
Friday, September 24, 2021

Sunday Post #420

Another week. This one flew. I did post a Cover Love and I received Vol. One of Golden City in the mail. My favorite graphic novel series but it hasn't been translated yet like a lot of the other French- Belgian series I've been reading. My first time ordering from Amazon France. And I had to laugh at some of the tweets I included below, especially the one about packages at UPS. 

Next week I'm going to post new flash fiction on Wednesday.
This week in walking tours I have a rainy night in Seoul.  

Song of the week


Some more Carla  

First off this is AMAZING. 




  1. I always love the look of graphic novels, but have a hard time reading them since I find myself distracted by the art, lol.

  2. Me gustaron los videos que geniales que estaban y los cรณmics tambien te mando un beso

  3. LOL that UPS status update, I was like that can't be real...but who know with the shipping carriers these days. Fedex is probably still way worse though XD

  4. That Venn diagram is hilarious. It’s amazing how hypocritical right-wingers can get!

  5. Ha ha that UPS tweet is awesome! UPS is so stressful these days. Will I get my package or not? And I really hope that thing about throwing packages around isn't true, lol.

  6. The Venn diagram is awesome. I keep reading and laughing (it's laugh or rock in a corner because it feels so true LOL). And that UPS package update... ha!

  7. UPS and FED-X are both pretty bad. I swear they hate heavy packages like my monthly CHEWY order and do everything possible to destroy the box and contents.

  8. I saw that package status tweet. I kept wondering if it was real.

  9. Loving the Venn Diagram haha brilliant :-D

  10. LOL, that UPS tweet is a little wild! I mean, presumably those people also order things - would they like their packages to be treated that way?

  11. OMG.. those Tweets!! LOL!!
    Have a great week and happy reading Greg.

  12. Getting a graphic novel is fun! I've never ordered Amazon outside the US, sounds kind of intimidating. That venn diagram is wild lol.

  13. Those tweets were fun. Have a great week and happy reading.

    Week in Review

  14. Seoul looks like such a beautiful city...

    I saw that one about UPS! :D

  15. I am always anxious when receiving packages, as you never know if they will arrive safely. I spend time watching for them on the delivery day.

    I got my Coca Cola table and chairs via UPS and they were wrapped so well it took a long time to unwrap them.

    Enjoy your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  16. Aaaah Amazon... a never ending story here in Germany. Wishing you a wonderful new week and happy reading.

  17. Now you made me curious about that order from Amazon France! I order either on or .de being in Belgium .

  18. As always, I love the Pulp Cover of the Week. Those tweets are just too funny especially the UPS one.

    Have a great week!

  19. Love those tweets. Have a wonderful week.

  20. I love the walk through Seoul! I want to visit one day soon!

  21. I need to get more active on Twitter. I love the one with current reality and books/movies. And the killer nurses... Brilliant!

    Have a good week Greg and I do hope I don't crash everything with my migration....

  22. The UPS tweet made me laugh - and cringe. So did the "You are here" Venn diagram. Enjoy your new graphic novels, and have a great week!

  23. "But the top killing nurse on each shift weekly gets “Employee of the Week” parking privileges and a $17 gift card to Olive Garden."
    "Package fell into the ocean"

    Yay flash fiction! Looking forward to it.

  24. I love that Venn Diagram! I get frustrated with UPS, but mostly they do pretty good, much better than FEDEX IMO.

  25. You find the funniest tweets, Greg! The week did fly by! I can't believe we're almost in October now.

  26. Oh my gosh, that UPS one! Funny. Thanks for sharing all the great videos too! Have a great week!
    Lisa Loves Literature

  27. You really found the funny and interesting tweets. Things are just crazy out there these days.

    Anne - Books of My Heart

  28. Great videos! I really need to try more graphic novels. I've read a couple and liked them but it isn't a genre I really reach for. The UPS tweet made me laugh though to be fair my UPS stuff usually shows up on time but it's arriving by USPS it's a bit of a gamble. Have a great week!

  29. I made the mistake of asking my son if he’d watched Ashley’s one shot and he has been giving me a blow by blow for the last half hour. He liked it too.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  30. Love that venn diagram. It feels so true doesnt it!

  31. The USPS tweet is crazy and funny! Have a great week!

  32. Sounds like a good week! Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  33. Sounds like an interesting week, and I agree they are flying by! I had a good reading week and hope to this week as well since I have several deadlines! Here is my link if you'd like to stop by:

  34. Package Fell Into Ocean, Sept 7, Ft Wayne, IN. Please explain to me how there's an ocean in Indiana. I'll wait.

  35. The way my packages have been getting lost and misdelivered lately, I don't even think I'd be surprised to get that notification at this point, lol. Love the Venn diagram too.

  36. I laughed at the UPS tweet, it sometimes feels like that is accurate when you’re waiting for a parcel. THere’s one delivery company here and I swear they don’t care, I’m pretty sure they juggle with your parcel and use it as target practice to launch your parcel over a gate if you’re not home.

  37. "The top killing nurse"? I give up. Did you see the article that said liberals are trying to get R's to get the vaccine KNOWING that they won't just to spite them - as a way to kill them?

    The package fell in the ocean least they're were honest??? How does that happen?

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  38. That Venn Diagram perfectly sums up where we're at! All of those just cracked me up. Hope you are having a great week!

  39. Those tweets are funny. I just ordered something internationally for the first time recently. Expensive but worth it. Happy reading!

  40. The rainy Seoul walk is so damn relaxing! Thanks for sharing!

  41. You have me hooked on those Seoul walking tours now. Ha ha. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    That venn diagram is hilarious. ๐Ÿ˜†
