
Monday, November 5, 2018

Top Ten Backlist Books


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by 
That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back to The Broke and the Bookish so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Top Ten Backlist Books- those hidden gems that maybe aren't all shiny and new like the latest releases, but they were at one time, and they need our love too. Plus let's face it, the shelf life to be new and shiny doesn't last very long these days, with tons of books coming every week. So here are my top ten backlist books- you know, at the moment        

Onyx and Ivory

This one wasn't released that long ago but I just haven't gotten to it yet, so soon...  

Lies You Never Told Me

Ditto this one!

The Girl I Used to Be

I just keep reading books like this... I must be a suspense junkie. 

Watching You

Again this is not really a backlist, but by the time I get to it it will be. 

Strange New World (Brave New Girl, #2)

I still haven't read this and it came out like in May or something...


This was a September release so yeah... close enough. 

Lost Horizon

I find myself wanting to read this. 

Wildcard (Warcross, #2)

I couldn't wait for this, and then... I didn't read it. 

Kitty and the Midnight Hour (Kitty Norville #1)

I think this is the next urban fantasy series I wanna try? 


  1. Strange New World is one that's intrigued me for quite a while. Wonderful list! My TTT

  2. Great list! I really need to read Wildcard and Uncharted soon, I have both of those but haven't gotten to them yet. I also really want to grab a copy of Onyx & Ivory soon - it sounds so cool!

    I focused on backlist ARCs in my T10T this week if you want to check it out! ♥

    1. Thanks Destiny! All three of those are definitely books I can't wait to read.

  3. Ooh nice! I still need to read that duology by Rachel Vincent as well as Wildcard! And ooh the Kitty Norville series! I still have like 2 books to read there!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I'm new to the Kitty series but it sounds like a lot of fun.

  4. Great list! I haven't heard of a lot of these so I'll have to check them out. I have a copy of Onyx & Ivory I haven't read yet, either, so you're not the only one!

    1. Haha I was going to read Onyx & Ivory a while ago and never did!

  5. I won a copy of Lies You Never Told Me, and I am really interested in the story, but physical books tend to be largely ignored by me. If you liked Warcross, you should definitely read Wildcard, because you HAVE to know how it all plays out.

    1. I do. And for some reason I haven't gotten to Lies either yet!

  6. Kitty is good fun! The series gets better as it goes on and not a ton of romance either. I loved the middle books so much around 5-8! I need to get Warcross read hopefully this month!

    1. That's good to know, cause UF is hit or miss for me- that definitely makes me want to start them sooner!

  7. I really like the sound of Onyx and Ivory. I will definitely be adding that to my tbr. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

  8. Onyx and Ivory sounds SO GOOD - I must read it sometime!

    My TTT post!

  9. I really want to read Strange New World too!! The first book JUST started getting good right at the end!! I haven't heard if it's good or not, so if you read it let me know!!

    1. Haha I know I felt the same way- right at the end I was just getting into it and then... cliffhanger!!

  10. I've been reading a lot of my older TBR books lately and loving them so I love this idea.

    1. It is nice to read some older books... and let's face it, with so many coming out it doesn't take long for a book these days to become backlist!

  11. I loved Wildcard even though I wasn't the biggest fan of Warcross. I still need to read Brave New Girl, I heard great things. I didn't realize that there would be a sequel.

    I hope you enjoy all of these!
    ~Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

    1. Thanks Brittany! I'm hopeful about Wildcard :)

  12. I have another one by Marie Lu! My post is here:

  13. I meant to start Lu's new series but I haven't gotten around to it yet. So I haven't read Wildcard or the first one which I can't remember the name of!

    1. Warcross haha. And there are sooo many books...

  14. I need to read Onyx and Ivory too. I got it in a book box a while back.

  15. I see several on here I'd like to read too. I couldn't even get a list up today because of stuff going on. But some of these might have made it!

  16. Wildcard has gathered so many good reviews and I am intrigued about it. I haven't read any Marie Lu book and I guess this series would be a good one to start?

    My TTT:

    1. Warcross was my first Marie Lu and I really need to get to Wildcard!

  17. I did read the Vaughn one and I have the second but it's been years so well one day

    1. I hope it was good- I'm looking forward to it!

  18. I'm currently reading Warcross and liking it so far, so I'm looking forward to Wildcard. Hopefully we'll both get to read it soon :)

  19. Well Gerg Onix & Ivory is on my shelf for months now! Sophie @bewareofthereader

  20. Onyx & Ivory sounds interesting. I've never heard of it before. Sad when you realize that it came out this year!

    1. I know, so many releases come out and by the time I get to them they're backlist... or I never get to 'em at all!

  21. I'm about 2/3 of the way through Wildcard right now and loving it! And I keep looking at Strange New World at the library but haven't grabbed it up yet... the rest are not currently on my TBR, but my TBR always seems to grow every Tuesday...

    1. Ha ha I know, and I'm hoping to get to Wildcard soon.

  22. Warcross would be on my list. I've meant to pick that one up over and over again.

  23. I read Kitty and the Midnight Hour. But then I stopped reading the series when I got bored with it. I should try it again.

    1. Did you like the first one? I admit the premise- her having a radio - appeals to me but I haven't read it yet.

  24. I’m looking forward to Watching You. I’ll be interested to see your thoughts because I’m sure you’ll get to it before I do. :)

  25. That's a lot of good titles to choose from!

  26. I've not read any of these, but want to check some of them out. Love the cover for Onyx and Ivory.

  27. Your comment about the Lisa Jewell book made me laugh. Same - definitely same!

  28. 'm doing pretty well with my TBR pile but I still have books from BEA 2011!! that I want to get to.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  29. Uncharted looks like such a good read!

  30. I always intend to read my backlist stack, but then something else always gets in the way. I've also just read fewer books this year lol. I'm trying!!.
    Jen Ryland Reviews

  31. I have so many books on my backlist - still need to catch up with Wild Card!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  32. I'll be curious to see what you think of Wildcard when you get to it.

  33. Oooh, Greg, Lies you never told me and The girl I used to be look fantastic and right up my ally/

  34. Funny, Kitty Norville is on my list this week too! Not that I really need another urban fantasy series to get hooked on, but still... very tempting!

  35. Marie Lu is my backlist author. Any book of hers you'd recommend starting with?

  36. I vaguely remember reading the first book in the Kitty Norville series a few years ago. It wasn't very memorable considering I never picked up the rest of the series. Though if you're planing to start a new urban fantasy series may I suggest you pick up the Crossbreed Series By Dannika Dark? C:

  37. I loved the Kitty Norville series. It's one of my favorite urban fantasy series. Hope you enjoy it! :)

  38. All of these are books that I, too, have failed to read. I even own most of them. Onyx & Ivory (which I think I won like, last November so I REALLY have no excuse here), Wildcard, Strange New World, Lies You Never Told Me... yeah. This- "Again this is not really a backlist, but by the time I get to it it will be."- cracked me up because um YES, exactly. It may not SEEM old now, but it will in 6 years when it is STILL sitting on my shelf!

  39. I love reading backlist books. In the book blogging community you hear so much about the newest releases, so when picking up a backlist book you often go in with no preconceived notions... For me, mostly because I've forgotten all what was said about it when it was a new release. Haha! Some new to me titles on your list. I hope you enjoy these!

  40. "Again this is not really a backlist, but by the time I get to it it will be." Story of my life.

  41. Uncharted looks sooooooo good, it's a backlist book on my tbr too. :) Here's hoping we both love it when we pick it up!!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

  42. I really enjoyed Onyx & Ivory! Really cool concept and loved Kate.
