
Friday, November 23, 2018

Sunday Post #273

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
So Thanksgiving has come and gone- can we have more long weekends please? I hope everyone who celebrates had a great day (and, you know, even if you don't). It feels like a weekend already even though it's Friday. Well I'm writing this on Friday anyways. I suppose it's the weekend when you're reading this? 
Image result for the meg gif

Thanksgiving was nice here, low key and casual. Lotsa good food. Watched Mamma Mia because ABBA rules. And lots of eating...   

Movies That Suck is back this week with The Meg! I have to say it was fun to watch, but whether it actually sucked or not- you'll have to come by and see. :) Also this past week I reviewed The Cheerleaders (I liked it a lot) and on Monday I'll be posting Bookcovers with Numbers #3. How high will I go????    
 The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Wayfarers, #1)SCIFIMONTH 1-30 NovemberThe Cheerleaders

Song of the week 


Image result for i prefer murder pulp cover


The Hobbit


Does cyberpunk need updating?


  1. My dad intends to buy the Meg as he's a big JS fan so I'll see it for free!

  2. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving! I am all for more long weekends. It is so nice. Have a great week!

  3. Lots of great art this week, Greg! Thanks for that. I also enjoyed the video about Cyberpunk.

    1. Thanks Tammy. I thought that was super interesting as well!

  4. Glad to hear you had a good Thanksgiving, Greg. And yes, I'm all for more long weekends. We don't get nearly enough of them. I'm looking forward to reading your review of The Cheerleaders and of course, The Meg. My son saw that in the theater and loved it but I haven't decided if I want to see it or not. Maybe your review will convince me one way or the other, lol.

    1. Well, I go into some details so maybe it will help? Ha ha glad to hear your son liked it tho! And The Cheerleaders was quite good! Hope your thanksgiving was fabulous!!

  5. I'm looking forward to your review about The Meg! My sister watched it and had a ton of fun with it. I was a bit put off with the reviews, if I'm being honest.

    Mamma Mia sounds like a great movie to watch for Thanksgiving. My family watched Home Alone, but I ended up falling asleep before all of the mischief by the end.

    By the way, I tagged you in the Greek Gods Book Tag! I don't know if you do tags, but I thought I'd let you know!

    1. I think if you go into it just to have fun and don't take it too seriously it's fine. :) Although it's more fun towards the ending?

      Home Alone is such a classic- we used to watch that EVERY year growing up!

      Thank you- I do do tags sometimes! I will definitely be by to check it out. :)

  6. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving :-) I like the pixel art! I'm getting more appreciative of pixel art lately lol.

    1. I am liking more and more pixel art, especially the animated stuff!

  7. I am happy to hear that you had a nice Thanksgiving. You get my vote for more long weekends :) Love the art!

  8. I mean, I feel like anyone who saw the trailer for The Meg knows whether it sucks 😂 Still should be fun to read about! All weekends should be long- I have long been a proponent of the 4 day work week, I think we'd all be much, much more productive. So many of the pictures look like they'd have incredible stories behind them- great selection!

    1. Haha right! And thanks. Yes I would totally take a 4 day work week, absolutely. The bad thing about these long weekends is they almost seem to go by faster?? Like how is tomorrow Sunday already???

  9. I am not familiar with The Meg, but Shark movies seem to only either be really good or really bad. The four day week was nice, and we didn't work full days on Wed or Fri, so that was cool.

    1. Haha true! And this one was... well I won't say but let's just say, it wasn't amazing or anything lol. Still... and ooh glad you had some extra time off, nice!

  10. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving and yes, I need more long weekends in my life. I want to watch The Meg! Enjoy your weekend and happy reading.

  11. Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving. Lots of gory vampire images this week. Yikes! :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  12. I'm glad you had a great Thanksgiving. I think it's my favorite holiday, because of STUFFING. LOL. My favorite part of the meal. And pumpkin pie.

    I also love ABBA, and have the Mama Mia soundtrack on a CD.

    Thanks for sharing all those images...and for visiting my blog.

  13. ABBA is great. :) I'm glad you liked The Cheerleaders. I still need to read that one.


  14. The Meg! I am going to watch that tomorrow, it's perfect for the last day of a long weekend. I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  15. I'm so grateful for the long weekend!

    The Meg, eeeek! Your female vamp pictures are a little scary! Those vamp ladies look a bit out of control, and scary! :)

    1. Yes! We need moreee...

      I know I was a little scared myself :)

  16. I have yet to see The Meg. Have you read any of the books in the Meg series? I read the first book years ago, but I don't recall anything about the plot.

    1. I have not read any of the Meg books! I was thinking of trying the first one...

  17. I see you went the bloody route this week ;)

    I do want to watch the Meg! hehe

  18. Glad you had a wonderful holiday. I do enjoy singing along to Mamma Mia and it's a fun movie. Love all the vamp images, now I'm in the mood to read about vampires.

    1. I know! And it doesn't take much to get me singing ABBA...

  19. Ooh, I love those Pinterest towers and robot :) have a great week!

  20. Any thanksgiving that includes Mamma Mia is a successful thanksgiving in my opinion!

  21. I can't wait for Meg post. I liked the movie so I hope you won't be too harsh about it.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  22. Looking forward to your Meg post. I haven't seen that movie yet and shark movies kind of scare me.
    Love a good and quiet Thanksgiving. I had the same and it was so nice! :)

    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

  23. Amazing pictures! I am still looking for your next Movies That Suck post! =) I want to read The Cheerleaders. I hope you have a great week!


  24. You always find the most amazing images! The vampire ones are stunning! Have a great week!

  25. Yes long weekends are the bests! And let me tell you that this week's graphics with vampires are really frightening! I don't want to meet them in a dark forest that's for sure LOL Happy Sunday Greg! Sophie @bewareofthereader

  26. We had a nice Thanksgiving too. My family came over and I cooked. Kinda glad it's over now for another year.

  27. I look forward to your review of The Hobbit with la la. it is such a great book! Hope you had a great turkey day. I was at my parent's house. there were 42 of us!

  28. I'm happy to hear you had a nice thanksgiving. I bet it's nice to have some free time around that day, even though I imagine it can be busy.
    I also liked The Cheerleaders. :)

  29. I'm happy to hear you had a wonderful thanksgiving. I bet it's nice to have some free time around that day, even though I imagine it can be busy.
    Oh, I also liked The Cheerleaders.

  30. I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving Greg. I've seen lots of Thanksgiving food pics.. it definitely makes me hungry! LOL!!
    I really want to see Mamma Mia.. I hope soon.
    Happy Reading!

  31. I think that is my favorite Hobbit/LotR cover art style. I have The Hobbit in hardcover, but I need the trilogy and might look for a boxed set of paperbacks in that style. 👍✨

    I love the New Paradise image. 😊

    Have a wonderful new week. 🌞

  32. I'm so happy you loved The Cheerleaders! I need to go back and read your review :) And I can't wait for your write-up on The Meg. I definitely didn't think it fell in the "good movie" category, but it was entertaining enough :)

  33. I am going to have to say no thanks to your request for more long weekends. Long weekends mean my children are home from school and I have to entertain them instead of being able to spend that time solely focused on working. LOL.

    Hope you have a fabulous week. - Katie

  34. I’m glad you had a good Thanksgiving. I’d be very happy with more long weekends. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  35. I am curious what you thought of Meg, I thought it was okay but mainly I just liked watching Jason :)

    Have a great week!
    Weekend Review

  36. A Mamma Mia Thanksgiving... I love it. That should so be a tradition. :)

  37. Happy Thanksgiving, Greg!
    We don't have Thanksgiving over here so I'm slightly envious of all the food and fun times. 🙂

    I'm curious about what you thought of the meg, my kiddo wants to watch it but I think he may be way too young...

  38. Your Thanksgiving (weekend) sounds great! It was not so bad weather wise either, of course, the first big storm is on its way. The vampire pics are very creepy. Mamma Mia is a great choice for holiday watching. Have a great week.

  39. Hurray for long weekends and food! I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving. The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet looks interesting. Awesome art, as always!

  40. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving. Low key and a lot of food is definitely the way to go. I'm still waiting for The Meg to come in the library for me. I'm dying to see it. Happy reading!

  41. Honestly more long weekends would be nice, haha. We should make it mandatory for everyone to have a three day weekend so we can all gather our souls together and chill instead of stressing out constantly (impossible, though, since a lot of people need to work to make a living on the weekends). Hope you have a great week!

  42. Casual and easy is great for a holiday, also good food! Longer weekends really help to let you actually relax or work on longer projects. Have a great week ahead! Anne - Books of My Heart

  43. I remember I was watching a movie in the theaters and The Meg was playing next door. It was such a loud movie, but it sounds like a lot of fun.

    I'm happy you had a nice holiday!

  44. I haven't watched the Meg but I've wanted to. I like long weekends too.:-)

  45. Cyberpunk shows its age just in its word roots. I think as our understanding and use of technology changes so do our stories about it. My weekly update

  46. Long weekends are the best! I love both Mama Mia movies ... a great holiday choice. Skeleton Island and silent skyscrapers are my favorites this week.

  47. I had never stopped to think about the history behind the cyberpunk genre. It was really interesting but I still adore Altered Carbon. I also had no idea Mr. Robot was considered to be cyberpunk. Amazing images as always! :)

  48. It was such a nice long weekend break! Kinda sad it's over now.

  49. It sounds like you had a great long weekend!

    I love all shark movies. They are a weakness of mine. Lol.

    My husband is really into the cyberpunk genre of books too. I'm not really a big reader of them, but I do love ABBA and Mamma Mia!! :) Have a great week!

  50. A Thanksgiving of eating and Abba sounds pretty good to me. I spent my weekend doing christmas shopping since here in the UK we get the joys of Black Friday without the perks of a holiday weekend. It's a little unfair really but at least I got some good deals, and a trip to return some of the clothes I impulse bought during the sales.

  51. The Hobit, yes! great book. In scifi, I finally watched A.I. yesterday, what a great movie and the awesome John Williams's musci.
    My post is here:

  52. We took Fonzi for a little hike then ate (always the best part) & did a little online shopping. Quiet but nice day.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  53. So glad that you had a nice Thanksgiving! As usual I love all the covers but especially I Prefer Murder. Can't wait to see your thoughts on The Meg. Have a great week!

  54. Good that you had a great Thanksgiving - I think one of the nicest celebrations there could be. Yes all the way to more three day weekends!!

  55. Glad you had a great Thanksgiving, we did as well. Stayed home with just the 3 of us. Great pics as always

  56. I still need to read The Meg. ^^;

    Those first two pixel images had me thinking I was seeing things, lol.

    Happy Thanksgiving and I hope you have a great week!

  57. Late Thanksgiving wishes coming your way.

  58. Happy belated Thanksgiving! Lots of Vampire pictures this week. I just read your review for The Cheerleaders. It's a must get now! =) Have a wonderful week!

