
Friday, January 25, 2019

Sunday Post #282


The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
Snow! We had a mini blizzard this week and as I write this it's a mess out. Slippery roads, sleet, the works. Everything is white with snow gently falling- it's actually quite peaceful, as long as you don't have to go outside. As I update this Friday night it's not much better- it's 11 degrees and the high tomorrow is 17. Yay! In other news I've been gearing up for a couple of highly anticipated releases- the new Extinction Trials being one- so this seemed appropriate.     

Laura Dern GIF

The Bookish Games (Bring Your Own Character) continue and Day One (and Night One) ended in rather shocking fashion. Most people reading this might be like- what Bookish Games?- so I should elaborate. It's a riff off of Mafia or Werewolf where you have two (or more) factions and the goal is to be the last ones standing. You spend a lot of time chatting and scheming and trying to deceive or outwit your fellow players, even as they attempt the same. It's all good fun. :)  The current game is unique in that each player has submitted their own choice of character. The first player eliminated was playing Lying Cat from Saga.   

In other news I posted a Cover Love this week and am still working on Movies That Suck. I also took a look at Nancy Drew #2- a fun comic. This week I'll have a discussion post- Do Werewolves Need A Pack? And I won a copy of Our Chemical Hearts over at Daniela's blog. Thanks Daniela!  
No ExitTwo Can Keep a SecretRebel (The Extinction Trials, #3)Watching YouWatcher in the Woods (Rockton, #4)

Song of the week 


I understand his expression. I'd be shocked, too if I realized I was wearing socks that yellow.


11 - The Gondwana ShrineGolden City Vol. 1: Wreck RaidersGolden City Vol. 2: Banks vs. Banks



  1. UM you forgot to mention the SECOND PERSON ELIMINATED. Jeez, a girl dies, no one cares. This is probably what happened to actual Jaha. Died, no one even noticed.

    Wow the 3rd Extinction Trials is out already? Those seem to release awfully quickly, no? Did you get Two Can Keep a Secret? Actually- is it out, I am just guessing? I do want to get it at some point though. Also I was so confused as to why no one else had commented yet until I realized it's only Friday and I have no idea what day it is anymore because the blizzard and subsequent snow days have confused me until the end of time. (I hate winter but I DO love the days off hah.)

    1. Oh yeah- Jaha. :)

      Seriously though, I was thinking of doing a whole POST on this mess. Because... how do you do it justice in my little intro, right? Especially after TODAY.

      YES it's out like in a week or two. She's quick. I don't have Two yet, I'm gonna get the Kindle version I think soon.

  2. Yikes, blizzards sound awful lol. But yay for upcoming books that you're looking forward to! Ooh your upcoming discussion post sounds fun, I'm looking forward to it!

    1. Oh there's snow everywhere it was fun. :) And yeah I finally got a discussion post- and it's about werewolvs!

  3. The weather might be pretty to look at out a window but I sure wouldn't want to have to go anywhere in that. Mostly because I don't know how to drive in that! :) It finally got cooler here this week... but that just means it's in the 50's. Ha! Congrats on the book win! That's always fun.

    1. Same. the roads were bad too... 50's sound pretty nice :)

  4. Some amazing art here! Sounds like you have had fun this week. What could be better in gift weather than curling up inside with a book? The weather here has been the opposite. Yesterday’s temperature in Melbourne was 44’C - in Fahrenheit that’s about 111’!

    1. Ooh that's warm. A little warmth sounds quite good at the moment but maybe not quite that warm. :) One thing I will agree though, it is good weather to stay in and read. :)

  5. Icy weather, not sure how it came out as gift!

  6. I saw snow for 5 minutes but it was raining just after. Now it's warmer so well. Have a lovely weekend

  7. We've had one day of snow this winter-it wasn't deep and melted away as the night drew in so no scraping paths yet! I'm so excited waiting for my copy of the Extinction Trials to be delivered!

    1. We are so close!!! and yay glad your winter hasn't been too bad- ours wasn't until all this snow happened.

  8. Oh boo to a blizzard and those cold temps. I would so not leave the house. Bookish Games sounds too complicated for me lol. Hope you have a great week!

    1. Yeah just makes you want to stay in and read all day!

  9. Snow is only fun when you get to stay home and avoid all the roads and mess. That doesn't always happen as an adult though.

    I need to get on the Extinction Trials so I can pick up the rest of the series! Eep!! Excited to read it though, might have to do some shuffling around in my reading queue to get to it!

    Loving these art pieces with the werewolf and the one with Red too! Hope you have a great week!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I agree! And I hope you like The Extinction Trials- they're a lot of fun and I love how quickly books two and three are out!

  10. Be careful if you need to go out, that weather sounds crazy!

    1. Thanks, it's still slippery but it's better. :)

  11. I love those Stronghold illustrations, there's so much going on! Although I want to know what all the dead creatures with pink blood are๐Ÿ˜

    1. I know- and did you see the guy in the upper right- the soldier is giving the finger!

  12. We had 2 snow days this week in Iowa from blizzard conditions and now we are in an arctic cold snap. I can't wait to move south in a couple years. I still haven't read any Kelly Armstrong but her books always sound so good. I like the look of No Exit too. Have a great week.

    1. It's cold here too- I hear you on moving warmer, it sounds pretty good! No Exit was great!

  13. What I wouldn't give for it to somehow snow in my town in Brazil! I can totally see how it's beautiful and peaceful until you have to actually leave the house to get stuff done. Beautiful pictures as always!

    1. Ooh I'm wishing you some snow. :) We could trade- we need a little warmth here! It is beautiful though- everything is white right now...

  14. Oh, the Bookish Games sound fun but a lot of work as well! We had snow here as well, next week too, not looking forward to it, especially since I need to take two trains and a bicycle to go to work... I wish I had a job closer to home.

    1. I'm loving it this time b/c as a Spectator I can watch all the chaos and not be in the middle of it. :)

  15. Unfortunately we didn't get any snow this Winter Greg, but last year we did get it all the way in April, so here's hoping we do get some soon! I hope you have a great week :)

    1. You too, and wow April? We get it then too occasionally but not usually...

  16. My brother lives in Michigan and was worried he worried they would cancel his flight out because of the weather yesterday. He made it here and the weather is gorgeous. Sunny and t-shirts here. I even wore my flip flops! I've been scrolling up and down your post taking in all of the fab pics and moving pictures. Stay safe and warm, Greg:)

  17. Cold and snowy here, too, but still fine to drive, etc. I keep hoping my library will snag the Nancy Drew comics. I loved her when I was younger. Stay warm and happy reading!

  18. I love snow on the weekends! I do like it sometimes during the week but I prefer it on the weekends. As long as it is snow and not ice. It's suppose to get warmer (in the 40s) before dropping down again. The weather is giving me whip leash.

    Love the little town pictures. Those are cute and remind me of Two Points hospital Game I plan.

    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading! :)

  19. We have been spared snow so far, and every time, I thank my lucky stars. I heard there is some more frigid weather moving in, but it doesn't seem to last long. Last Tuesday, it was 7F, and by Thursday, it was 60F. No lie.

  20. In the winter I'm glad I live in Southern California. Not so much in the summer! I hope the weather gets better for you, Greg. Oh, yes, Watcher in the Woods! Hope you love it. I'm looking forward to Two Can Keep a Secret! I have a hold at the library. It's a long list, though!

  21. I'm getting tired of the winter weather already!

    I like the artwork for Game of Thrones- Jon Snow And The Walkers.

  22. Urg! Snow... I'm busy keeping fingers crossed that we escape the frozen stuff this year, given we're only ever set up for drizzle in the UK. Love the pics this week - thank you for another quirky and stunnig selection:). Have a great week, Greg - and I hope it gets warmer!

  23. If we had that kind of snow here in NC, everything would pretty much shut down, but I would love it! Perfect opportunity to read, relax, watch Netflix or work on organizing stuff. I hope you're doing well! Happy Chocolate Cake Day! RO

  24. I'm so envious of all the snow posts! I really want some snow this year but we're always hit and miss. :(

    I'm curious about the Do Werewolves Need A Pack discussion! Will pop by for that.

    Have a great week!

  25. Yay!!! You actually got snow! I wish we had snow where we lived.

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays and Cover Spotlight!

  26. Well Greg we had some snow but it's already melted! I wish it could have stayed longer but maybe not have your current weather! Now that's an interesting question indeed: do werewolves need a pack? As dogs consider their human family as their pack I'd say yes ;-) Have a wonderful Sunday! Sophie @bewareoftheredaer

  27. Snow, blegh. If we got that type of snow here it would be a snowpocalypse! lol.

    I would totally play Inside the Stronghold if it was a game. Haha!

    Hope you have a great week!

  28. Great images as usual! I like The Wolf's Hood the best.

    Enjoy your week, and try to stay safe in the snow. Not something we have to worry about here. (Just earthquakes, wildfires, etc.).

    Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  29. Jurassic Park...I just watched it...again. lol
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

  30. I wished that we got snow here more than we do. It's about once every 4-8 years that we'll get a tiny amount of snow.

  31. Stay warm over there! Have fun with the Bookish Games.
    I want to read Watching You.
    I *heart* Jurassic Park.

  32. We had crapola weather too. Ugh. The rest of the winter after New Years is just a big bucket of suck, for me anyway. Ha ha. I want winter in December and January, and thats it. Is there anywhere like that? ๐Ÿ˜

    I wish I could figure out how to register as a spectator for The Bookish Games. This one sounds really fun. ๐Ÿ˜ž

    Thanks for the ambient. That one would be great to clean the house to! Ha ha. ๐Ÿ 

    I love the scrolling city skyline. ๐ŸŒ†

    Have a wonderful week and better weather. ๐ŸŒž

  33. Bookish games sounds fun :D

    I seem to always like girl with wolf ones :D

  34. Brrrrr it sounds COLD your way!

    We're getting rain, rain and more rain.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  35. Sounds like the Bookish Games are exciting even if you're not actually playing. We're having crazy weather here too. Next Wednesday, we're expecting windchills at more than 30 below next week. Brrrr!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  36. Winter decided to come all at once! It's been crazy over here too. I can't wait to read Watcher in the Woods!!!!!!!! It's been too long since I visited Rockton. I kind of feel like rereading the whole series.

    Love the wolf art - we are very wolfish at my house lately due to the Full Wolf Moon we just had. :) Lots of wolf crafts, books, etc.

    Have a great week!

  37. My general rule for life is that when there is snow I stay inside. Luckily we don't get it all that often. Love all the artwork this week! Especially the floor plan ones. I'm intrigued by The Bookish Games though I can't completely get my head around it. Have a great week!

  38. I hear the weather over in those parts is about to get nasty this week. Stay home and warm!

  39. We didn't get any snow this week, but its been cold. And its gonna get colder! Oh well!

  40. Some of that art is gorgeous. We had snow really bad on Tuesday and I had to drive to the doctor and I really questioned whether I was that interested in risking my life for it... I'm so nervous now after totalling my car in October... but I made it there and back safely.

  41. There’s going to be another blizzard here tomorrow. We’ve gotten so much snow lately. It’s made life a bit impossible. Enjoy the bookish games. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  42. I love winning books! Good for you! I am excited to read No Exit now just to find the time. Have a wonderful week also!


  43. Congrats on the win. I'm torn with snow. It is so lovely and peaceful but I hate going out in it. I think I'd rather have snow that single digit temps though.

  44. We got skipped with the snow this week! Actually, we got skipped last week as well... surprisingly going south with the winds at the last minute after the 11 inches of snow we got the week before. Talk about luck with nature. *knocks on wood before I jinx this*

  45. Oh bummer about the snow and cold! We got a tiny bit of snow then it warmed up to 40 the next day. :) We really need a break from rain and snow as our ground is so saturated, my dad almost got the truck stuck in our yard!! :( Our lane is horrible as well.

    Stay warm!
    Week in Review

  46. Yeah...similar weather here. I'm curious about Watcher in the Woods. Hope you continue loving the games.

  47. Are you ready for round two of the snow storm? The store was crazy this afternoon everyone getting ready. Got a lot of great looking upcoming reads.

  48. Yikes. stay warm and drink hot cocoa!

  49. After a clear and chilly week, we're expecting rain again. My weekly updates

  50. Stay warm! I wouldn't be able to function in those temperatures. It was 70s last week but now it'll be the low 60s some days 50s. I can't wait to read your movies that suck!

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

  51. Yikes.. I hope it gets better out there! Thankfully you didn't have to get out!
    It snowed here too this week. It took me 2.5 hours to get home on Tuesday. Normally it takes me 30 minutes. :O
    Have a great week and happy reading.

  52. Love all the wolf art. We're supposed to get more snow later today, though you wouldn't know it by the blue, blue skies.

  53. The snow went south of us but we aren't going to miss the bone-chilling cold. Highs in the teens below zero aren't a lot of fun! I liked the Kelley Armstrong book. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  54. Bookish games sounds perfect for days with all that snow, which I am always envious of when I hear you all talk snow. I'd love just one winter where I have snow all around. I have been in snow, travelling from Canada back to Spokane and that was scary but never just sitting and watching it fall thickly while cosy inside.

  55. Oh my gosh, that weather is WAY too cold! Don't freeze! No Exit looks really good and I've put Extinction Trials on my TBR! Have a great week :D

  56. I moved from Minnesota to North Carolina partly to avoid this. I mean I did live there for 30+ years. It got cold here into the teens at night but we will be in the 70s next week. YAY!

    I hope you enjoy WAtcher in the Woods. I love that series and I LOVED it. Anne - Books of My Heart
