
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Song Lyrics #45

I feel like The Baby's exemplify that late 70's/ early 80's vibe?   

I was so lonely until I met you
Told myself I'd get by without love


  1. Ha I feel like that last bit likely took a few radio DJs by surprise 😂 In my headcanon it's on some pleasant radio station, a family is peacefully driving along in their station wagon with the wood panel sides, listening to this new feather-haired British bop, and BAM. Or that is just the vision I have of the late 70s in my head, anyway 😂

  2. I have heard Midnight Rendezvous a million times and never known that's what he says at the end! Guess I was not paying attention!

  3. I don't think I've ever heard the Babys before, but I agree that they capture that late 70s/early 80s vibe perfectly, especially that last song.

  4. LOL I agree with Sarah, I don't know how I didn't know ALL these lyrics before. I guess sometimes I really don't pay attention to what I am singing as well as I should be.

  5. some oldies but goodies. nice way to sneak it in
    sherry @ fundinmental

  6. I never really listened much to The Babys...but I was a huge John Waite fan when he did all his solo stuff.

  7. I had to play that one...I couldn't quite remember how it went lol

    Karen @ For What' It's Worth

  8. Yeah!! My choice is very 70s too, but for kids LOL

  9. I thought I knew a lot of 80s music, but you always find ones that are new to me!

  10. Awesome picks, Greg! I used to *love* The Babys! Isn't It Time is such a favorite. Anytime I hear that on the classic rock stations I'm instantly in a good mood. :)

  11. I didn't know this band, though I looked them up and saw that John Waite was a member - I do know him for his single "Missing You". And oops, adult lyrics LOL.

  12. That's a new one to me! Thanks for introducing me, Greg!

  13. I want to read the cat one, aww
