
Sunday, June 14, 2020

Song of the Week #47


This week is Whitesnake- Still of the Night.      

And to completely switch gears 


  1. Is it bad I've never listened to Whitesnake? I mean, I only really know the name from a Bowling For Soup song. The Lane 8 song is way more my speed. Nice and chilled and kind of makes me to lie outside in the sun.

  2. I remember all the hair bands, and Whitesnake was among them. I am not familiar with Lane 8 at all. Totally new to me.

  3. I definitely needed this today! I've always defaulted to music whenever I'm feeling anxious or overwhelmed (can't focus on reading or listening to an audiobook), and the world has me super stressed out right now. My parents are being ridiculous (we've talked about this), people in our town are acting like the pandemic is over, and Black people are STILL dying at the hands of police (and this is KNOWING the world is watching). What sort of world are we raising our children in right now?

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  4. That's my favorite Whitesnake song!!! :D

  5. I haven't listened to anything by Whitesnake before. I like the song. I'm definitely going to check out more music by this band. Great pick!

  6. Oh couldn't listen to Whitesnake, video not available for me - but I used to LOVE them. Back in the day ... Will look it up.

    Happy Monday!

  7. That's a great Whitesnake song. Actually reminds me a bit of Led Zepplin.

  8. Thanks for sharing! I've enjoyed Whitesnake before, but have never heard of Lane 8. I like their peaceful vibe! The lead singer has a really nice voice too!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  9. Whitesnake is a great band. I haven't listened to them in a while. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Yay for Whitesnake. They were awesome when I saw them in concert. Can you tell I had a thing for hair bands?

  11. I had no idea that's who did Still of the Night. Thanks for linking up with me!

  12. Two weeks in a row where I didn’t recognize your picks... I’m losing my 80’s cred! LOL

  13. I loved Whitesnake. I haven't listened to them in ages. 💜
