
Monday, July 1, 2019

Tuesday Tagline #147

Star Rangers

They'd been sent to the farthest reaches of space to die- or be born...  

 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Top Ten Childhood Favorites. This is a neat topic, kind of nice to look back and take a break from all the newer stuff. So here are my favorites, in no particular order, books that just have sentimental value.     

Star man's son

Star Man's Son  - aka Daybreak 2250 AD (which is the cooler title). This is one of my favorite books of ever and an absolutely gripping post apoc. 

Daybreak 2250 A.D.

Planet of Exile (Hainish Cycle #2)

Planet of Exile - probably my favorite SF book. And reading it now I see a lot of parallels to A Song of Ice and Fire- which is amazing since this is only like 120- some pages. 

The Horse and His Boy (Chronicles of Narnia, #5)

The Horse and his Boy - I remember very little but only that I loved this book as a kid, and enjoyed exploring another part of Narnia as well. 

Tunnel Through Time

Tunnel Through Time - I must have read this a zillionish times. This book took total advantage of my childhood love of dinosaurs. And time travel in general. I love when the brontosaur steps on the time machine, fizzling it out, and causing all kinds of trouble for them- if I'm remembering it right?!?

The Sword of Shannara (The Original Shannara Trilogy, #1)

The Sword of Shannara - I read this sooo many times growing up. 

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - another childhood fave. My teacher read this to us in third grade (and the sequel). 

The Cricket in Times Square

The Cricket in Times Square - perfection. 

Lucky Starr and the Pirates of the Asteroids (Lucky Starr, #2)

Lucky Starr and The Pirates of the Asteroids - this whole series of YA SF by Isaac Asimov 

Tom Swift and His Jetmarine (Tom Swift Jr, #2)

Tom Swift and his Jetmarine - okay this whole series. I think I saw these somewhere, maybe a book fair, and they're so... retro! They had such evocative titles... usually gadget related, but not always- some other titles were Tom Swift and the Asteroid Pirates and Tom Swift in the Caves of Nuclear Fire. 

A Princess of Mars (Barsoom, #1)

A Princess of Mars 

By the Light of the Green Star (Green Star, #3)

By The Light of the Green Star - all the Green Star books really. 

The Cave of Time (Choose Your Own Adventure, #1)

Choose Your Own Adventure!!!


  1. I use to read the choose your own adventure books too! Those were so much fun. After the story would end, I'd go back and make different choices so that I could get a different adventure, until I had gone through every single option!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

  2. I *still* have to go back and read the rest of the 'Narnia' books. Once I was working through them when their respective film adaptations released, but since that is not currently going on, I haven't had that "incentive." But I do want to finish the books because they're enjoyable and powerful reads. :)

  3. I've read some Asimov but not that one. It sounds rather interesting though!

    1. Sorry to butt in here, but....

      I just finished this series this year and I have to say, be careful if you do go through them. I'm a pretty big asimov fan but even I found these to be a bit much. Asimov was an idea man and sadly he dumbs down his ideas for this. So just don't expect the Foundation :-)

    2. Oh don't worry. I read I robot which I loved but read another anthology unrelated and disliked it so he is a hit or miss for me haha.

  4. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Choose Your Own Adventure made my list this week too.

  5. You can't beat the Narnia books! Great list. :-)

  6. Oh the Shannara books! I completely forgot about those for my list. My uncle gave me his copies in Italian and I remember I used to love them. The Choose Your Own Adventure one seems like a popular pick but I hadn't heard of it before. It's funny, many of the books on your list are making me want to add them to my TBR lol. Have a great week!
    Marti @BookishTreats

  7. Oh I loved the Choose Your Own Adventure books when I was a kid! Narnia too, of course!

  8. Choose Your Own Adventure was such a great concept. Made such good use of my enormous collection of bookmarks, noting every decision option so I could go back...

  9. I've seen the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory lots of times, but have never seen the actual book. Very cool that you remember this all the way back from the 3rd grade!(lol) Hugs, and Happy Tuesday! RO

  10. These book covers are SOOOOOOO 70's/early 80's!!! Love it!!

  11. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was one of my favourite books when I was in grade four. I still get a little excited whenever I see Willy Wonka sweets for sale!

    My TTT.

  12. I loved reading Roald Dahl as a kid. The only Narnia one I've read is TLTW&TW.

  13. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was one of my favourites as well! I love anything Roald Dahl and there was always something so magical about his writing. Awesome choices! :)

  14. I didn't read the Narnia books as a kid, but I know I would I have loved them then, too!

  15. I love the Narnia books too but I didn't read them until I had kids. I remember the Choose your Adventure books. My brother read them all the time. Did you know there is a show on Netflix now that you choose the ending? I think it is called Black Mirror-Bandersnatch. It reminds me of those books.

  16. Choose Your Own Adventure books were so much fun. We definitely need more of those again.
    I actually just recently discovered Terry Brooks, but he's an amazing writer.

  17. I was a horror buff when I was a kid, not a graphic novel/comic kind of gal. On that note is it bad that I've never read the book or watched the movie for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Great list! :)

  18. YES!!! Choose Your Own Adventure books was the BEST!!! Dahl's books were sort of crazy head trips, but they were great too.

  19. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory also made my list for this week's prompt. My love for that book is forever. I remember being so in awe and jealous of Charlie. I wanted that adventure! This is a great list :)

    My TTT post

  20. My boyfriend - who is now my husband - introduced me to Terry Brooks when we were in high school. Until then, the only fantasy novel I'd ever read was The Hobbit. I immediately fell in love with all things Shannara. :)

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!

  21. You started reading Sci-Fi at a young age. I love children's lit and wish I'd paid more attention to it when my kids were young. My Childhood favorites

  22. I love so many books on your list: A Cricket in Times Square, A Tunnel Through Time, and of course, Andre Norton's amazing books. I'm sad now that I didn't put any Choose Your Own Adventures on my top ten Tuesday list, because I really loved those growing up. :D

  23. I was not a big reader when I was a kid. I was a tv show kid lol

    I mostly read about dinosaurs. I was obsessed!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  24. I'd forgotten about those choose your own story books. Love Narnia.

    Here's my TTT

    Tressa @ Wishful Endings

  25. Those are some really interesting covers. My favorite is A Cricket in Times Square.

  26. I remember reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory at around the same age for school. The teacher I had at the time would alternate between Dahl books and Harry Potter, but I think I enjoyed the Dahl books more.

  27. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a really fun one! Planet of Exile is one I've always wanted to read. It looks like you read some really neat books growing up!

  28. What does that tagline even mean?!?! 😂😂 I know I had to read Charlie and The Chocolate Factory as a kid but I don't remember which year I was in. Though I do have clear memories of my 3rd grade teacher reading us the first Harry Potter book <3

  29. What a cool collection of books to have enjoyed!

  30. I love that we have a couple in common this week! Haha! The Choose Your Own Adventure books were my favorite! Have you seen the game?

    1. I did not know there was a game! I just went over to Amazon to look at it- have you played it??

  31. Those retro covers are so cool! I LOVED Choose Your Own Adventure books and being able to start from the beginning and go down a different story path!

    1. I did too! I could get lost exploring all the different endings!!

  32. I loved CYOA books! So much fun. I think that's why I like visual novels now lol. I never read Charlie and the Chocolate factory, but I did read one or two other books by Roald Dahl as a kid. And I like the Chocolate Factory movie, does that count? :-P

    1. So much nostalgia! I was just looking at their website last night and they have re- released a lot of CYOA books, albeit with different covers. They're still around. I kep thinking I want to do a CYOA feature on here but... it's complicated. :)

  33. I love these covers -- so retro and sooo cool, Greg! I think Planet of Exile might be my fave!

  34. I'm glad I'm not the only one who had Choose Your Own Adventure books on their list. Those things were so much fun!

  35. Okay but the tagline is probably the premise for Dark, right?

    Love the Choose Your Own Adventure books! I could always find those at the library, they were so fun! Though I must confess to *hating* Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but to be fair, I watched the movie first and I think it scarred me for life, so I am biased. It's so fun and nostalgic to look back on the books of childhood!

  36. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory! Can't go wrong with Roald Dahl for a childhood classic :)

  37. Loved all the Narnia books as well and Horse and His Boy was such a nice trip to a different part of that world. And Shannara is great too!

  38. I still have to read Planet of Exile! 🚀

    I had totally forgotten all about the Tom Swift books! I'll have to scroll through them on Goodreads and try to remember the ones I read. Ha ha. 😃
