
Monday, May 25, 2020

Tuesday Tagline #191

The Vanishing Deep

Two sisters
One dangerous secret 
24 hours to uncover the truth 

 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Top Ten Opening Lines. I like this topic! I totally picked these at random, though, if I'm honest. These aren't like my favorite first lines of all time or anything, although I DO like them! But it was fun picking them out...        

The Shark Club

"Tucking away a long strand of hair that floated in front of my scuba mask, I kicked through the blue- green waters of Bimini on the last day of my research term, keeping watch for Sylvia, a five-foot, four-year-old lemon shark I'd named for oceanographer Sylvia Earle."

The Blue

"The paintbrush slips from Lana's fingers, turning through the air as it falls." 

Eight Hundred Grapes

"My father has this great story about the day he met my mother, a story he never gets sick of telling."

Sanctuary Bay

""First time on the water," the captain said."

A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5)

"He drank his way across the narrow sea."

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide, #1)

"Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the Western Spiral arm of the galaxy lies a small unregarded yellow sun."

Replica (Replica, #1)

"On very still nights sometimes we can hear them chanting, calling for us to die."

Obsidian and Stars (Ivory and Bone, #2)

"The day is so new, it's barely day at all. Yet we are already far out on the blue water, gliding under the blue sky. The first rays of the sun paint long stripes of light on the surface. I watch that light- watch it shimmer and ripple until the movement makes my head swim." 

Bad Girls with Perfect Faces

"We were holding hands, palm against palm. "

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Wayfarers, #1)

"As she woke up in the pod, she remembered three things."


  1. Oh, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is such a good choice for this week, and I'm disappointed I didn't think of it, too! Great selections this week.

  2. The Long Way. <3 Chambers always knows how to catch your attention.

  3. Ooh I forgot how intense Replica was! My TTT:

  4. The first line to A Dance with Dragons is great. And I love The Vanishing Deep so far! It is my car book with my boy... since lockdown began, we haven't gone anywhere together, so I still don't know the end yet!

  5. I have read the Game of Thrones book and Hitchhikers Guide but the reast are new to me!

  6. Hey Greg, you have some cool opening lines here. The only one I have read is the hilarious Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy and guess what... it is on my list this week, too!

    For this for my TTT post, I kept it classics and shared my favourite opening lines:

  7. I've heard a bit about Becky Chambers' series. At some point I'll read George RR Martin... It's a bit of a daunting task at this point.

    My TTT!

  8. Ooh, great first lines! I can't believe I haven't even opened the Becky Chambers books to peek at the opening lines 😂 I feel like a broken record saying this but I really need to read her books soon! I also forgot that Replica has such an interesting opening line. Great post, Greg :)

  9. The Replica one is really good! Sadly, I haven't had great luck with Lauren Oliver, so I'm not sure it's one I would try!
    My TTT:

  10. A Dance with Dragons has such a great opening line.

    My TTT .

  11. The line from Replica is pretty creepy. And I don't know who's being referred to in that line from A Dance with Dragons but it sure sounds like Tyrion. LOL

  12. It's amazing how the perfect first line can really set the tone of a book. I love some of these!

  13. Great list! The first line of The Shark Club is so fun, and I like the first line of A Dance with Dragons, too.

  14. The Hitchhiker's Guide has an opening line that you have to read twice to get your bearings LOL - but once you do, it's awesome! Especially the "unregarded yellow sun" bit.

  15. really liked that opening from Eight Hundred Grapes. Now I want to hear the story

  16. I love the Douglas Adams quote! I totally forgot about him when compiling my list, oops!

    My TTT:

  17. I like that Replica opening line and it's the only book I had read. Long way to an small angry planet also has a good first line. I've always wanted to read the Hitchhiker's guide but somehow never got around to it. Maybe I'll get around to it some day.

    Have a lovely day.

  18. Never read nya of these books but I liked your post. Here is my post-

  19. I had The Vanishing Deep out from Overdrive but I had just finished a sci-fi book and since I don't read that genre a lot, I didn't want to hit a wall. I do plan on reading it someday. And I'm not one bit surprised to see The Shark Club here!

  20. These are great! My list of opening lines was kind of random this week, too. :)

  21. Ooo great picks, lines and covers!!

  22. ooh some fun opening lines here! There are definitely some good ones out there.


  23. Love the set up for The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet. Would definitely keep reading.

  24. You chose some good ones! Very evocative.

    Happy TTT!


  25. Every time I look at my TBR, I see The Blue on it - I really need to get to it soon!

  26. The Vanishing Deep sounds so mysterious!

  27. The Becky Chambers first line sounds like the book will be good. I love the cover of The Vanishing Deep! It's stunning!

  28. TYRIAN!! It can only be him.. hahaha!! Such an amazing opening line! It's been soooo long since I've read that one.

  29. I do love the one from A Dance With Dragons!

  30. I love that you picked these at random because it was hard to pick favorites or even just find good ones I remembered.

  31. The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet - loved that so much!

  32. LOVE that first line of Hitchhiker's Guide! It's perfect for this topic.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  33. I only know two of these books; but all the opening lines you picked are cool!

  34. Great list! The opening line of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy really draws you in from the start! I really like the cover of Bad Girls with Beautiful Faces. Here's my TTT!

  35. Who can remember first lines anyway? It's way more fun to just pick a few books at random and list the first line, especially if you haven't read it yet as you can decide if the first line grabs you at all. Eight Hundred Grapes has a fantastic first line, that really grabs my attention as does The Shark Club.

  36. That book cover is surprisingly compelling and I'm not usually a fan of faces on covers. As this pandemic stretches out, I'm getting more irritated about not getting my hands on the Winds of Winter!

  37. The opening line for Replicas is brutal!

  38. I really like the first three quotes! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  39. I have loved this top ten Tuesday far more then I expected. I love seeing all the different opening lines and these are fantastic! I really want to read Eight Hundred Grapes and The Blue and their opening lines are great.

  40. I need to re-read Long Way. I'm going to buy a paperback for Baz. Maybe I'll buddy read it with him. 👍✨

  41. Looking at opening lines is always interesting! I really like the, "He drank his way across the narrow sea." It's a short sentence that packs a really intriguing punch.

  42. Oh, I like the Replica one, it's very haunting.
