
Friday, February 11, 2022

Sunday Post #440

Well it's been all Olympics all the time. I've been watching a lot. Has anyone seen ski cross yet? At least I haven't seen anyone crash like this.   

So my reading is holding steady but I'm watching Star Trek again. 

Song of the week



  1. I've been watching Kingdom - it's a Korean historical political thriller with zombies. It's excellent so far!

    Have a great weekend, Greg!

  2. My daughter loves the skating, and we were talking about summer games vs. winter games. The level of danger with a majority of the winter sports is incredible.

  3. Ten un buen fin de semana. Yo aun no veo boba fett y estoy viendo no estamos muertos. Te mando un beso.

  4. We've been watching the olympics a lot. Mostly the women's sports, snowboarding, curling, skating, speed skating, it's fun!

  5. Love Boba Fett too
    Regards and have a nice weekend.

  6. Hey Greg...your review for The Echo Wife popped in my feed, but it's not there? Did you reschedule it?

  7. I haven't been watching as much of the Olympics as I usually do, but what I have watched has been pretty fun.

  8. The Olympics have been great. I cheered for Nathan Chen, and I'm loving how well our curling teams are doing. And that was one crazy ski cross crash.

  9. Watching lots of snowboarding! Oh, that kid from Japan! Out of this world! Poor Shaun, Oh Well. And Chloe..always charming ❤️ Thanks for the lofi hip hop!

  10. Oh the lofi hiphop is amazing! The video is so relaxing. I love watching skiing though haven't watched any this year. Have a great week!

  11. I watched my cousin on his Skeleton runs. I'm really proud of what he accomplished. :) My husband and I watched the new Star Trek Discovery last night. We really like that show and we're excited that the second half of the season started this week.

    Good luck with your watch-a-thon. I still haven't watched the finale of Boba Fett yet. I've been so busy with school, so I only had a chance to watch what I just said above. I'm hoping to get to it this weekend.

  12. I also enjoyed the Boba Fett finale. It was great to see some nods to what's to come in the whole Star Wars tv show universe.

    I love ski and snowboard cross. It's such a chaotic sport, but very entertaining.

  13. I have not watched much of the Olympics. I hope you enjoy your weekend!

  14. I have not started Boba Fett yet but it is on my watchlist.

  15. Still gotta catch up with Boba Fett, I'm like a few episodes behind having been so busy in the last few weeks. I haven't watched the Olympics at all, wow a nasty crash, glad no one collided.

  16. Enjoy your week! You have some interesting visuals.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  17. Which Star Trek are you watching? For some reason, I randomly watched Star Trek V: The Final Frontier the other night. That movie hasn't aged well.

  18. Some of those ski crashes have been brutal. I cringe long distance. That lonely highway graphic remind me of Stephen King's The Mist for some reason.

  19. I loved watching all the skating and skiing, even the crashes, glad no one seriously hurt. The castaway on an island picture makes me wish I was there and not in the middle of snow.

  20. Ooh I haven't watched any of the Olympics this year, even though as a Dutch person I should be glued to the ice skating. I'm also hoping to watch The Book of Boba soon now that we have a Disney+ account in the house. The 'Cryogen' painting is beautiful. Thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend :)
    Juli @ A Universe in Words

  21. I haven't seen any of the Olympics. I binged a medical comedy/drama on BBCiPlayer called This is Going to Hurt, which was absolutely brilliant.

  22. Love the song of the week. I haven't much of the Olympics. I had a few events on in the background but that's about it.

  23. I need to catch up on the Olympics!!! I am always so busy and yet I love figure skating!

  24. Love the pictures as always. Hope you have a great week.

  25. Not watched one thing in the Olympics, but hope you enjoyed them. I am not a sports person of any kind.

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  26. I'm not enjoying the Peacock coverage of the Olympics, unfortunately. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? Lol. So many events are streamed in the middle of the night...

  27. That Lonely Highway picture is so haunting! Love it! I actually was in the mood for some romantic comedies this weekend, so that is what I watched! Have a great week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  28. Well, I don´t watch it live, but get the news ticker and that is enough. And when you see that a German reporter, who just stood up from his unfinished breakfast table to get some more fresh fruits and the guy in the white/blue suit is disinfecting the entire table including a half full coffee mug,and plates with the obviously not finished breakfast, you start to doubt if the IOC president Bach isn´t pushing buttons with his behavior and words. Well, well... Enjoy the games and happy new week, Greg.

  29. Busy watching The Eternals with my hubby. If you haven't seen it, I'm sure you are going to love it!

    Have a good week Greg!

    Elza Reads

  30. I am glad you are enjoying the Olympics and Star Trek. We watched the final episode of the season of The Book of Boba Fett. I am glad to see the Mandalorian and his friend back together. :-) I hope you have a great week!

  31. I hope you continue to enjoy your viewing, Greg and make time for some reading, too! 😃

  32. Wow awesome clip! Is that ski snowcross? I don't remember it. I want to watch everything Olympics. It's going to be late tonight with the Super Bowl delay. I'll pay for it tomorrow. Enjoy!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  33. Lonely Highway is such a stunning and creepy photo. I love it!

  34. I like the artwork. They all look so atmospheric.

  35. I've been enjoying the Olympics more than I expected to. Some crazy things happening out there!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  36. We've been watching the Olympics every night too. Man, the late live events are killing us here on the east coast. I hope Shaun White appreciates us staying up until 1 am on a weeknight to root for him! :-D I don't think the final was quite as late, thank goodness. I'm curious to see what they decide about Kamila Valieva, the Russian figure skater. I hope they ban her coaches and responsible adults for life. Someone pushed/manipulated her into taking that drug.

    We did take a break last night to watch a couple of episodes of Star Trek Discovery. I'm running out of renewals for it at the library. And of course tonight will be the Super Bowl and All Creatures Great and Small.

    If I saw that on a Lonely Highway, I would decide it was above my paygrade and drive the opposite direction until I ran out of gas.

    Enjoy your week!

  37. I haven't watched any of the Olympics. I hope you are enjoying it. Have a great week!

  38. I've been watching more of the Olympics than I expected to but I haven't seen ski cross. Looks intense.

  39. I haven't been watching the Olympics but we're watching the Superbowl now. Still need to watch the Mandolorian and then Boba Fett. Happy reading Greg!

  40. Glad you are enjoying the olympics. We haven't been watching other than catching a few brief segment recaps.

  41. I watch a little bit of the Olympics everyday on a Canadian website. But I try to keep up with my reading, which is more important to me. I hope you have some great books for this week

  42. I haven't watched much of the Olympics, but have been doing some viewing which is good for me. You yourself are a very happy viewer I think.

  43. Haven't seen ski cross but man that Japanese snowboarder!!!!

  44. I am very much enjoying the olympics. I saw some of the ski-cross, it was so crazy. The snowboarders and skiers seem to be struggling with the artificial snow - and then it really DID snow and cause even more problems.

  45. I'm catching bits and pieces of the Olympics, but doing a lot of reading too. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  46. Haha, that ski crash would suck. I've mostly just been watching hockey, but I did see one of the cross-country ski things. I don't remember which one it was. There seems to be a lot of them.

  47. I haven't watched the Olympics this time around and that's a shame because I enjoy the winter games more than the summer games. The bobsled, speed skating and downhill ski are my favorites. Oh well, I'll catch bits and pieces I missed online.
    I like the artwork you shared, especially the beach one!

  48. That's neat that you're watching Star Trek. Which generation are you watching? :)

  49. I haven't been watching at all this year! I don't like the U.S. way of covering only the U.S. athletes, and we probably wouldn't be able to get it on our old TV anyway, with our bare-bones basic cable package. We are waiting for new seasons of Picard and the new Star Trek Discovery, but my husband likes to go back and watch the old shows.

  50. The hell is ski cross!? I cannot keep up with these winter sports, they all sound just a little fake 😂 Love the cryo pic- so detailed! And the beach one reminds me of The Wilds, they should have built that!

  51. Whoa! what a crash. Only catching bits and pieces of Olympics on YouTube. Have to pay attention when I click as I was watching competitions from way old Olympics. Still good stuff though. Have a good week.

  52. Skiing was something I only tried once and it was such a disaster that I'm afraid I'll never try it again. Something like that little clip!

    Glad you are watching Star Trek again.

  53. I haven't watched ANY Olympics this time around and I don't think I will. I'm unhappy with the way China handled things, and I'm just going to sit it out.

  54. I haven't watched the Olympics except for maybe five minutes. I think this is the first time that I haven't watched them. I'm just not really interested this year.

  55. I only have Netflix so I'm not watching the Olympics.

  56. I've been watching some. I like ice skating and ice dancing.

    Lauren @
