
Friday, May 19, 2023

Sunday Post #504

So I'll be apartment hunting this weekend in East Lansing looking for something for my daughters. My second daughter transferred in to State so I'll have two MSU kids now. I also wrote chapter ten of To Love Is Human.  

In other news below is one of my favorite  from Against All Odds, the movie that this weeks lyric is from. I also posted three chapters of Camping this week. I'm thinking of doing a name change though. If I post it to Wattpad and whatever I need a better name. I'm thinking of Reality Bites.  


Here is this week's lyric. 

The sun goes down the night rolls in 
You can feel it starting all over again        

Here is the lyric f/ last week and the answer      

You're the only one who really knew me at all      

   Song of the week


I want to highlight some art that just screams to be a story. Some of the art from Youtube ambient channels is awesome.  


  1. Ooh, Against All Odds is such a great song!

  2. I cannot recall that film though it was quite star studded. Good luck apartment hunting. Kind of nice that both your girls will be at the same school.

  3. The songs are a great blessing on the Saturday here. I am going to start reading a novel called "Tea Ladies"

  4. Good luck apartment hunting! That's so cool your girls want to live together😁

  5. Te deseo suerte con la búsqueda de departamento y esperó seguir gozando de tus historias. Te mando un beso.

  6. Your daughters living together could be a novel too! Good luck! Thanks for the lyrics. It's been a while since I have watched Against all Odds. I really love the vintage book cover. Thanks for the ambient sounds too. I listened to it last night. Good luck on a title for Camping too!

    A lot cooler this week than expected. I won something from the Teasmith at work so I have some exotic teas to try.

    Thanks for your comments! Thankfully, no more Tornado Drills this week..but I am sure they are coming.

    Carefully Listening
    The Book Group
    Cherry Blossoms
    Better Left Unsaid

    1. Yes, things like this happen suddenly. It's amazing what might stir a person to maybe step up..or others to step back.💗--Caitlin& Megan.

      Yes, this song is epic. And WOW what a car chase!

      I hope the apartment hunt is going well. We have someone in the family moving to the gulf coast in Florida soon and they have located an apartment..but I dunno ..I hope it's not a dump and there aren't gators out back. I just feel I would have to see the place in person before making a decision.

      I'll never forget..the time when we first moved here looking for a place to live and we did go to the most wicked apartment complex. At the time, my oldest looked on the patio and noticed chicken bones, and he turned to the guy showing us the place and said, "What kind of voodoo is going on here?" Needless to say, we did not pick that place.

  7. congratulation to your daughters for attending great university...
    Thank you for sharing nice videos

  8. I haven't been to Lansing in over 40 years! That's great daughter is in university and you can visit two daughters at the same time.

  9. You’ve been incredibly busy Greg! I can hear Phil Collins singing right now with Against the Odds! Good luck with the house hunting.

  10. Good luck with the apartment hunt!!!

  11. Good luck apartment hunting! And I love the picks for this week. Please do a poll for a title. I can't even imagine how hard it would be to stick with one :)

  12. I almost fell asleep listening to that Japanese meditative video.

  13. Good luck with the apartment hunting and hope you've a great weekend!

  14. Good luck with the apartment hunting! My cousin graduated from MSU and absolutely loved it. I hope your daughters have a wonderful experience! I knew I knew the lyrics from last week! I could hear the tune when I read the lyrics last week but not quite enough to place it. Have a great week!

  15. Choosing a book title has to be want it to reflect the story but also to be eye catching, imaginative. Good luck - I look forward to seeing what you decide. Good luck with your apartment hunting....always a challenge. :) And, you pulp cover woman sure has a lot of clothes on!!!

  16. Good luck with the apartment hunting. I never enjoyed anything about the process, including moving.

  17. Good luck with the apartment hunting! I don't recognise this week's lyric. Have a great week :)

  18. Awesome about your two MSU girls! We will be heading there in June for Wyatt's music camp! Lol. Good luck with the apartment hunting!

  19. Good luck with the apartment hunting for your daughter! I don't think I have ever seen Against All Odds but I know that picture of the movie.

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  20. Reality Bites would be a good name! And good luck apartment hunting. I know all about it as my daughter moved three times already and will move a fourth time this summer!

  21. You must be so proud that both your daughters are attending uni together. And I'm delighted you are still finding the writing such a buzz. I like Reality Bites - so long as folks don't think they're getting short-form essays (bite-sized), etc on real-life issues. In my experience, if there's a way of getting confused about a title - someone will do it... Have a great week, Greg.

  22. Great pulp cover. Good luck with the apartment hunting. I hope you find something quickly. Have a great week!

  23. Happy Apartment hunting! Have a great week. Here's my SP:

  24. That song is one that I remember for sure! Apartment hunting, fun! Nice to have both kids nearby each other I'm sure! Hope you have a good week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  25. I hope the apartment hunting went well!

  26. I hope you find a great apartment for your girls! And the pulp cover this week made me smile; it looks like a cross between a pulp cover and a Nancy Drew mystery, as if the artist were trying to convey a "Nancy Drew for adults" vibe.

  27. Good luck finding an apartment for your girls. Ha, I love the cover for While Murder Waits and Lark is right, it screams Nancy Drew!

  28. Have fun apartment hunting for the kids!

  29. I've never seen Against All Odds. I don't know how I missed that one, but I did. Good luck apartment hunting for your daughter.

  30. I love apartment hunting - I just hate moving. You are doing such fun things right now. I know all the words to ByeBye Love but no idea who the group is. Have a great week Greg!

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  31. How fun!!! I always thought it would be great if I could downsize my stuff enough so that it wouldn't be a pain to move every 6 months or every year or something. But I think that would only be fun in one's 20's. LOL

  32. Good luck with the apartment hunting. I am happy that I don´t have to move...

  33. Have fun apartment hunting and enjoy the week ahead! :)

  34. Hope you find a good apartment at a reasonable rate! Does that mean you'll be an empty nester? It's weird, but also kind of nice! Oh, love Phil Collins and The Cars! Memories. I'll have to come back and read through some of your new chapters of Camping! It's been fun to read. :)

  35. Good luck apartment hunting. That can be a tough gig.

    I remember when Against All Odds with Rachel Ward came out. It was after she shot to fame with The Thorn Birds.

    Hope you get some writing time in this week.

  36. All the best for the apartment hunting for your daughter. The joy of parenting!

  37. Good luck on apartment hunting! It looks like you are having fun with your writing.

  38. A very long time ago, I lived in what's now called Castle Pointe Apartments. I loved living out there. Just far enough from campus that it didn't feel like college. But you need a car.

  39. Good luck apartment hunting! Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  40. Wow, two kids in college at the same time. Cha-ching! :) The Against All Odds song is one of my all-time favorites, but funnily enough I've never seen the movie.

  41. I loved Against All Odds. Have a successful apartment hunt.

  42. Good luck apartment hunting for your girls!

    Lauren @

  43. I hope the apartment hunting went well! I think Reality Bites would be a great title. I hope you have a great week!

  44. It's great your daughters can be housemates. They will already have similar habits. My college housemate was one of my high school best friends, but our living habits were totally out of sync. Ha ha. 😅

    I'll have to get my Wattpad up and running again this week! 🙂

    I hope you had a great start to your week. ☀

  45. Apartment hunting doesn't sound fun, but it's cool you can have your daughters in one place and they can look out for each other.

  46. I too am in the apartment hunting boat for school. I know how you and your children feel!

  47. I remember how much I loved Phil Collins back then and I saw the movie because of that and...not a great movie for a teen lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  48. I hate apartment hunting. Apartments are so expensive now a days. I remember back when they were more affordable.

  49. Heh, ok, so now that pulp cover almost seems boring next to others you've featured -- how weird is that!

  50. Reality Bites would be a fun title! Good luck with the apartment hunting for your daughters.
