
Monday, July 26, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is the Books I'd Want on an island category. I'm not sure if I've ever done this topic- I think I probably did- but it's been a while. Some familiar ones will be on this list since it's kind of a favorite books post, in a way, but *shrug*.   



  1. Pretty sure I'd just be glad to have almost (though there'd be some I wouldn't want to read :D) novels if stranded on an island. :)

  2. I'd want books I'd like to reread over and over...or super long books. My TTT is off-topic this week. My list

  3. I feel like any of George R.R. Martin's would be great because you'd be able to keep re-reading it and find more each time probably, haha. The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet would be nice escapism.

  4. Awww Tintin!

    I'd bring, hmm, Magician by Raymond E.Feist, Dune, First wheel of time, and well more :D

  5. Great list! The Blue looks like an ideal island read.

  6. OOh nice picks! Seeing a few desert island themes. I don't think I have but one or two books that would fit that theme!

    GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. Nice list! I haven't read any of these but I do have the Game of Thrones books so hopefully I'll get those crossed off the TBR at some point.

    My TTT

  8. Great list! The Long Way has such good vibes.

  9. This was a fun post today, I've read a few different ones with "island settings". I haven't read any of these but a few leave me curious.

  10. It's a good mix there to keep you entertained.

  11. I love all the water/island themed books you chose! I haven't read any of these, but I do recognize some from previous posts for yours.


  12. I think I'd pick favorites to reread too. At least you know you'll love all your books if you're stuck there for a long time!

  13. I think I would be happy for any book to help me past the time haha. But it would be a hard choice to pick a few..I would def had Lord of The Flies and Dorian Gray in my list however

  14. Nice picks! Some of these have an island theme.
    Here's my list!

  15. Great mix of books. Looks like there's a book for every mood you might be in. :)

  16. A GRRM book would be a good take because they're so long and you would probably discover something new with each read.

  17. Fun list! I don't know if I'd want a bunch of favorites that I already know well or books that I hadn't read yet. Hmmmm...

    Happy TTT!

  18. The Long Way would be a fun one to have on a deserted island! And any GRRM book would of course be a great read to have with you.

  19. I've not read any of these, I've heard really good stuff about the Becky Chambers one but I'm not really a big fan of space stuff so I don't think it would be for me.
    My TTT:

  20. The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet has been on my tbr for quite a while now.

  21. The Black Island for the deserted island LOL

  22. Tarzan! I was just talking to another blogger about that book. Great list!

  23. I need to get to A Dance With Dragons asap!

    Lauren @ Always Me

  24. Love your choices! Tarzan would be a perfect island reading and I think being stuck on an island would be the only time I'd read George R.R. Martin! His page count is terrifying.

  25. I'm really drawn to The Shark Club and The Blue. I'm going to go look those up! Thanks for sharing!

  26. It would be hard to choose! But I guess I would favor some of my doorstopper fantasy tomes. If I'm going to be on an island with just ten books, I'll need to stretch each one out :)

  27. Anything by GRRM would definitely keep you occupied for a while. :)

  28. I haven't read any of these, but I'm hoping to read GoT soon and The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet. Great picks!

  29. Great list! I haven't read any of those.

  30. Great list and Martin's books are definitely an excellent way to pass a lot of time. :)

  31. Would I want to read a book about sharks when stranded on a deserted island? Maybe you can learn about them. LOL

    Anyway, interesting list. Happy Reading!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT earlier.

  32. Hmm... Both Conan and Tarzan seem to be struggling with giant serpents, what's not to love? ;-) Sorry for the late TTT check-in!

  33. Becky Chambers. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

  34. GRRM will keep you entertained for a while so that's a great pick!
    -Caroline | Bookends

  35. Tarzan to Conan: Well some of us had to do that *under water* ;)
