
Friday, December 6, 2019

Sunday Post #327

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
Happy Christmas season everyone! Yes it is here and I am happy to report that I have started Christmas shopping. Yay me. And to everyone who's done already- boo!     

Thanks to everyone who shared favorite Christmas memories last week. That was fun! This week I was super excited to see one of my favorite graphic novel series continuing- the French/ Belgian series Return to Aldebaran was released recently. I had a blast revisiting these characters and my review will be Thursday. My reading is still in the hole unfortunately- I'm just not super motivated to pick up a book- but it's the holiday season so whatever.     

Image result for peanuts gif

Also this week I started The Stranded, a Thai series on Netflix. Anyone watching? 

Songs from the DeepReturn to Aldebaran: Episode 1

Song of the week



The Perfect Wife



  1. I'm cackling at "Homicide Johnny" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ If I was ever a rouge killer, that's the kind of name I'd want bwhaha. And NO I am not watching Stranded because I am a failure. The Expanse is back next week I think! The real question is, will I manage to watch that? (Spoiler, probably not.) I love your excuse for not reading being "holiday season" like you couldn't possibly squeeze time in between your gig as actual Santa Claus ๐Ÿ˜‚ Just like me with "sorry can't watch new shows because S4 just came back around and I just enjoy radiation fires too much". LOVE the deserted waters picture, too! And the cryo, but for the obvious reasons!

  2. I started Christmas shopping a long time ago, haha! I think I finished in October?! Look, I am just an anxious person who likes to get things done and out of the way!

  3. D'oh, I missed all the Christmas stories last week because I was away on the road, but I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and yay, I'm definitely feeling the Christmas vibes in the air! And just how cool is that Back Home II pic! The perfect fantasy library looks like this :D

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  4. I have to take a look at Stranded. Netflix is so hard, I mostly get xmas romance these days lol, all I see

  5. I have finally started buying Christmas presents, too! Thank goodness there's quite a few I can get online. I don't really have time to go downtown to go shopping for 'real'.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Greg!
    Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

  6. I'm still struggling to get through the last of my reading for the year. My Goodreads target seems to be getting further away however hard I try!!!

  7. I'm hitting the shopping hard this weekend, and I'm also doing lots of online shopping this year. It's hard to believe Christmas is only a few weeks away ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

  8. Will I ever read a book again Greg??? I. Don't. Know. lol I am perversely glad you are struggling too hahaha

    So...I did already finish and ship all my gifts. Except for Kevin but sometimes we buy one bigger gift to share so I need to see what we're doing this year.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

  9. Is anyone ever really done with Christmas shopping? I always feel like I am missing something. Good luck finding all the best gifts.

  10. I'm a bit behind on my Goodreads challenge for the first time. Need to add physical books I read. And I'm reading a lot but failing on writing those reviews. LOL

  11. Bad Kitty Cat *laughs* I will never tire of the covers you find! Sangre's cover does look luscious, and The Stranded... is dystopian? I don't like dystopia's but I am loving that Netflix's diversity in programming.

  12. So far I´ve done no Christmas shopping. Just not in the mood for it. In fact, whenever I go grocery shopping and they play Christmas music I could go nuts. Oh well ... Have a great weekend and new week ahead, Greg.

  13. Yay for getting your Christmas shopping started! I still have a couple people left, of course the hardest ones, my parents!

  14. Lol I love the look of that book, Bad Kitty Cat.

    I always have a hard time focusing on reading this time of year! I get so distracted by everything else. :) Enjoy the holiday season, and yay for starting shopping! :)

  15. I am more a bah humbug than a yay Christmas, but that is just me. :) I liked your mini review and the artwork does look great. I am curious.

    Have a great week and happy reading!
    Week in Review

  16. I started my Christmas shopping too. I love buying presents for people and go way overboard with it. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  17. Yay Happy Christmas season. I did some of my shopping but I still have more to do. Love the Peanuts gif :) Enjoy your week ahead!

  18. I haven't even started Christmas shopping. I need to get on it. Hope you get over the slump soon!

  19. I wish I was done shopping for the holidays. I need to ship all my gifts across the country, which means I should probably get my rear in gear. LoL

  20. I am finished with my Christmas shopping! Ha ha. I'm just waiting for the last of it to come in the mail. ๐Ÿ˜‡

    Thanks for the ambient! ๐Ÿš€

    I love Coming Home II. I would love a sunny room in the clouds. ☁☁

    Have a wonderful new week! ๐ŸŒž

    1. You are welcome. Glad you like the ambient- I never know if anyone does, but I like 'em so I include 'em lol.

  21. Greg I think one day you'll just have to visit Belgium and I'll go with you on a tour of our book shops specialized in graphic books!

    1. Right? I'd probably go CRAZY in those shops!

  22. Happy Christmas season. I have my tree up and the apartment is decorated.

  23. I've actually been eying The Stranded all day! I was curious about it but then my brain pooped out on me and now I'm like, eh, I don't have the energy to start you right now. BUT, I am still staring longingly at it and will probably start it at some point this week. Hope the week ahead treats you well!

    1. I know the feeling! Do I start this show, and do I really feel like it lol? I'm two episodes into The Stranded but last night I tried Immortals, which is a vamp show, and I... kinda like it??

  24. I've only just started Christmas shopping, too! And that blonde beauty on the cover of Homicide Johnny - is it just me, or is she a dead ringer for a younger Meryl Streep? Have a great week, Greg!

  25. I'm so excited about Christmas! I just love this time of year! We got our Christmas tree today and I'm so ready to start decorating! LOL!!
    Have a great week and happy reading!

  26. I'm definitely not finished with my Christmas shopping, so you're not alone!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  27. I just started my shopping this week too, so you are definitely not alone, lol.

  28. Oh no, reading slumps are the worst! I hope you find your book motivation soon! Gorgeous art this week!

  29. I’ve barely done any Christmas shopping.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  30. Glad to know I'm not the only one who is just starting Christmas shopping. I see all these people who are like "oh, I finished weeks ago" and and I cannot relate. LOL I fell you on the lack of reading. I just have not been in the mood to read lately. It's such a busy season so I'm sure once all the holiday craziness passes I'll be right back at it.

  31. Both pulp covers are a hoot. Deserted Waters is my favorite image this week. BTW: We're not done shopping either.

  32. I hadn't even heard of The Stranded but after watching that trailer, I need to check it out. We spend most of our movie time this weekend watching V Wars. Only two episodes left but I'm really enjoying it. And I ADORE seeing Snoopy and the gang. I actually just grabbed a new Snoopy ornament this weekend.

  33. JP Delaney's book sounded so compelling but I still havent made my way around to it!

  34. I love those old timey crime covers so much!

  35. I'm a Grinch...and I don't even have enough money to treat myself - so no Christmas shopping for me. I hope yours goes smoothly!

  36. The Stranded looks intense! Enjoy your viewing and I hope you get the desire to pick up a book soon. :-)

  37. I love that home picture with the crazy gorgeous library.
    And,nope, still not started Christmas shopping - loads of time *gulps*
    Lynn :D

  38. I'm not doing christmas presents this year so no shopping for me! But I relate actually - toward the end of the year my reading mood always dwindles and I let myself get distracted by other things instead :)
