coast. Hope your weather isn't too bad. Chance of thunderstorms in the morning. We now have a hatchery next to the circ our library. Something should hatch by the 31st.

    All the best to your creativity!

    Carefully Listening
    The Book Group
    Cherry Blossoms
    Better Left Unsaid

  4. Hi Greg! I haven't been around much last month, so I have some catching up to do, but I'm glad to see you keep posting chapters of your intriguing story 😊 Hope you are well and that the heat is not as terrible as here . . . *hugs*

  5. A team in the Triassic? Wow. Regardless - this is getting better and better, and...please save Howie! Or...maybe Howie saves him(?)self and everyone else?

  6. I'm having fun reading these chapters.

  7. Another fun chapter! And I hope they find Howie soon. :D

  8. I'm looking forward to seeing Poseidon! 💦
