
Friday, May 15, 2020

Sunday Post #350


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 

Hello! It's the weekennnnnd! Hope everyone is well.  

This killed me this week. These guys are a treasure.  

Songs from the DeepTo Be Taught, If FortunateHunting November (Killing November, #2)

Song of the week




Good Girls Lie


Have you heard of HU? They're Mongolian throat singers and they've been getting a lot of attention lately. Here they cook...


  1. Yes, The Hu are awesome! I just happened to stumble upon them a couple of months ago back on YouTube. :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

  2. These are some great art picks this week - the first one, Tree City, wow!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  3. Can you believe we're in mid May already? I don't know where the time is going this year. I need to get some reading done before summer is at an end!

  4. Some great art as usual - I love that library, even if it's not very accessible LOL.

  5. The Hu are stressing me out with the way they cook with their hands. I know it's a cultural thing, but I can't, lol. Have a good weekend, Greg!

  6. I LOVE the Hu! They're one of my favorite bands. Great video of them cooking. :D

  7. I hope you had a good week Greg.

    What is your Stay At Home situation there? Ours is sloooowly being lifted but I'm pretty much still just sticking with home, grocery shopping and walks.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  8. At least Sammy Hagar and friends are having a bit of fun during the lockdown, and I like the positive message. I feel like NJ will be in endless lockdown, though they have goals of having the shore open for the holiday. We'll see.

  9. Love the pulp cover this week! Have a great weekend!

  10. I've been enjoying ambient noise/music and I'm definitely adding that Cozy Winter Ambiance to my list. That's fantastic! I love the Tree City and the pulp cover is amazing. I'm somewhat curious as to just where in the Deep South she is as I've lived here my entire life and never have I been attacked by tree branches! Have a great week!

    1. I love ambience music! And i know right? I'm not in the Deep South but somehow I don't think it's quite like that! :)

  11. Oh my goodness, the throat singers! I never knew that was a real thing, I remember seeing Sheldon doing it on the Big Bang Theory 🤣

    1. I had never heard of it before until I saw them!

  12. Don't you worry about a thing! I hope all's well in your corner of the world, Greg. Thanks for sharing some tunes with us today.
    Have a wonderful week ahead, stay safe and healthy :)
    Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Thanks Linda! A great message for the current times :)

  13. Hey Greg, I felt very much the same way about it being the weekend! This week has been a little tough for me. But chilling now catching up with the blog and comments is making me feel a whole lot better. I love that Tree City art - I would very happily live there please! I hope this coming week is an easier one for both of us. 🙂

    1. Yes! Sometimes we just need it. And I'm sorry to hear your week was rough! Hoping your new one is awesome. :)

      I would love that Tree City too!!

  14. I am glad it is weekend too, I am so done with busy at work week. The work day doesn't seem to end especially since we are working from home. I wish things get better soon.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  15. I was so excited for the weekend this week, I needed the chance to sleep this week has been exhausting. Although, I only know for certain it's the weekend when my alarm doesn't go off. Love the Library picture! I spent a really long time thinking, is that a library and then saw the title (yes, I am regularly that unobservant).

    1. Yes. Sometimes the weekend arrives just in time. And right? The days are melding together and it's hard to know sometimes!

  16. Lol... you have it all this week - Mongolian throat singers (which were completely new to me!), a cheeky blonde with a vine fetish and Martian tourist sites! Thank you, Greg - this visit has put a smile on my face:))

  17. Thanks for sharing the videos, that cozy winter setting is perfect. Have a good week ahead and happy reading.

  18. Sammy Hagar video was great, thanks for sharing! Hope you have a great week!

  19. I just saved that Sammy Hagar video to watch later!

  20. Love that futuristic dystopian apartment. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    Enjoy your week and stay safe.

  21. I definitely needed this weekend. Very ready for summer. Happy reading!

  22. Every time I hear throat singers I think of Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory!! But, those guys are much better!

  23. Some of those images would make good Zoom backgrounds, mine is currently the deck of the Enterprise.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  24. I love the sci fi apartment. All those pictures are wonderful. Have a great week and stay safe.

  25. I can't believe the weekend is already almost over. Eventhough every day seems pretty much the same at the moment, time still seems to fly by.
    Stay safe and happy reading Greg.

  26. That tree city picture is so cool but I imagine there would be a lot of bugs. lol

  27. Keeping it shor today Greg? I guess you had a long week LOL

  28. You're missing a caption! It's kind of been one of those weeks for me too. Got my Sunday Post up really late today!
    Have a nice week! Happy reading! :)

  29. These are some great pictures :) I especially like the tree cover.

    Beena @ Beena Khan

  30. I've been getting tons of videos from my Italian friends with songs about the quarantine that just cracked me up. People are so creative!

  31. Very sexy cover on The Murderer Vine! Take care Greg and keep well.

  32. No snowy evening ambiance for me. I'm sick of snow! 🚫⛄

    I would love to explore Mars Ruins! 🔴

    Have a wonderful new week! 🌞

  33. Those guys are funny, and it's always so cool to see what's going on with other people around the world. Glad you are doing well, and sending some air hugs, RO

  34. The Murderer Vine. LOL. My favorite art this week is a toss-up between the two apartments. Stay well!

  35. I try so hard to avoid YouTube. I just go to check one thing and the next I know hours have passed. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  36. I like the art your chose this week, especially the woman on the rope. She’s up to something for sure. I hope you have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  37. Sammy Hagar... now there's a blast from the past! I've never heard of Hu but that was a cool video.

  38. Love the Sammy Hagar video! I hadn't seen that so thanks for sharing it.

  39. The Sammy Hagar video was great - enjoyed listening to it! Another day staying home, but truthfully after my morning walk, I find plenty to do! Have a good week.
