
Monday, July 8, 2019

Tuesday Tagline #148

Ace Double D-303 War of the Wing-Men by Poul Anderson. Cover art by Ed Emshwiller 1958

Marooned on a lethal planet    

 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is a Top Ten character freebie! Yay- I love freebies usually, although this time I was unsure which direction I wanted to go. I finally decided to go with characters that I'd like to know more about, or that I think have hidden depths, or a fascinating story to tell- in some cases they are characters whose life or story ended too soon, making it doubly tragic that we don't get to see more. So what do you think- any of these work for you as hidden depth characters? 

A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5)  

Quentyn Martell - poor Quentyn. Can't say much re: spoilers, but... is there a nicer guy in Martin's world? Sending him off to woo Dany... he has a tough road. I think he gets overlooked a lot, but he added a lot to the story, in some ways. Any thoughts? 

Planet of Exile (Hainish Cycle #2)

The farborns - I always kinda wanted to know more about the other colonists. 

The Extinction Trials (The Extinction Trials, #1)

The plesiosaur - it might sound odd, but honestly- I felt like this was a dropped plot line, or just not developed enough- Storm had a bond with a plesiosaur but I didn't think we found out nearly enough about why

Image result for unfinished tales blue wizards

The Blue Wizards - aka Alatar and Pallando, who went into the east of Middle-earth and are not heard from again. What was their story?  

The Hunger Games

Finnick - we do know about his tragic backstory, but I just loved him and Kat as teammates.

The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Wayfarers, #1)

The crew - basically anyone on the Wayfarer. 

Artificial Condition (The Murderbot Diaries, #2)

ART - aka Asshole Research Transport. The relationship between Murderbot and ART was priceless. 

City of the Lost (Rockton, #1)

Jen - yeah she's a wench but she's fascinating. Isn't it time we learned more about her? And more Ty Cypher too while we're at it! 

Winter Soldier: The Complete Collection

Winter Soldier - remember how he was a badass? And then all of a sudden he practically disappeared from the movies? I mean he was the heir apparent, I thought- I love Falcon but I wanted Sebastian to get the shield. Why is he so low profile now?? 

Neal Adams 5 Tarzan And The Jewels Of Opar Cover

La - the high priestess of the Flaming God. I always liked her. 


  1. I sure wouldn't want to be marooned on a lethal planet. It sounds very ominous. I would love to get more of Finnick's backstory too. He is such an interesting character.

  2. I see lots of people always mention Finnick, but to be honest... I don't really remember his character in the book. Maybe in part because it's far from a favorite novel, which I'm sure always affects a reader's memory. :D Great topic!

  3. It would be really interesting to know more about Finnick! Great choice of list, Greg! My TTT

  4. What a great idea for your freebie character choice. I will steal it sometime. My TTT list

  5. There are so many characters in GoT that I don't remember Quentyn. I would say that I'd like to do a reread before Winds of Winter comes out (hahaha) but the books take forever to read. Finnick was a good guy too.

  6. What a lovely list! You have me more curious about Kelley Armstrong's work again too!

  7. Definitely agree about Quentyn. I'd love to know more. Finnick is a good one too.

  8. I would love a Finnick centered story. What really happened to him in the games. He would have such things to say. Great choices!

  9. There are such great characters in the Hunger Games. Finnick is one of my faves too and Mags. Are you excited for the prequel coming out next year?

  10. What a great topic. I agree, in so many books, there is always a character or two we want to learn more about!

  11. Interesting take on the theme. I want to know more about Finnick and The Winter Solider as well. Here is my post

  12. I been eyeing The Extinction Trials for so long now. I keep adding the books to more Amazon cart but never actually order them. I love what you did with this weeks theme!

    The Book Bratz 💗 Our TTT

  13. Great list! This is just reminding me that I need to read the Murderbot novellas.

  14. Oh I love your take on this topic! There are so many side characters that I'd love to know more about and while I haven't read any (except the Hunger Games) of these I'm intrigued by all you mention!

  15. I imagine Finnick's story would be so interesting!

  16. Great TTT idea--there are always so many side characters that I'd love to learn more about. Totally agree about The Blue Wizards! Finnick would also be a really neat character to learn more about.

  17. I like your spin on this topic - freebies are so hard for me because I don't read fiction. Luckily this one worked out!

  18. I wanted Winter Soldier to get the shield, too!! Hopefully the show with him and Falcon will be good.

  19. Oooh this is a good spin on the topic! I definitely agree about Finnick of course. I would read entire volumes on him! I love that we did get a bit of a deeper look in MJ at least! Also agree with the Wayfarer gang and ART, yesss! I do NOT remember the plesiosaur- was it in book 1? Though to be fair, I don't remember a ton from it, I should get to the next one at some point too.

    Also, I high key feel sometimes that WE are marooned on a lethal planet, so. But also, it's our own fault?

  20. What a fun topic! I love your take on this! I'd definitely love to know even more about Finnick!

  21. Like this topic. The sign of a great side character is the fans clamoring for a spinoff, which would allow them to get to know said character/s better.

  22. I totally want to know more about the Blue Wizards.

  23. Definitely love Finnick, I'd love to learn more of his story!

  24. Finnick was my favorite Hunger Games character! I always hoped there would be some kind of prequel book with him as the MC.

  25. I'm more interested in the title because, without the cover for context, it sounds like a bunch of dudes going to war while they help their friends pick up women lol.

    I haven't read any of the books on your list except The Hunger Games, but I've definitely read about characters who I think have a hidden depth that I'd love to get to know better!

  26. I've only read Hunger Games and City of the Lost. Both very good in their own way. Yea, we need more background on some of the characters in Armstrong's series. A few are mentioned alot but not fleshed out.

  27. Really great choice for a topic! I world not mind a book about Finnik alone))

  28. Yes for Finnick! We had no idea he was so selfless and smart.

  29. Finnick is such a good pick. I'd love to know more about his backstory. I mean, we know life as a victor wasn't all it was cracked up to be, but I'm still curious about him.

  30. I don't know all of these characters but I completely agree with you about the ones I do know. Finnick, ART, and Jen are all characters that I think have very big personalities.

  31. Yes! I'd take more backstory on the Wayfarer crew fir sure! I am saving the Murderbot books for SciFi month. I can hardly wait to read them. 👍✨
