
Friday, March 6, 2020

Sunday Post 340


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
So this week we apparently learned that this country will continue to be ruled by old white men for the foreseeable near term future. Let's see... I read Tales From the Loop in anticipation of the upcoming Amazon series- my review will be this week. I honestly was a tad disappointed at the story-to-art differential- I mean, the art is so evocative and the show looks great, but the story elements (for an expensive book) were lacking. Still. I think the show is going to go its own way, taking inspiration and making this a much tighter narrative. 

Tales from the Loop

Songs from the DeepThe Andromeda Evolution (Andromeda #2)To Be Taught, If Fortunate

Song of the week


Image result for swamp lust pulp cover


Good Girls Lie


Some more Sea of Thieves. This week pirates vs pirate skeletons and the usual beautiful location shots.     


  1. Yay, some Sea of Thieves art! Loved that game...sadly, a good friend of mine who I always crewed with passed a way a few months ago, and I can't imagine playing SoT now as it will just feel so weird without him. When more time passes, maybe one day I'll return to the game!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  2. What a bummer the Loop book didn't really impress. The show does look brilliant, though. I'll have to look around for more of the art work. 👍✨

    The Medieval music is just what I needed for my LotR re-read mood! After that disastrous re-read of The Hobbit I am happy to say I am loving The Fellowship of the Ring! 🙌🙌🙌

    Here's to a bright and happy new week. 🌞

  3. I have been keeping an eye on youe election latest. I guess it's Bernie v Biden then. I'm not sure that either are going to be able to beat Trump though.

  4. "So this week we apparently learned that this country will continue to be ruled by old white men for the foreseeable near term future."
    Let's hope for a change of scenery at least...nothing can be worse of what you have now. Still, another wasted chance...

    "One luscious female's perverted hunger" OMG. Those are getting better and better 😂.

  5. I have never even heard of Tales From the Loop! And suddenly there's a book and a TV show? I'm intrigued...

  6. I'm trying not to think about the election or the coronavirus. Such stressful time!

    I will have to look for Tales from the Loop. Sorry the book was a bit of a disappointment.

    Have a good week!

  7. I'm sorry to hear Tales from the Loop disappointed you a little. It does look good. I might check out the show.

    Have a wonderful week!

  8. I really like the winter one, but dang! I would not cross

  9. Love all the art! I can't even pick a favorite. It's all so cool. :)

  10. If nothing else, it's good to see all these adaptations motivating people to read. You're a reader, but there are many other people, who nary read a book, that are picking up those adapted books. So, yeah!

  11. Yep. Old men. I don't know much about Tales on a Loop. Sounds interesting!

  12. Hahaha -- the biting thing! Hilarious. I like to bite, but not be bitten. ;) Re: Old White Men -- UGH. I wish Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could be president.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

  13. I am so stressed about the old white men. I won't pretend I didn't cry when Liz dropped out. It's like- what do I tell my daughter? "Sorry honey, the woman with all the plans had to quit because she's female and no one will vote for her"? I am just so TIRED. Those two were/are my LAST choices, I have never been a fan of either one, and there were so many better candidates. ANYWAY.

    Lovely pictures as always. Love the boy and the cat one. Also I cannot wait Swamp Lust 😂

  14. Bummer about Loop. Yes, I would have liked to have seen where Warren would take us. Hope this week is a good one for you!

  15. Too Bad Tales from the Loop was a disappointment. I just read/listened to The One by John Marrs for my book club, and it's going to be made in to a movie for Netflix. Love all artistic pics! Have a great weekend Greg :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  16. I've been following the presidential race with interest from across the pond, although I don't really understand the whole system. Being the "loony lefty liberal snowflake" that I am, the situation in the US and with our government here feels overwhelmingly hopeless sometimes. But then I read and watch things that restore my faith in humanity again.

    I've not read Tales from the Loop but I will probably watch the Amazon show when it comes out.

    Love the Sea of Thieves artwork, especially the starry night one. That wolf picture is so captivating too.

    Have a great week!

  17. Hey Greg, I haven't heard of Tales From the Loop but I am loving the look of it! I hope you have a good, maybe politics free week this week!

  18. I love a great book with fantastic images, but I can see the disappointment when the story inside is lacking. I am intrigued to learn more about Tales from the Loop, though. Have a great week! :)

  19. I can't believe it has been years since I read a Crichton book. And too bad about the US election, not that it is any better in my native, India as well. Good luck.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  20. I was a bit surprised when I heard that Warren wasn´t running any longer the the higest office in the US. Well, for me anything is better but the 45th. Happy reading and have a great new week!

  21. I was so disappointed to see Warren drop out of the race. So much possibility there. But, as you said, no matter how it goes it's another four years of old white men running the show. *sigh*

  22. Guess I haven't heard of Tales from the Loop but bummer it was disappointing so I hope you enjoy the show more.

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  23. Well your opening comment is kind of depressing Greg! At least I am hoping for a change of scenery as the current one is ....awful!

  24. Ive never heard of Tales from the Loop but it looks interesting! Love the Sea of Thieves art! very cool!

  25. I love wilderness pictures. Probably because we don't have anything like that here unless you travel up to the mountains.

  26. Hm... luscious female's perverted hunger - let me guess - she likes eating burgers WITHOUT ketchup?? Those covers are hilarious:). Loving all the artwork this week - the snowy futuristic scenes are especially glorious. Have a great week, Greg:).

  27. Bummer that the Tales From the Loop book was a disappointment, but the show looks really interesting. Hopefully it'll be good. :)

  28. It really has been a disappointing week on that front.
    I haven't heard of Tales from the Loop but it's difficult to keep up with all the streaming services and their adaptations these days.
    The Sea of Thieves concept art is great! I hope you have a great week! :)

    Stacy Renee @ LazyDayLit

  29. To bad Tales from the Loop was a bit meh but hopefully the show will be amazing. Some things translate better to one medium then the other. Love The Sea of Thieves art and the pulp cover this week is beyond amazing! Have a great week!

  30. I said the same thing in my post this week about this country and old white dudes. I was really pulling for Warren to be the nominee so I'm super bummed right now. That's a shame about Tales from the Loop. Hopefully that won't mean the Amazon series will be a letdown as well.

  31. I'm sorry Tales from the Loop was so disappointing. The election stuff is crazy. I keep trying to lose myself in books and get away from reality :) Have a great week!

  32. God, save us from old white men! But yeah, I think you're right. *sigh*

    Sorry to hear Tales From the Loop was a bit disappointing especially if it's a pricey book. I hate it when I spend a bunch of money on a book only to have it not live up to the price. Hope the series is better! :)

  33. Yeah, I’m super disappointed about the election, but I should be used to it because these things rarely go my way. I love the artwork this week, especially the one with the cat.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  34. I can only think about how disappointing the election is for a few minutes at a time. Until it's set in stone I can't spare the energy. :( Good Girls Lie looks really good! I hope you have a great week!

  35. Great images!

    It is disappointing about how the Old White Men will carry on. I just hope #45 isn't the one.

    Enjoy your week!

  36. I just read The Electric State recently, because it was nominated for the Oregon Battle of the Books. I'd never heard of Simon Stålenhag before! Wild that one of his books is being filmed.

    And yes, after that terrifically diverse field we started with, to end up with two old white guys is quite discouraging. I live in a state that doesn't even get to vote until everything is mostly decided, so that's a bummer too.

  37. Hope the Amazon series will live up to what you want. Sorry about the old white men! Although from afar I would say that some are better than others!!

  38. What I don’t understand is why there isn’t an upper age limit to stand for President, just as there is a minimum. Personally I think the upper limit should be 66, that would at least weed out some of these senile old white men.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  39. I think people see these "old white men" and don't even realize HOW OLD they actually are! With talk of dementia swirling around Biden and Trump, you'd think that might sway people to younger candidates. But I guess people kind of have a picture in their head of what a "president" looks like. Hopefully the VP pick will be someone more diverse.

  40. I'm okay with electing an old white man as long as it isn't the one currently in office. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  41. Oh many different things! Have a lovely week Greg!

  42. When was Swamp Lust written? For some reason the cover reminds me of Swamp Thing.

  43. Yes, let the battle of old white dudes commence. It's been a crazy year already, hasn't it?

  44. Love those pics of the ocean. I'm aching for summer. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  45. Of the art you've posted this week, Rolling Hills is my favorite. My weekly update

  46. Loved listening to that Medieval Music. Thanks for sharing, Greg!

  47. Good Girls Lie looks good! And yes.. old white men. I'm obviously not from the US.. but I definitely don't get that!
    Have a great week Greg and happy reading.

  48. Your comment about old white men made me laugh---yes, it seems that's what's in store for us for the next four years no matter what!

    I hadn't heard of Tales from the Loop, but you've piqued my interest. I agree that the art is intriguing--sorry the story didn't quite hold up.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  49. YIKES! That Swamp Lust looks sorta scary, Gorgeous Greg!(lol) Hugs, RO

  50. Thanks for the awesome Medieval music - I like that period, in literature as well.
    wow, I love the style of Rolling Hills by Me!!
