
Friday, November 2, 2018

Sunday Post #270

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
The Bookish Games are... over! And mafia won! You can read all about it here. I am happy to report that I was mafia (mwaha) and I think we played a pretty %^&* good game. Asti apparently agreed, naming mafia as MVP! Yes, I'm gloating. The first thing I'm going to do is go read the Dead Player Chat because honestly? I can't wait to see what the spectators thought! Good times. 
Related image 

SciFi Month is here and as part of the festivities there's a read-a-long for Long Way To A Small Angry Planet- and yes I'm jumping in. Why not? It's one of my favorite SF books and there will be Twitter chats- it'll be fun. You can find all the details of SciFi Month here. #RRSciFiMonth on Twitter. 

No Movies That Suck last week but I did post a short story for Halloween called Strange Visitors. And I posted a review for Number One Chinese Restaurant. This week will be a review for Scooby Apocalypse and possibly a Movie That Sucks. In other news, I'm binging again- multiple Netflix shows. And is Riverdale crazysauce this time or what???  

Related image
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (Wayfarers, #1)The Similars (The Similars, #1)SCIFIMONTH 1-30 NovemberImage result for scooby apocalypse

Song of the week 


Image result for write off the redhead  pulp cover


Strange New World (Brave New Girl, #2)The Cheerleaders



  1. I still wish I could have figured out how to register to be a spectator for The Bookish Games. I tried filling out the form twice and I couldn't tell if it was sent. I never heard anything from them if they did go through. :(

    I wish I didn't have so many reading hook-ups this month, the read-along for Long Way sounds great. 📚

    I love the underwater room. It's kind of like a reverse aquarium. XD

    Have a wonderful new week. 🌞

    1. I don't know! But if you want you can read it now, it's open to all now that the Games are over. And right??

      I'm thinking of starting The Hobbit soon- let me know when works for you. :)

  2. I hope to be reading the Becky Chambers book at some point during the month. First up, I'll be reading Exit Strategy which I know I'll enjoy and then jump into a few rereads like Dinosaur Planet, The Penal Colony, and series catchups like The Testing and Future Shock. Fun month ahead!

  3. Congrats on winning the Bookish Games! Go mafia. :)Love the one of the little kid surrounded by books staring out the window. Is her under water... I think...? And that green room, I need that in my house. :)

  4. Way to go! I knew you would win. You can't go wrong with a re-read of Long Way to a Small Angry Planet. I think you should binge watch The Haunting of Hill HOuse on Netflix. Such great acting and cinematography!

    1. Ha ha thanks! I wasn't so sure! And right? I'm looking forward to revisiting Small Planet.

  5. I FINALLY just started Riverdale! I'm still in the first season but I LOVE it!! I can't wait to watch more!

  6. Congrat on winning, that's amazing!

  7. Okay, I finally purchased Long Way to a Small Angry Planet and I'm looking forward to reading it this month! Thanks!

  8. I really enjoyed Laurel and Hardy as well. That skit is such a classic. I hope that you enjoy all of your reads, watches and listens this week. :)

  9. Hahahaha Greg congrats on your win with the Mafia! Love your evil laugh by the way, fitting! And my daughter just caught a glimpse of your Riverdale and she told me "But it's Riverdale! This season it's a real mess!" so I guess she agrees with you ;-) Happy Sunday. Sophie @bewareofthereader

    1. Thanks! And aww that's funny- she's not wrong! :):):)))

  10. Enjoy Sci-Fi month!
    I only watched ep 1 of Riverdale S3 before deciding to hold off until there was at least half a season to binge. I loved being able to binge the first two and that first episode taught me that I would not appreciate waiting week on week, lol. Glad to hear it's crazy! I love how trippy and weird the show gets. :)

    1. Thanks Nicci! And yes Riverdale is great for binging.

  11. Riverdale has embraced its crazy sauce, which is why I can't stop watching. Congratulations on winning the Bookish Games. Glad you enjoyed it.

    1. It has! It's so ridiculous but in spite of that I keep watching?

  12. I need to catch up on Riverdale because i keep hearing how odd it is. Have you watched Sabrina yet? Curious to see what you thing.
    Congrats on your win! Those games sounds like so much fun. Glad you enjoyed them.
    Scooby books sounds fun. I really need to read more graphic novels...that's a graphic novel right?

    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

    1. Oh Riverdale (as ridiculous as it gets) is just a trip. :) And Sabrina- I'm only two epsidoes in but it's dark!

      And yes Scooby Apocalypse is a GN- it's also an ongoing comic and every six issues or so they collect them into a graphic novel.

  13. Those Scooby comics are super popular at my library! I love the new spin on that classic

    Here's my Stacking the Shelves post

    1. I believe it! I thought the first one was quite good!

  14. Yay for you and the team. :) The sci-fi read sounds fun. I'm going to do a comic/graphic novel RAT so I might look up those Scoobies.

    Ah, the picture of the boy with the underwater window view would have been my dream bedroom as a kid. :)

    Have a great week, Greg!

    1. Thanks! I'd love to see your graphic novel RAT- how fun!

      I love that pic, and totally want that view!

  15. Is it wrong that I want to yell at all the congratulators? "But he was the BAD GUY" 😂 Actually, I will direct my anger to the large contingent of my own team who voted me off hahah.

    Riverdale... I feel like it is supposed to be a mess by nature? Because I refuse to believe that people being paid large sums of money couldn't write a little bit better, you know?

    And the ocean looking picture not only looks like a place I want to go, it looks like what Luna should have done with the rig! That place would have been much better with a burger joint and some hammocks. Luna, such a disappointment. The Wall picture is stunning. And the one above it, the Dangerous Road, reminds me of the Oregon Trail and I love it. I mean, okay the demon-y thing *probably* wasn't on the real Oregon Trail but...

    1. No- you were on the other team after all. The cough losing cough team I might add. :)


      Right? I love that pic! I want to hang out there. And the one with the underwater view- how cool would THAT be???

  16. Congrats on winning! Good luck with scifi month. I still need to read that Becky Chambers book. Everybody love it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  17. The Similars looks really interesting, and congrats on winning The Bookish Games. Hope you have a great weekend. - Katie

  18. Yay for winning the Bookish Games! And the readalong sounds fun! I've been doing a crappy job of bloghopping, I gotta go check out your short story :-)

  19. Congrats on winning the Bookish Games. Enjoy all your upcoming SciFi reads. That's one genre that is difficult for me to read. Have a great week.

  20. Congrats on your win. I'm glad you had fun! ;)
    I still haven't seen Riverdale. Should I start?
    Happy Reading!

    1. I think you should! Just be warned, Riverdale gets kinda ridiculous- but that's half the fun, :)

  21. You played the Bookish Fames and got a special mention from Asti in the wrap up. Impressive Greg. Congrats!

  22. I totally forgot about scifi month this year :)

  23. Congratulations on your success in the Bookish Games. After your comments on Sci Fi month last week, I checked it out and I've signed up:)). Happy reading week, Greg!

  24. congrats on the win!!! Thats really cool!

  25. Yay, you won! I am just starting with Riverdale and it is so good and dark. I am gonna watch the Sabrina one too.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  26. Great images, as usual. I love The Green looks like a good space in which to curl up and read...or blog.

    I should probably try Riverdale...Hmmm.

    Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  27. Congrats on winning The Bookish Games! I still haven't started on the Scooby Apocalypse comic. It's been on my list of comics to start ever since you mentioned it a few weeks ago. Amazing pictures as always :)

  28. Congrats on the win. Scooby...I love anything Scooby. I also love that underwater room. Would love to have one of my own. :-)
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

  29. Did you just switch from Wordpress to blogspot? I got so confused! I made the blogspot to Wordpress switch at the beginning of the year, and was really happy about it - but each has its benifits.

  30. Congrats on the team win! Sounds like you had fun, Greg. Riverdale is nuts this time. Love that show!

  31. Congrats on the win, sounds like you had fun. Love the pics again.

  32. Congrats on your win!! That sounds pretty cool!

    My husband is dragging his feet about watching Riverdale. He wants to wait and let the episodes build up! Now I really want to watch. Lol.

  33. Cool! Glad you won your bookish I quit Riverdale about halfway through season two but I am curious about it so I really need to catch up on netflix. Sounds like the new season is even more crazy than the

    Have a great week!
    Week in Review

  34. Congrats on winning The Bookish Games! That's so cool!

    I look forward to your review of The Cheerleaders and Scooby Apocalypse.

  35. I still need to read The Cheerleaders! I hope you enjoy/ed it!


  36. Well done with the bookish games, it is always nice to be part of the winning team and as well hanging in to the end. Enjoy the SciFi.

  37. Congratulations on winning the Bookish Games! 💃🎊 (I knew you would win😉)

    SF month sounds like a grand plan, only my TBR would kill me if I add any more books to it :/

  38. Sounds like Bookish Games was fun. This month is also nonfiction month -- I can't keep up with all the great bookish events. As always, I love the LOTR art.

  39. You've got me really really curious about Small Angry Planet because you've mentioned this book in many posts. I hope you love the re-read with other bloggers. My mom and I used to watch Laurel and Hardy when I was a kid. Funny!

  40. Hmm, I think every month is Scifi month in my household, I grew up in a family of hardcore nerds. :-D

  41. Your weekly offering of stunning pictures os so refreshing, thanks! Here is my post: Here is my post:

  42. Omg, what is that Scooby book? And why do I need it so much??

  43. That sounds like a fun event. Right now NaKniSweMo is going on for us knitters where you try to knit 50K stitches in a month and come out with a sweater by November 30th. My teen tried watching Riverdale and then got freaked out when they found the body of the dead student, LOL.

  44. Congrats on your team win, Greg! I wonder if my daughter knows that there are new Riverdale episodes. She does enjoy that show. Have fun with sci-fi month!

  45. That game sounds like fun! Congrats on winning. Will have to stay tuned for the next game for sure.

  46. I am excited for scifi month. Yay! It will be nice to read A long journey.. with every one this month. Looking forward to your posts.

  47. You've taken such a lot of trouble over the presentation of your post. It us appreciated by readers.

  48. Yay for winning! Congrats. You still have the best graphics. I like the green room with the rolltop desk. Green is my favorite color and I have my Dad's rolltop he got when he was 17 for $10 (1930).

    I am hoping to maybe watch a little TV in the next 2 months, probably while knitting. But usually I listen to audiobooks. So I have watched 0 TV this year so far.

    Have a great reading week! Anne - Books of My Heart

  49. LOL sounds like you had quite a fun one :) I decided to let my Netflix expire. Eek! Not sure what I'm gonna do with myself. lol Hope you have a good week!

  50. Yay for your team winning. Sounds like you had a really great time with it. And a reread for A Long Way To A Small Angry Planet? That's awesome. I might not join in a group reread (I don't have the time or energy) but I most definitely want to get rereading that soon because for some reason I've not continued on with those awesome books! I've heard Riverdale is pretty crazy and actually got convinced I shouldn't spend my time watching because it's so mental but I do always get interested hearing people's thoughts on it.
