
Monday, September 20, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday #267

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Books on my Fall TBR.    


  1. Hope you enjoy ALL of your Fall TBR hopefuls. :) I have heard of Suzanne Young, but cannot remember if it's because I've read a book by her or just read about her books. Happy reading!

  2. Hey Greg, happy Tuesday! All These Bodies looks really good. I hope you love all of these! Have a great week :)

  3. Yes to all The Becky Chambers and Martha Wells. <3

  4. I love Becky Chambers, A Psalm for the Wild-Built is just perfect.

  5. A great list! I hope you enjoy them all when you are able to read them.

    When you get the opportunity, I hope you can stop by my post:

  6. OOh nice list! I loved Fractures! That one was just as twisted as Echoes. Hoping Alice writes more books in the future! I enjoyed All These Bodies but it wasn't quite what I had hoped for. Nice picks all around. Hope you enjoy them all this fall!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. Great list! Hope you love all of these!

  8. Moon of the Crusted Snow is on my list too! For winter though. It looks so good! Enjoy!

  9. Love the cover of Fractures! Makes me want to read what it's about.

  10. I really did tried to read the murderbox series but I couldn't even finish the first book and it was really short. I don't what it is, perhaps I could try it again. I keep hearing everyone gushing about how much fun it is to read it...

    Have a lovely day.

  11. Dead Space is on my reading list too. But considering the state of my reading blues, I think I'll get to it only in 2022. :( And what is this new Middle Earth book I see here? Why oh why didn't I know about it ealier?!

  12. Dead Space is one of my favorite books of the year, sooo good. I've also heard amazing things about Moon of the Crusted Snow. Enjoy!

  13. Great selection of books! I hope you'll end up enjoying them all.

  14. Nice list, Greg. Moon of the Crusted Snow and The Nature of Middle Earth caught my eye. Hope you get a chance to read all of these.

  15. A Psalm for the Wild-Built was amazing! I think you’ll really like that one, Greg. If you write a review of it, I’d sure like to read it. :)

  16. Love some Murderbot! Need to get caught up on that series soon.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  17. I hope you enjoy these! Here is my post-

  18. YAS to Murderbot! ๐Ÿ˜ A Psalm for the Wild Built has such a gorgeous cover and I've hear some great things about it. I hope you enjoy it and all the other books on your list. Happy reading!

  19. I've been hearing great things about All These Bodies. I hope you love it!

  20. That's a great list. I want to read the Murderbot books, and I need to continue with Becky Chambers—I have only read The Long Way to a Slow, Angry Planet so far. The Tolkien also interests me. Have fun, and I hope you enjoy all of these!

  21. I read the first Murderbot novella a couple weeks ago. It was a fun read, so I'm definitely going to keep on with the series. Enjoy all these!

    Happy TTT!

  22. Martha Wells was on my 2021 TBR initially, but I've kind of lost interest. Hope you'll like it! Happy reading!

  23. I know J.R. Tolkien but most of the other authors on your list are new to me. My wishlist just grew *sigh* Happy reading.

  24. Most of these are new to me, as well…TTT is bad for my TBR. :)

    Here’s my list—

    Happy TTT!

  25. All These Bodies is on my TBR list, too. I like Kendare Blake's stuff.

  26. Cool list! I so need to try Martha Wells!!!
    My list is here:

  27. Looks like a lot of authors you have enjoyed in the past. New installments of series too. I hope each books lives up to your expectations

  28. Moon of the Crusted Snow has been on my TBR Pinterest board for a really long time. I don't think I've ever seen a bad review of it.

  29. These books are new to me, but they all look so interesting. I hope you enjoy your reading this season!

    Here is my Top Ten post for this week:

  30. Enjoy your fall reads! It looks like you've got a great mix. Would you believe I've never read anything by Tolkien? I really need to fix that.

  31. All These Bodies is one I've been seeing around lately. Sounds like a good one. Hope you enjoy all these!

  32. Me parecen buenos libros gracias por la reseรฑa . Te mando un beso

  33. I hope you enjoy all these!
    My TTT:

  34. Your fall TBR is looking so good! Particularly Girls with Rebel Souls !

  35. All These Bodies is one that I'm super curious about!


  36. I only discovered that new Becky Chambers book existed the other day so it will definitely be on my TBR… although I’ll probably end up reading it Fall next year. I’d not heard of All These Bodies but I’ve just read up on it and it sounds interesting.

  37. That Kendare Blake book looks intriguing. Hope you'll enjoy all of these!

  38. The Lights of Prague is still hanging out on my TBR–although, a lot of these are! I'd love to check out The Nature of Middle Earth, as well. Moon of the Crusted Snow and Dead Space are probably the two I'd most like to read soon!

  39. All These Bodies was so good! Enjoy!

    My TTT.

  40. I hope you'll get around to read Dead Space! It was one of my faves this year, and I'm sure it will be up your alley!

  41. I have Becky Chambers and Martha Wells on my fall TBR, too! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ

  42. I really need to catch up on that Suzanne Young series.

  43. Yay, Murderbot. I really need to read more from that series. I loved the first book so much.

  44. I see I have some catching up on the Murderbot books!

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  45. The cover of All These Bodies creeps me out so much. Not even in a bad way, I'm just...impressed by how a simple thing like a backwards Peter Pan collar triggers my sense of Something Is Wrong With This Picture. Definitely looks like a good one for chilly, overcast weather.

  46. Definitely just put a library hold on All These Bodies. Yikes.
