
Friday, July 21, 2023

Sunday Post #514


This week a surprise package came from Kathleen Baldwin, author of the School for Unusual Girls series. Long time readers know I'm a HUGE fan of the series and I'm so happy the fifth book has been published. She sent me a copy and I can't WAIT to read it. A huge thanks to Kathleen! 

Here is this week's lyric. 
So let's sink another drink    
Cause it'll give me time to think   

Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

People of the earth can you hear me    
Came a voice from the sky on that magical night       

   Song of the week


Image result for no luck for a lady pulp cover


  1. Oh, it does sound like a beautiful book. I am sure I would love the characters. I love the Midnight Diner Japanese series. Tokyo is definitely a city that never sleeps. I do enjoy quirky stories.

    Just got back a wee bit ago from watching Barbie. wasn't exactly what I thought it would be. I am not sure it is a film to take kids to see. Of course, one dressed up as if she was going to the premiere with the OOAK Barbie that I had given her, and her brother brought his slim Ken along too. Miraculous, the dolls came home safe!

    1. An avid science fiction film fan donated a lot of his DVDs and he really has a list of worth science fiction movies.
      I like the Mad Max films too. The original Mad Max came out in 1979 by the director George Miller. 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗I hope you enjoy that new book in the series that you love! Happy weekend.

  2. Just letting you know... I'm using the lofi while I'm doing some work lol.
    Have an amazing weekend!! xo

  3. The story seems to carry a different vibe western literature rarely has. I will look into it.

  4. This week's song is actually a fave. Good choice. I had no idea Unusual Girls was on book 5. That's great the author sent you a copy. That's a nice way to appreciate your support of the books.

  5. Morisaki Bookshop sounds lovely! It's a good sign when you want to live inside the book(store). I saw it in Feedly and wondered about it. Also yay for book mail! I hope you continue to love the series.

  6. Disfruta de tu lecturas. Y Tomó nota del libro que reseñaste. Te mando un beso.

  7. Enjoy the Kathleen Baldwin book!

  8. I hope you enjoy the book, I never read the series before but it sounds awesome.

  9. Yay for a free book! I loved the first one in that series, but I need to catch up on all the others. Happy reading. :D

  10. Isn't it wonderful when an author sends you a book out of the blue? and HA! didn't I tell you that you seemed to read a lot of books with "girl/girls" in the title? 😂

  11. What an exciting, unexpected gift! Love the cover! Hope you enjoy it, Greg! Have a wonderful week! :)

  12. How fun you got that book. Hope you enjoy it!

  13. It's always nice to get a surprise book in the mail.

  14. Is it Dancing With Myself? Love that book cover, I've never heard of the series. Have a great week.

  15. Oooh I am so happy for you that a favorite author sent you her next book! Enjoy!

  16. Enjoy your new book. The series title is intriguing. I'll have to check it out. Here's my SP:

  17. That was so nice of Kathleen to send you her book! The first line of the mystery song is so familiar, it'll probably come to me later😁

  18. Looks like a good book. Great cover. Enjoy it and have a great week!

  19. I don't know that series but that cover looks cool! How exciting to get a copy from the author!

    Have a great week and happy reading!

  20. Oh my gosh, I'm so jealous of your package with the Kathleen Baldwin book! I still need to get my physical copy after reading an e-galley. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  21. Enjoy reading it. I don't go to the movies any more.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  22. I didn't know about the Kathleen Baldwin stories but it sounds fascinating. Thanks for sharing!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  23. Great song choice for this week!! Love it!

  24. I hope you enjoy your new book! Have a great week!

  25. The cover looks gorgeous. Hope you´ll enjoy it. Have a great new week.

  26. What an exciting package. Hope you love it!

  27. Awesome! I'm sure you will enjoy it! :-)

  28. I know this week's song but I don't know if I'm supposed to say in the comments or not and spoil it for others.

    A favorite author sent you her new book!!! How cool is that?

  29. Exciting packages are always fun to receive. I hope you enjoy the book.
    Have a great week!

  30. What a wonderful package Greg! I hope that you enjoy it. Have a great week ahead.

  31. If I had the chance I'd ask the world to dance and I'd be dancing with my-se-elf, Oh oh-- Enjoy the book!!

  32. I love the cover of Sanctuary of Seers, nice that you were sent a copy.

  33. Yay for getting a book package from a favorite author. I haven't heard of this series before but the cover is captivating, I'm going to have to look it up.

  34. How cool that Baldwin sent you the book! I hope you'll love it as much as the rest of the series. Thumbs up to this week's lyric... love me some Billy! :)

  35. Ooo this week's song! I know it, I love it!

  36. Thanks for the heads up about the next Kathleen Baldwin book. Tomorrow is a double points day for Kindle Rewards so I added it to my "books I'm waiting for" collection at Amazon and will buy it tomorrow. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  37. Hope you enjoy your new book. Love the cover. Enjoy your week, Greg.

  38. Wow. What an unexpected gift to receive a copy of a book from the author herself. Cool. I thought I was special when Abraham Verghese sent me an email asking me to read his new book. Then I found out he sent it to everyone who read his first book. Ha!

    1. That's still cool to get a personal email from an author!

  39. Congrats on getting the book I hope it's a good one.

  40. I'm a music ignoramus. The mystery lyrics always sound so familiar to me, but then I come back the next week and go Nope, never heard it before! :D
    The Kathleen Baldwin series sounds good, I'm adding the first one to my TBR now.

  41. Oh how awesome to get a book you're so excited for! Hope you love it!

  42. That is awesome about the book from Kathleen Baldwin! I remember when your enthusiasm for School For Unusual Girls. So exciting to get recognition from the author. I'd be in happy dance mood for days. Have a great week!

  43. That's really awesome you got that book! How fun!

  44. That book sounds good, I hope you enjoy it! Also, you know I like lo-fi music and the playlist you shared is definitely relaxing and nice to leave in the background :)

  45. Yay for surprise book mail. I hope the new book is a great read for you.

  46. I hope the book is wonderful! Is this like last book, or will there be more? The covers for that series are all so lovely!

  47. That's great that you got the book from Kathleen Baldwin! I'll have to check out her series. Happy reading!

  48. It's wonderful the author sent you the final book in her series. So many authors don't appreciate bloggers anymore. 📗
