
Monday, August 24, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday #217


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Top Ten questions I would ask my favorite authors. This is kinda tough because it requires me to put some thought into this one lol. I did the best I could though, but eventually decided to wing it and just ask whatever came to mind...  

The Winds of Winter (A Song of Ice and Fire, #6)


The Extinction Trials (The Extinction Trials, #1)

Can we have more books in this world??

The Shark Club

Just looking forward to whatever she writes next. 

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Wayfarers, #1)

Can we have more Wayfarers stories? 

Sanctuary Bay

How can we not have a second book after that cliffhanger???

Obsidian and Stars (Ivory and Bone, #2)

Can we have more in this world as well?

The Winds of Winter (A Song of Ice and Fire, #6)

Okay I had an idea. So the book is in progress (since the last came out in... 2011??). How about publishing what you have- it would probably still be longer than most novels- and throw us a bone?? 

The Arctic Patrol Mystery (Hardy Boys, #48)

Why is the bear bigger than the plane? 

The Invisible Intruder (Nancy Drew, #46)

 What is that thing on the wall? Is it like a manta ray or something?? 

Vintage Books for the Very Young: Trixie Belden

Would you get in there already????


  1. I love it that you got into the old Hardy Boys and Trixie Belden covers. Why is the bear bigger than the plane. Ha! I am laughing out loud. My TTT Author chat

  2. Haha, I like "Why is the bear bigger than the plane?" the best. And we all have those questions for GRR Martin. Also... "are you planning on ever finishing the series, or are you just planning on dying and letting a ghostwriter finish for you?" No way his estate would let that cash cow go without letting someone finish the series.

  3. "Why is the bear bigger than the plane?" 😂😂😂 Love it.

  4. GRRM, for goodness sake what are you doing man, never mind writing other books, write THE book ffs!

    Also why is there a ghostly manta ray!? Answers on a postcard to.....

  5. Haha love those old covers and your questions! LOL why is the bear bigger than the plane and what is a manta ray (at least that's what I assume it is) hanging on the wall next to skulls?! 😂 Too good!

  6. I bet the authors might have some questions of their own about some of the covers made for their books!

  7. Uh oh! I haven't read Sanctuary Bay yet and now I'm scared! I love these two together and that they might have left us hanging after how many years terrifies me! Still gotta pick up The Extinction Trials!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. I'm wondering the same thing about The Winds of Winter.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  9. I love how your first question to Martin is just one word - perfect!

  10. There is a 4th Wayfarer book coming out next year😁

  11. Interesting thought for Martin.

  12. I need to read The Extinction Trials. That cover is amazing and I love the idea of that type of world...not that I would want to live in it just read about it! :P

  13. I'm still laughing over the manta ray on the wall. LOL

  14. YES to those GRRM questions. Like, come on guy! Give us the goods!

  15. Great list! I hope A Song of Ice and Fire fans get some news on the next book soon.

  16. Ha that ghost! He is odd shaped.

    The GRRM - where is the book? Please give us a even a little of the book...hehe

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  17. lol. Love what you did with this one!

  18. Heh, heh. Love the last books with your clever wit saying so much.

  19. I especially loved the sassy questions for those old mystery books at the end.

  20. Hahaha... I totally did my post ONLY on George R.R. Martin!!! COME ON GRRM!!!

  21. Yeah, my brain really didn't want to engage on this week's topic, so I did an easier one. LOL. Your questions made me laugh, though. Some of those covers - yikes! - what is going on??

    Happy TTT!

  22. I wouldn't mind more Wayfarers stories. :)

  23. LOL! Your questions for George R.R. Martin cracked me up and I love the idea of publishing what he has already written so far. I'd be down for The Winds of Winter, Part I.

  24. I'm enjoying seeing all the widely varied takes on this week's topic! I struggled to do this one, but I skipped last week's (because I never want to have any books I've read made into TV shows) and I didn't want to skip two weeks in a row. Having said that, I haven't read any George R.R. Martin, but I've watched all the seasons of the TV show!

  25. Lol! It does look like a manta ray! And boo if there's no sequel to Sanctuary Bay when there's a horrid cliffhanger!

  26. Hi Greg! Wha ha ha!! Loved the covers. It would actually make a great post to only question the covers.

    Great Post! Take care.

    Elza Reads

  27. What is that thing on the wall? Some of those vintage covers are ridiculous but verging on cult classics. Almost. I feel as though I want to collect them, just to pull them off my shelves whenever I'm in need of a giggle.

  28. Good question: why is that bear bigger than the plane :) Your GRRM questions made me laugh, and i do sympathise!

  29. Hahaha. I hadn't heard of the Trixie Belden series before.

    Thanks for checking out my Top Ten Tuesday list this week. :)

  30. "How about publishing what you have- it would probably still be longer than most novels- and throw us a bone??"

    That Nancy Drew cover is HIDEOUS LOL.

  31. I've been hoping to try Becky Chambers' Wayfarers series. I also have the first book of Julie Eshbaugh's series. I'm still not sure when I'll get to it.

  32. Great list! Thank you for stopping by my TTT!

  33. HAH I love your last few. And I think the common theme for most of these are GIVE ME MORE BOOKS! I approve. :)


  34. Did you see there's another Wayfarer book coming out next year? I pre-ordered it in like a blink when I saw it.

  35. Bwahahaah you have a one track mind on this one Greg!

  36. Most of your questions are funny. I love them! Also, yes to Julie Eshbaugh's. I've read both 1st and 2nd book of the series.

    𝒚𝒂𝒏𝒊 𝒐𝒇 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒇𝒂𝒆

  37. Haha, love your questions, especially the GRRM ones :) And about the covers - great and valid questions!

  38. Oh your questions are hilarious 😂! I especially appreciate the GRRM questions, like for real, even just half of a book would be good!

  39. Yes to there being more in the Extinction Trials World! I'd love a trilogy set ten years after the original books. And I certainly share your frustration for GRRM!!!

  40. I have many questions about that Hardy Boys novel...

    Please bear (ha! unintended pun!) in mind that the Hardy Boys aren't all that popular here, and I've never read any of them - so I'm all sorts of confused right now!
