
Friday, January 7, 2022

So did everyone have a nice New Year? This week I wanted to talk for a minute about lofi music and Artstation. As many of you know I post a lot of art from Artstation and I've been posting lofi music as well (in fact, my Song of the Week is a lofi playlist) and I've noticed that most of these lofi mixes incorporate art to set a tone. There's nothing like listening to awesome music with an image of something otherwordly. I feel like it's a neat juxtaposition and awesome how two of my favorite things just come together.     

This week I did more viewing than anything. I watched Silent Sea on Netflix and got back into Cobra Kai as well. I'm still recommending Vigil to anyone who will listen, and I finished up the Mandalorian also. I forgot how great that is.       

Song of the week


I saw this and had to smile. Part of the tagline for These Deadly Games  

You have 24 hours to win. If you break my rules, she dies. If you call the police, she dies. If you tell your parents or anyone else, she dies.

Reminds me of

Comiket returned after an absence of a couple years due to Covid but the mad dash that usually characterizes the opening of the otaku convention was more muted this year.  


  1. Happy first week of January, Greg! :D

  2. I am still astounding that there is a Cobra Kai series. Yes, art set to music is fantastic, and I hope you have a wonderful new year!

  3. Me gustan los videos y a mi tambien me gusta cobra Kai. Te mando un beso

  4. I got sick on New Years and we came home early, so not the best one. Oh well. Now I feel like hell because of the 2nd shingles vaccine shot! Can't win this week, lol!

    I would love to get to The Mandalorian someday! Never heard of Vigil. Will have to look that up.

  5. Ooh, liking the sound of These Deadly Games. I love all the music/videos you share, they are so interesting and always introduce me to new things.

  6. I think my gr-daughters could inform me about Cobra Kai.

  7. I haven't watched The Mandalorian yet, but my sister says it's great. I'll have to check it out.

  8. Still working my way through the latest season of Cobra Kai! Love this show.

  9. Happy first week of January, Greg

  10. I love lofi music for when i need to focus so I didn't really realise they always come with such pretty art but they do! I've been meaning to watch Silent Sea, is it good? I've been more focused on reading the past week so haven't gotten to starting it. I feel like everyone has started the new season of Cobra Kai and I've still yet to start the show.

  11. I didn't know lo-fi hip-hop existed LOL.

  12. I sometimes listen to lo-fi when I need to concentrate.

  13. That is cool that lofi combines music and art. I enjoy listening to music and have started putting it on while I'm working from home. I hope you have a good week, Greg!

  14. Yeah I listened to a lot of lofi Christmas music in Dec, and now I keep getting recs on YouTube, and they do tend to have a nice artwork. Lofi music is nice.

  15. Been waiting for the new Mandalorian season, I can wait some more

  16. Happy new year

  17. I should do like you and write more reviews Greg because I am so behind! Also I have only noticed now that I didn't follow you!!! So I clicked follow and hope to read everything from now on! Have a great week!

  18. I am trying to get back to blogging after a long gap and I hope it will stick. And not surprisingly, I have a quite a huge backlog on reviews to catch up. Happy new year, Greg!

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  19. I had a good New Year, thanks. After a busy Christmas we decided to just have a quiet night in.
    I like those Lofi mixes and it's relaxing to look at art alongside the music. I must make more time for both in my life this year. I listen to music in the background while doing tasks quite a lot, but it's rare I sit down and do nothing but enjoy the music.

  20. I keep meaning to watch Cobra Kai!

  21. First week was good, a bit more relaxing than the rest of the holidays. Tomorrow I am back at school, but I hope for a quieter and less stress-full year.

    I need to listen to more diverse music for sure.

    Have a good week Greg!

    Elza Reads

  22. We just got back into Cobra Kai too! Lol. Johnny cracks me up and has really grown on me!

  23. That is funny you mentioned These Deadly Games, I got approved for I am curious about it.

    Hope you have a great week!
    Week in Review

  24. Happy first week of January, Greg. Mine was a quiet one without any music. Well ... Happy reading and stay safe and well!

  25. I really like the lofi song you linked up. Very cool. Have a great week, Greg!

  26. I've watched the new Cobra Kai season twice. I have three episodes left of I Know What You Did Last Summer on Prime.

  27. Great videos! Happy New Year, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  28. Loved the lo-fi hip hop!
    That pulp cover is great and These Deadly Games sounds interesting. I'll have to add that to my library requests.

  29. Happy Frist week of January Greg! I hope your enjoying your reviewing and TV watching. Here is my post-

  30. Hope your January is off to a good start. Those last few episodes of The Mandalorian were so great. My son and I also just watched the first two episodes of Boba Fett and really enjoyed them.

  31. I don't think I ever listen to lifi music before. It sounds nice.

    Have a great week.

  32. Haven't gotten around to Cobra Kai, but plan too. Karate Kid was a fave way back.

  33. I enjoy the mix of music + visuals. I find it soothing. I still find it amusing that Cobra Kai is a thing. I love the concept. I'm not a TV watcher so I don't even know how it airs/streams, but it sounds fun. :)

  34. Thank you, I did have a nice New Year with friends, Gregg. I hope you did too. Here's to more books, art and music in 2022! 😃

  35. These Deadly Games looks good. It's been a quiet first week for me. I hope you have a great week!

  36. I need to look into Vigil. I always love the art and music you share! Have a great week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  37. Happy New Year.
    Love that Dead in Bed cover.
    And I like the look of these Deadly Games too.
    Lynn :D

  38. I just finished watching the 2nd season of Cobra Kai and am loving this show.

  39. Always fun to mix music and images. Actually, when we drive in very scenic areas, we try to find a CD to match. Fun!

  40. I'm anxious to start Boba Fett but we're trying to finish up Hawkeye first. I was excited that we finally get to learn more about him but Kate is getting on my nerves a bit so we're dragging our feet on it. I hope she does some growing up soon.

    Dead in Bed :-D What a title and cover!

    Enjoy your week!

  41. I'll consider checking out Vigil. Can't tell if you enjoyed Silent Sea or not

    Have a great week!

  42. I always think I'll watch tv; I used to watch more. But these days I read more and watch little. Maybe if I get going on some sewing or knitting projects but audiobooks are good for those also. Have a great week Greg!

    Anne - Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  43. I need to get back into watching Cobra Kai too! Hope you have a great week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  44. Hope you had a nice weekend and have a great week!

  45. Oh, those vintage bookcovers you find. Amazing! Love the lo-fi music too. Have a good week. COVID is really getting bad here. All the best to your blogging and reads!

  46. I've been fighting a cold, but I think it's finally starting to wind down.

    Love Charlie Brown!

  47. Happy New Year! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

    I started following Blue Turtle on YouTube because of you. I love the animation they have with their music. 🎶

    I hope you are having a great start to 2022. 🌞

  48. We watched Silent Sea. I wasn't blown away but it was good. And it wasn't as crazy as so many of those Korean shows are lol

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  49. Used your 'song of the week' as background music to my reading. Thanks for that!! Have an amazing week :D

  50. Happy new year! We've been watching Queer Eye and Witcher over here.

  51. As a I said many times, love these pulp covers!
    Regards and have a nice day!

  52. Happy New Year :)
    The Dead in a Bed looks like such pulpy fun!

  53. Hope you had a good New Year! I am just getting back to blogging after a few weeks off. Had a busy time with work over the holidays!

  54. I enjoyed The Silent Sea quite a bit! Happy New Year!

  55. hope These Deadly Games is good I'm reading it next week :) oh man I haven't been able to get into Silent Sea!!! I Want to read it!

  56. I so appreciate that you shared the lofi -- those playlists have been my bedrock for studying the past few weeks! I love how calming they are.
    claire @ clairefy
