
Saturday, May 2, 2020


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
So the ducks are back. I didn't see them for a few days and then one morning they were hanging out in the landscaping again. Along with the baby bunny that showed up. Nice to see them back! Bird feeders are great to attract wildlife. 

I have a question about commenting. I'm actually curious as to how many people come back to check for replies, or how many of you get notified of replies. It's no secret that I've been terrible lately at replying- not because I don't want to, but just due to time/ whatever. It seems like a few days go by and then I'm like... should I reply? Or just go visit their blog and comment there, where they're more likely to see it? So... how often (if at all) do you come back to see if there's a reply (or get notified)?

Songs from the DeepTo Be Taught, If FortunateHunting November (Killing November, #2)

Song of the week


Odds against Linda - She should to be liking it... That guy is Christian Gray, isn't he?


Good Girls Lie


This is amazing.   


  1. So admittedly, I always forget to check back on blog posts and see if anyone has replied to my comment. I try to remember, but most times I never check. Then, when I happen to check back weeks later and find out the person has asked me a question, I feel really bad. So, don’t feel bad about not always replying haha! Really, I don’t comment only looking for a reply.

    1. Same. Sometimes on TT Tuesday I'll go back but other times not so much. And right? I hate it when I miss a question and then I feel rude. :)

  2. I honestly never come back to check on replies to my comments, and I don't get notified if you reply to them. I used to have a plugin on my blog that automatically sent an email to the commenter when I replied, so they could read my reply, but it was messing with my blog so I had to remove it. I try to reply to all comments, because even if that person never reads it, other visitors see that you are relying to comments and then your blog has a feeling of community and conversation. Does that make sense?

    1. See notifications are so hit or miss! Like w/ TT Tuesday I'll usually see if someone has replied, and if there's a question or if I have a response then I know to go back. But with my own stuff I don't always know, unless I'm scrupulous about going back, and lately I've been bad. :(

  3. Thankfully on most blogs (including yours) I get notified if there's a reply to comment. Otherwise I just don't have the time to go back and check for replies every time I leave a comment. Way too time consuming. I hate when I get behind in replying but I also feel bag if I don't, no matter how old the comment is.

    1. Oh awesome. But right- time is a definite issue. And when I move on to a new post the next day that's where I seem to fall down on keeping track of comments from the previous day.

  4. I usually get notified if there's a response but otherwise I usually don't check on replies. Love all the art you've shared this week. :)

    1. Thanks Lauren! And same here- I try to check back but lately my biggest challenge is replying to my own commenters!

  5. Wow, you do get some nice visits! Any chance for us to see a pic/vid of those ducks and the bunny? 😊

    I understand not being able to reply to dozens of comments, but if you want to know my stance, I always go back for replies, and I do reply to everyone on my blog (at least until I'll be able to - for now it's still easy because the numbers are low-ish). But of course, I deeply appreciate when someone makes the time to stop by my blog even more than when they reply to my own, if I have to choose...duh! 😁

    1. I may have to take some pics. :) The bunnies are so cute!!

      I used to pride myself on replying to everything, but I've been awful lately. I like how you do that as well- it shows the blogger cares about their readers.

  6. I usually get notified if I check the get notifications box. Which I do most times. I do come back and check if the comment was something interesting. But if I just make a basic comment I don't check back as often. I do respond to all comments on my blog even if I don't get to it for a few days.

    1. You're great at replyng especially with the volume of comms you get. I need to be more like you. :)

    2. Awww thank you. I appreciate that.

  7. I've seen a mallard duck couple wandering up and down my street this spring; I don't know where they came from or what pond they hope to find, but they're fun to watch. :) And I check back occasionally to see if you've responded back to a comment, but not every time.

    1. I love them! That's what we have here- a mallard couple. they've been flying all over...

      I need to get better on my replying!

  8. If I get a notification of a reply - I will go check it out and respond if it's more than just your generic 'thanks for visiting response' but that actually doesn't happen very often.

    1. Ya I know what you mean. I envy those bloggers who have managed to keep up with replies even though they're busy- I used to do that and I've fallen down in that respect!

  9. I only go back and check if it's like, something I asked a specific question about/required a response. Though also, most of the time if I have a question or whatever, the person will just respond to me directly elsewhere, which you do too, so.

    Okay yeah things are decidedly NOT looking great for Linda. Unless she's into that sort of thing I guess. I won't judge Linda. Love the pictures as always. I am so impressed at these people's artistry, and also your ability to find all the good stuff!

    1. Yeah I feel like responding elsewhere on Twitter or wherever kinda makes up for not keeping up with replying, but at the same time I always feel that guilt too that I didn't get to the reply!

      Haha you never know with Linda!

  10. I am sort of like Shannon, because when I click the notify check box on Blogger's commenting system, it emails me every time someone comments, when I really just want replied to my comment. I love the sound of rain falling. It rained a whole bunch last week, and I would crack the window, just so I could hear it better.

    1. Ya there's not a perfect systm is there? I used to be good at replying (well you know mostly) but lately not so much... :(

      I love rain at night!

  11. OMG, my husband would love that rain in window background noise. He loves the sound of rain. I keep having this one thing pop up on Facebook, where this guy, I don't know if he's a photographer or what, he videos 60 seconds of nature a day to help people relax. It's so soothing!

    1. I do too! Do you guys know of I luvvv that site. And I am such a fan of ambient stuff lately!

  12. Depending on what my comment was I come back or get email notifications. I admit that I am not good with replying. I probably would have more followers if I was. My point is that if there's a reply - good. If not - not the end of the world

  13. Oh you have a bird feeder too?! Maybe you already said that and I forgot. But ducks and a bunny! It's like Easter or a Disney movie in your yard lol. I check back for replies sometimes, if I've asked a question or it's a discussion post or something and I think my comment might lead to more discussion.

    1. Yes! There's one in the front and it gets mobbed! I half think the ducks come because of it too lol. There was one on the back deck for a while but the squirrels would come raid it so it got moved. :)

  14. I only check back for replies if I get a notification email, but I rarely remember to check the "notify me." As for my blog, I've been trying my best to reply to every post, though it might take me a few days (or several weeks).

    1. I have hard times remembering also. I need to get better.....

  15. Oh, love little bunnies and ducks! I often wonder the same thing about commenting back. Sometimes I don't get back and respond until days later and then I wonder should I bother? Is anyone going to check back for a response? I do go back and look for responses sometimes on other blogs so I try to do it even if it is several days later.

    1. I've been agonizing over the replying thing lately. Well, maybe not agonizing haha but you know. :) And same! If it's been a few days... should I bother? And yes it's like Wild Kingdom over here lately!!

  16. I never come back :/ in wordpress I get notifications when someone replies but here, to remember, and then like when do people even respond. Sometimes it takes me a day or two.

    SO only if I ask something and want an answer

    1. Haha done and gone. :) Who has time tho????

  17. My daughter would be so jealous of your bunny. :-) We've seen the neighborhood cat more often as of late. I'm pretty sure he (or she?) lives across the street, but he often comes by and sits outside our back sliding glass window. If there is a box to check for comment notification, I always check it. I like knowing when people reply to my comments. If there isn't, I I don't generally go searching for it--I forget. I started including the person's name I am responding to in my responses on my blog to them because I know what it's like to wade through a gazillion replies in my e-mail box, searching for the one that belongs to me. LOL I think Wordpress blogs generally have an automatic feature that says and so it's easier. I don't necessarily expect replies. I know that people are busy, and it's hard to think of how to respond to some comments. I try to respond to the comments on my blog or at the very least visit the other person's blog if I am able. Honestly, I am happy with a reciprocal visit and no reply to my comment. It's hard to keep up sometimes though, I know. I think we all understand that. At least I hope we do!

    I hope you enjoy your reading and have a great week, Greg.

    1. Oh they're so cute. They're tiny and when the grass is long they hide well. :)

      I love it when cats come around. A couple years ago there was one coming around here and it was fun but eventually we didn't see him anymore. There's so many critters around though I'm actually surprised we don't have more stray cats! Although w/ the little ones I'm glad.

      You're always good at responding I think! And same here. I always try to at least visit and if someone doesn't have time to reply I totally get it. Especially since I've been awful lately lol!

      Have an awesome week!!!!!

  18. It honestly really depends on who the blog belongs to, what the post is, and how many other people have also commented, whether I come back around. I don't select to be notified of responses because my inbox would be flooded. Typically if I leave a generic 'Happy Reading' or something, because I don't have anything else to say, I don't come back to see what they say in response. Now with you the handful of others who I consider my good blogger buddies, I regularly come back and check in. But I also tend to have a lot more to comment on with people who I have that relationship with over time, as opposed to some who I have "known" for a while but we rarely have much to talk about because we have no commonalities in our reading tastes/habits. Posts like this, where you get dozens and dozens of responses because you are Mr Popular I usually don't come back to either, simply because there are so many comments, how could YOU have time to also respond meaningfully, you know? So, basically it depends on a million different factors and that's the best I can describe it, lol.

    1. Same. Bloggers I really interact with, or have known forever, etc I definitely pay more attention to replies and such, I think. And great point. If it's a blog I have a lot in common with it does make it easier! I have regulars and then I have blogs I've noticed that I visit on TTT or memes and I'm like... an infrequent visit. Shrug!

      Mr. Popular. :) I don't know about THAT, I think I've just been doing these Sunday Posts so long I'm like a regular. And that's also a great point- responding meaningfully. I like to (we all do obviously) but you're right- sometimes what do you say?

      I totally agree!!

  19. One reason I switched from using Blogger's commenting platform is because commenters have to come back to check for replies or go into their account to see replies (if they appear there?). I rarely remember to go back and check, but I do see responses to my Disqus comments and will subscribe to get replies where I can. Have a wonderful week! :)

    My Weekly Update

    1. Blogger definitely makes it harder. There are much better platforms out there and I've thought about switching a few times...

  20. I sometimes come back to check if there is a reply. But only if I can find the link to it. But not very often. But I see your comment over on my blog *smile* And I turned off the "your-comment-got-a-reply-email" because the email it goes to has some technical issue I can´t solve and the space there is limited. But it is always nice when you comment back. Here and on my blog *smile* Stay safe and well.

    1. I'm the same- sometimes I do if it occurs tome. I try to at least visit the commenter because I love that they commented and even if my replying is crap I can at least visit them and say hi. :)


  21. Every time I come to comment, I always check back on the posts to see if there's a reply - not all the time, but if I remember asking a question, for example, I'd do a quick looksie. I don't get alerts to replies, but probably because I don't check the option to be notified...though maybe it makes sense that I should, lol!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I do that too some times. A lot of times on a return visit I'll remember I commented a few days ago and I'll go see if there was a reply.

  22. Getting notification about comments is one of the reason I switched over to Wordpress from Blogger. And I dont think ppl want to get mailed when their comment gets replied in another blog.

    And yes, despite that, catching up with comments on my own blog is a big deal for me.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. WP seems highly superior to Blogspot in that regard. :) And you do seem to be good at replying from what I've seen!

  23. Totally depends on the commenting system people use. I always get Disqus notifications for people replying because I use that on my blog. Sometimes I get notifications for other blogs as well but it's usually if I've remembered to tick the box and so often I don't. I always reply to comments on my blog no matter if it has been a week (which often it has) and sometimes I'll refer to something on someone's blog when I comment but usually me going to peoples blogs and me replying to my blog comments don't always overlap.

    Also, why does this weeks collection of pictures really want to play videogames? They don't even all match up but they really want my to turn on my playstation and find a really good rpg to play.

    1. Disqus seems good. And you are a good replier. There are so many ways to interact and replying and visiting are both nice but yeah sometimes I do one and sometimes the other. :)

      I feel like gaming is so relaxing right now? I've been playing RPG's too and I love the distraction!

  24. I rarely come back to check for a reply, but i love when I get an email notification of a reply. On my own blog, I'm the worst lately, I never reply. Which I hate, it seems rude, but I never seem to find time to it all.

    1. Hi Trish! Same here. there's something nice about seeing a reply. :) I have the same problem though. Don't feel bad :)

  25. I honestly do not check for replies but I do get notified for some sites that I have commented on. Have a great week!

    1. Same. I don't usually check either but sometimes I do. Like if I visit a blog and remember oh I was here a few days ago for Top Ten Tuesday or whatever, then I'll look. :)

      You too!

  26. Enjoy your reading this week. I like the rain and thunder sounds, it's soothing. I listen every night before bed to nature sounds on the app.
    I sometimes come back to check for replies when I can, but not always. Sometimes I have notifications sent in my email too.
    I always try to reply on my blog comments.

    1. Thank you! And same. Rain and thunder are excellent relaxers. And I've noticed that- you're good at replying.

  27. Unless I get notified of a comment I rarely come back to see if there is a comment, I guess I figured nobody commented or I would get notice but then I guess some peoples blogs don't auto notify people, but then I just don't think about checking
    I think the best thing is to comment back on their blogs cause then they probably figured you at least seen their comment. :)

    Stay safe and happy reading!

    1. You too Stormi! And I feel the same way- or at least that's what I've been doing. Like if I don't make it to replies at least I try to return visit and comment, so it's like replying?!?

  28. Being with Wordpress, I have a widget that means I can easily check on who has visited and commented and so responding isn't difficult. My downfall is that I am rubbish at visiting other people's blogs:((. Sorry! But juggling that inbetween my writing commitments isn't easy, particularly if I am feeling rough - which was most of this week...

    1. Oh that's understandable! Blogging is a hobby after all and other things come first. I feel like I'm better at visiting (mostly anyways) than replying lately- I'd like to find more balance.

      Hope you feel better!

  29. I tick the box on WP blogs for replies but blogger blogs I dont because they don't just send replies to your comment but every comment on that post and that gets too much to wade through in the inbox. I often flick back to previous posts (when visiting new posts on that blog) to see if there's a response but I don't get upset when there isn't one... Some comments don't really need a response, you know?

    I find commenting and responding to comments is always the first thing that takes a hit for me when it comes to time and blogging... Don't feel bad for not getting to them. :)

    1. Good point. Email getting bombarded can be a HUGE problem. And yes I do that too hahahah! I visit and I'm like oh wait last week I was here- check for replies. :)

  30. So exciting to have all those little critters in your yard! I love that!

    I will sometimes check back for a reply. Anyone who has WP I get notified of replies and comments but for other platforms I will check back maybe midweek. I am never upset though if there isn't a reply, I know it's hard to keep up, and also to visit everyone. :)

    1. I'm loving it this year. :)

      WP seems to be the bomb on notifications haha. And I feel then same- I often feel bad for not replying, but I know other people have the problem too and honestly it can be hard to keep up. You're always good at replying though, you're one of the good ones. :):)

    2. I liked the actual interface for Blogger better but WP does make the replying thing easier. It shows in a big list in the corner of my blog and I can just click on each comment and reply right from there. And thanks!!

  31. If I leave question or comment I want to see a reply for I will come back. I don't get notified if you reply. My blog I do because I think people get notified if I reply. Then again I am the worst commenter ever but I really need more hours in a day.

    I wish I had a backyard that had cute wildlife. We have squirrels and a gopher sometimes.

    I love Ambiance sound, it's very relaxing.

    I hope you have a fantastic week Greg! Stay Safe and Happy Reading xx

    1. Thanks Michelle- you too! And same here. Often I will go back and look (a lot of times I do that for TT). And we have a ton of squirrels as well! Want any?? :)

  32. I'll admit that I'm pretty bad at it, even on my own blog. If I catch it while checking my email, I'll click through and read the reply but mostly forget otherwise. Sometimes I remember to click the 'comments' option on Blogger to check for spam.
    I am trying to be more consistent with Sunday posts and will go back to reply on those but my computer is sloowww so I do a couple at a time most days!

    Have a great week, Greg! :)

    1. You too! And yes I am SO bad lately. My problem is if I post a lot, I move on to the next day and feel like I neglect comments from yesterday's post or few days ago...

  33. Lovely to hear your ducks are back and a baby bunny! I have the usual birds coming to my bird feeder: a robin, a gang of sparrows, and beautiful pair of goldfinches.

    As for commenting, I am so used to Wordpress automatically notifying me when I get a reply, that I often forget to agree to be notified when I am BlogSpot. Sorry if that means I have missed some of your replies.

    1. Yes it's like an animal preserve around here lately haha! I love 'em though. And no! That's no problem at all. I was just wondering if people saw my replies, or cared lol... and just in general how people feel about it.

    2. Also if you tick for notifications on BlogSpot you get notified of EVERY comment, rather than just replies to your own comment, as you do on Wordpress.

  34. I actually had a whole discussion post about commenting a long time ago... because I sometimes felt like my answers to comments on my blog went unseen. I didn't really get an answer though, but like some others here have said, I get notifications with Wordpress, but not with Blogger... I guess I could set something up for Blogger notifications.

    I hope the ducks and the baby rabbit will continue to visit you.

    Have a wonderful week ahead, stay safe and healthy.

    Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Thanks Linda! And yes I've felt the same way. Not that I've been going well with replying, but even when I was... I wasn't sure if anyone was catching them.

  35. Its been raining and thundering here since 7 am! I typically will look for a reply if I asked a question about something. Otherwise, I forget all about it! I do think because my blog is WP, I get the notifications when I comment on other WP blogs and it reminds me.

    1. Has it? And I'm the same. A consensus seems to be that WP is much better about notifying of replies lol.

  36. I love the rain on the window. My Rainy Days and Mondays blog is one where I like creating headers with rain...and books.

    I usually go back to check a comment if the blogger has "liked" my comment. I then want to see if there is another comment from the blogger.

    Enjoy your week!

    1. Rain and books go well together. :) And I'll listen to ambient rain occasionally even when it's nice out!

  37. I do enjoy watching the wildlife.

    I rarely reply on my own blog. I'll usually go over and visit someone else's blog and reply to them there for the same reasons you mentioned. I will go back to a blog if someone has liked or replied to me when I get the notifications. There have been times I requested to be notified, if I remember.

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. Same here. Sometimes I feel like if I go to their blog to comment they're more likely to see it?

  38. Unfortunately Blogger hasn't got a user friendly commenting system, which makes it super difficult to actually interact. You don't get ANY notifications of any new comments or replies at all, that's one of the reasons I switched to Wordpress honestly. Furthermore, I find it hard to follow Blogger blogs as that's only possible through email. Plus, you mainly have to comment using a Google account and I prefer Wordpress.

  39. Welll Greg I know you don't (often) reply but you always go to my blog and comment so, except if I was askin you a question (and I don't do that often) I am fine with it! I even thought about imitating you when I am too overwhelmed LOL

  40. I do sometimes come back to see if there is a reply, especially If I have asked a question, but I am using Wordpress, so Blogger is hit and miss. I can get Blogger updates by email, but they get sent to all sorts of places and so often get missed. Any wordpress accounts who comment on mine, are easily spotted. I'm notified a comment has been left. And when someone with a WP account, likes my comment, I am also notified. Sometimes that is nice if you are line at the same time, as it's just like chatting to someone in messenger. WP to WP can be very fast if you ask for notifications of each other's blog comments.

    Though blogger comments on my WP blog are often sent to my WP spam folder - even those people who have commented once before and are not new - which is very annoying as WP spam folder is chock full with penis enlargements and used car sales for a great price --- in America. Bit far for me to go! LOL Blogger bloggers (lol)

    I used to use Disqus Comments on my Blogger Blog, before I moved to WP, that worked fine for me when I had it on my own blog (catching replies etc), but I don't find it user friendly now I don't use it on my own blog myself. I mean, it is easy to comment, but Disqus appears to be better if you are both using it. I rarely check back within the whole Disqus system for comments. But if I ran Disqus on my own blog, then that wouldn't be such a problem... ooh essay!

  41. We had ducks in our yard this morning too! I usually don’t go back to blogs and look at the comments. I might if I had more time. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  42. I don't check for replies unless I've asked the blogger a specific question. On my own blog I will reply if I think he comment warrants one mainly for any future readers to get an idea of my relationship with my readers.

  43. I never get notified of replies on your blog - it's kinda random the places I get notifications from. If I ask a question I check back but if not, I tend to forget. I am awful at replying to comments and personally I prioritize visiting (again, unless asked a question, I try to answer those comments)

    Enjoy the ducks! Have a great week Greg!

  44. I only get notified for some blogs - I don't sign up for it or anything. it just happens lol

    I only check back if I leave a conversational comment and if I'm really curious about your answer. But most of the time I would hit the person up elsewhere like Twitter or Instagram and ask them where I know they're lurking more often and it's easier to answer.

    I always answer the comments on my blog though even though it's not as fast lately.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  45. I finally gave up on replying to comments on my blog. Not because I don't want to reply but because I'm just out of time. I do try to comment on their blogs and answer any question that was asked in that comment but I'm far from fantastic on that. Hope you have a great week!

  46. Neat that you get a duck family and a baby rabbit. The neighborhood hosts one duck family and two geese families as a whole. Sometimes they're under our big pine or up in a neighbor's bushes. :)

    I don't usually remember to go back and check for a comment back to mine unless I asked/responded to a specific question. Some blogs I get an email notice with the response which is great, but no worries if I don't get that.

    Some restful graphics this week.

    Have a great week, Greg!

  47. I almost never check for replies to my comments. The only time that I will is if I asked a specific question that I feel that the blogger will answer. I am bad at replying on my blog. I do return blog visits but there just isn't enough time to do it all. I would respond to comments if I had some way of notifying individuals of my response. Blogger is definitely lacking in that regard. I hope you have a wonderful week, Greg!

  48. I love the graphics. Thank you.

  49. I'm terrible about going back to blogs and looking for replies to my comments. It's a time thing, forever behind on everything, lol. Oooh, Hunting November! I can't wait to hear what you think of that one.

  50. It's easier now that I've tuned on Comment Moderation, since it lets me know when people comment (funny how that works). ;) I try to approve the comments when I also have time to respond to them, but it's so much harder when it's someone else's blog. When I blog hop, I try to visit everyone, and it's impossible to keep up with every conversation. Occasionally, I'll select "notify," but it doesn't always work. I do try, Greg! If I'm vising blogs, I'll scroll through and see if one of their recent posts is familiar, and then check for responses. I know you're pretty good at popping by when we're talking about comics! How do you do it?!

    Speaking of wildlife... one of our cats ran out the back door the other night, and darted into the woods behind our house. We looked everywhere! My son would have been devastated to lose that cat. I heard him meowing in some bushes, so I called Jacob over. The light seemed to be scaring him further into the woods, so I turned it off, and Jacob called out to him. We heard rustling, and something approached Jacob from the trees... IT WAS A POSSOM. Jacob flipped his shit when his hand touched it and refused to look for the cat anymore. I stayed up until 5 AM waiting to see if he'd come to the back door, but he didn't. We woke up to him meowing several hours later, so there's a happy ending, but I think Jacob is forever traumatized by the experience.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear?😷 💬

  51. I do not check for replies. Sometimes I get notification of a response in my email. We used to get ducks every year visiting our pool before it was open, but they have not returned in a few years.

  52. Okay, Farewell my Lethal Liar is an epic tagline, but that cover? Yikes.

  53. I try to keep up with as many comments as I can. Replies don't always show up in email so it might end up unanswered for awhile. I feel bad about that, but it's not done intentionally. It happens. And thanks for sharing the Rain on Windows.. it's definitely soothing.

  54. Judging from the number of comments here, you can certainly be forgiven for not always replying to every comment! In general, and only because you asked, I would prefer a visit to my blog and a comment there more than a reply to a comment I made -- if it's a choice of one or the other. If I asked a question or it seems as though the blogger always replies, I'll keep a tab open for a day or two and check back. Usually if it's a link-up type thing, though, I don't expect a reply. My blog is on WordPress so I get notified of replies to comments on other WP blogs automatically.
    This morning I pulled up a YouTube video of a view of the ocean from the balcony of a cruise ship. One hour! I didn't get to keep it on for very long, but I'll go back to it. We missed a scheduled NY-Bermuda cruise a couple of weeks ago!

  55. Guy one of my beefs with comments on blogger is that I have to go back... or subscribe to a posts comments and then I get clogged email wise with all the comments on that post. As Laurie says above Wordpress replies or any replies I think show up on my notifications. Its what I like about Wordpress. I don't generally check back for Blogger replies mainly because I'd never get to read any books if I did that!!

  56. I don't check for a reply to my comment unless I asked a specific question or make a comment that warrants some sort of specific reply. I'm totally good with people just stopping by my blog instead of replying to my comment. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  57. When blogs have the option to be notified when someone replies to your comment, I check that, but otherwise I don't come back to see. I'd just as soon see someone stop by my blog and say hi.

  58. I'm definitely a commenter for sure on other blogs. I comment on my own blog, and even though it can take anywhere from 1 day to as long as 2 months later(lol), I always comment back. Like you, it can get busy or life takes over, but I try my best. I really enjoy seeing what other people are talking about, and find that I learn so much. Sending some elbow hugs your way, Gorgeous Greg! RO

  59. It sounds like you have some lovely spring wildlife showing itself where you live - nice!

    Regarding commenting, I tend to check back the next time I'm on the blog, but I do think that depends on what I commented also. I think commenting, and finding the balance with that (because let's be honest, it is time consuming), is quite a personal thing.

    Happy reading & a nice week to you!

  60. I love the 'Dreaming' art - could definitely spend some time just looking at this landscape :)
    I was wondering the same thing about commenting the other day! I also reply to comments on my own blog, but often days (or even weeks) later and I think not everyone sees those replies so not sure how useful they are. I personally never check back on my old comments on other blogs to see if I got a reply. Sometimes I get notified, which is cool, but sometimes I don't and I'm not quite sure how it works exactly. But I try to always visit back blogs and comment back to the ones who commented on mine, so I think that's at least a nice way to let people know you appreciated their visit and their blog :)

  61. It's been this long since I haven't been around? Wow, I'm awful. 😛
