
Monday, March 9, 2020

Tuesday Tagline #

One of Us Is Next (One of Us Is Lying, #2)

Truth or dare turns deadly. What would you choose?          

 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Authors Who Have Fun Social Media. To be honest- shocking- I don't really follow author accounts that much? I mean, I have some authors that have reached out so I follow them, and maybe some I check on periodically- but not really? So I'm just gonna share some authors who I support on social media or need to check up on, because- where's the book?    

A School for Unusual Girls (Stranje House, #1) 

This series is amazing and the author is awesome. Seriously, if you like YA or just a good historical mystery with a touch of what if?, READ these. 
I haven't checked in on Khoury in a few years maybe? After really liking Vitro and Kalahari. 

The Winds of Winter (A Song of Ice and Fire, #6)

Martin- where is it???

City of the Lost (Rockton, #1)

This series- I should be bugging the author, probably, to give me a Ty Cypher/ Casey crossover. 

Alex + Ada: The Complete Collection

I followed up Alex and Ada with Girls and woo is that crazy! 

Girls: The Complete Collection Deluxe

The Blue

This was so good, and after that absolutely chilling ending, I've wanted to read more Lucy Clarke. I need to look up more of her books.

Kitty and the Midnight Hour (Kitty Norville #1)

I love this series and am about three books in, but I haven't picked up #4 yet. I need to get back into her stuff. 

The Deep End (The Country Club Murders #1)

Another series I'm wayyy behind on sadly. 

Eight Hundred Grapes

I need to see if she has anything new!

The Extinction Trials (The Extinction Trials, #1)

I will read anything else she writes


  1. I think I am more likely to read an author’s book if they have fun on social media, and don’t take themselves too seriously. That’s part of the reason why I love Rick Riordan novels so much!

  2. I have never heard of Kathleen Baldwin's series, but I am really excited to read these books now. They look so good.

  3. I feel for all the readers waiting for the next Game of Thrones book. I hope it gets to publication soon.

  4. As a writer, I mostly follow authors. I've bought books from authors just because I thought they were nice people. And I agree with you... where's your next book, GRRM? I don't follow him though.

  5. I adore the cover and title of A School for Unusual Girls -- it's so dramatic! And GRRM -- even if you're not a fan of the books, you know it's way past time for his new book!

  6. I don't really follow many authors lately, though, I get to see their tweets via retweets and "likes". I used to follow more authors, but they got too political and, honestly, kind of mean spirited. That's their right, but I don't want to see it.

  7. I hope you get new books from all of these authors soon.

    My TTT .

  8. Putting A SCHOOL FOR UNUSUAL GIRLS on my TBR. It sounds great!! I don't follow a lot of authors on social media either. Anymore, they're too preachy and mean (I'm generalizing-- there are plenty of delightful ones, I'm sure).

  9. I'm like you - I don't follow many authors, and the ones I do are mutual follows (because maybe I've reviewed their books and sometimes tagged them) or, mostly, authors I do chat/collaborate with (as a beta reader).

    I don't think GRRM's books would ever work for me, because I hate anything historical LOL - but I know this book has been in the making (?) for ages, so maybe it's time for it to come out?

  10. I agree...where is The Winds of Winter! It's getting really annoying now. I WANT TO READ IT NOW! I'm not really a follower of authors on social media...I mean I do officially follow some but I so rarely get to Twitter that I rarely see what they post!

  11. I love it - where's the book? Do you think Martin posts to social media accounts as much as he releases books? I actually refuse to start reading the books until this one is released!

  12. To be honest 99% of the time I follow authors because I want to know when that next book is coming. :)

  13. Great take on the topic. I read Last of Her Name last year and I believe you put the author on this list. Here is my post-

  14. I don't follow many authors either, but I agree - I most often check in on authors when I want to know about their next book. It's so annoying when they don't post about what they're working on or when to expect another book! They should be keeping us updated, right?

    Happy TTT!


  15. I don't really follow authors on social media either. I follow them on Amazon, so I can get notified when their newest book releases. Other than that, like you, I follow the ones that support me or reach out to me.

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  16. It will not surprise you at all that when I am able to do so, I will be buying all of the UK covers.

  17. I read Kitty and the Midnight Hour. I read a few of the books in that series and liked them.

  18. It is really hard to follow authors if all they are doing is talking up their books. I like John Green because he uses his celebrity for education on a variety of different topics. My TTT list

  19. I'm way behind on the Julie Mulhern series and I've wanted to read The Deep and School for Unusual Girls since you first started talking about them. I don't really follow many authors either. There were a few I do and in the case of one or two I regret it because I end up not liking them which affects how much I enjoy their books. Some are absolutely lovely though!

  20. I'm losing hope that we're ever going to see The Winds of Winter!

  21. This is SUCH a good list! I've added Vitro and The Extinction Trials to my tbr for sure. Totally my kind of reads. And yesss, where is Winds of Winter??? Hannah @ Back Shelf Books

  22. WINDS. OF. WINTER. hahaha. I'm so annoyed with Martin. I think I might be giving up on that one!! haha.

  23. I didn't do this topic because I just can't think of any. Really, I don't follow that many authors anymore. I really need to read that book by Kathleen Baldwin though.

  24. This made me laugh. Sometimes you do wonder where certain authors are. Don't they know we are impatiently waiting for their next book?

  25. This week's topic was a toughie and I almost didn't do a TTT coz of it but I just decided to share a couple authors I follow as well! Great list. I really need to read The Extinction Trials! I also want more Alex + Ada but Girls was creepy AF. LOL

  26. Whoa, that cover for The Extinction Trials is epic, love it! I follow a few authors, mostly Australian authors because I'm a stickler for supporting home grown authors. The big names, not so much. I find once they reach a certain level of popularity, they tend to unfollow everyone who actually helped make them popular and only care about other big name authors and people with ridiculously large followings. Then you have the batshit ones who I wouldn't follow with someone else's account quite frankly.

  27. I have abandoned social media for so long that I feel right out of the loop! Kelly Armstrong is one author that I have been meaning to try. I have a few of her books on my shelves, so one day soon... Great list! :)

  28. There are definitely some authors I follow just so I can keep up to date with any updates about future books, even though they might not post much else, haha. Some authors really do seem to just disappear from everything (even when in the middle of a series!) and then you can't help but wonder what's going on.

  29. I loved the first Alex + Ada - I need to keep going with it. :)

  30. LOL! Yes, I think you definitely need to check up on George R.R. Martin and see what's up with that next book. :)

  31. It’s not that I don’t follow many authors on social media (although I don’t), but more that I’m just rarely on social media at all. I had to change up this week’s topic because the social media aspect just didn’t apply to me.

  32. I follow a few authors on social media only Greg!

  33. I feel like Jessica Khoury has been writing a lot of MG lately.

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre

  34. I need to get back on the Kitty Norville series! I finished book 4 and was enjoying it but then I got side-tracked.

    I think people need to give up on Winds of Winter... He doesn't have a clue how to finish that book so it's not coming. He's determined to write everything but the one the fans are waiting on. Super annoying!

  35. Even though I don't currently read his books, I love Stephen Kings Twitter account. 😊

  36. Oh I need to check out Jessica Khoury's social media and see if she has anything new coming up too :) Also I really want to read The Extinction Trials!
