
Sunday, November 18, 2018

Cover Love: Covers That Tell A Story

You know how some book covers just seem to tell a story? I mean, it could be a scene from the book, but sometimes a cover is so distinctive that it almost tells its own story. Or any possible number of stories. I decided to share a few that I feel have a story to tell, or are just so imaginative that you could get carried away just looking at them. And sometimes I do! 

So what do you think? Do some covers tell a story? And which ones are your favorites?  

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This one for me is amazing just for the details as well as the otherwordly feel. A retro ship with cranes for unloading, people in the various portholes/ windows, as well as on the ground, not to mention the moon visible in the starry sky. I love all the windows that hint at multiple deck levels inside the ship.  

Image result for planet of no return art

This one has that otherwordly feel as well, with the moons in the background and the alien landscape. The retro style weapon and tech are kinda fun too, but for me the story here is...who are these people who are apparently stalking him?

Image result for one against herculum

Okay there's definitely a story here- dude is jumping for his life apparently. I love the retro futuristic city, the aircars and the guys chasing him- I want to know what's going on

This cover has always appealed to me, and I don't even like the book that much. Something about two hooded figures in the desert, heading for a city or outpost amidst the wasteland.  

The Snows of Ganymede

This looks ominous, and I love the evocative title as well as the snow they're apparently trudging through and the moon (or is it Jupiter?) in the background. 

charlie chan house

This doesn't look good! I think it's a great cover though, and I get the sense there's a storm raging outside! 

Why is she running, and from whom?

All We Have Is Now

Two people on a bridge, with an asteroid approaching? 


A beach party? This just feels like there's a story behind it. 

The Lies They Tell

Something about the sign and the smoke in the background gives this a certain vibe. 

The Chessmen of Mars (Barsoom, #5)

A living chess match? 

Related image

Image result for one against herculum


  1. I love retro covers so much and you are absolutely right on how these covers tell a story of their own.

    Hope you have a lovely week ahead. πŸ’‹ xoxo
    Helena @ The Life of a Booknerd Addict recently posted:
    Swoon Thursday Post

    1. Thanks, and I love some of the retro covers- they say never judge a book by the cover but I do all the time, and if the cover tells a good story- yay!!

  2. Retro covers still do it for me, much more than the modern covers do. And you're right, these totally tell a story. The Herculum cover actually reminds me of an old Jetson's episode. My favourite of the covers are the mystery/crime ones because they always look so dramatic and tense!

    1. I love a good retro cover. Some are dated and cheesy but some are awesome! And yes those crime ones are awesome- and I totally get a Jetsons feel from Herc as well!

  3. All We Have is Now and A House Without a Key are my favorite.
    I usually don't like retro covers, but now when I paid more attention to them in your post, I can see the beauty.

    1. Thanks- I think House Without A Key is amazing. So much atmosphere in that one. They're both amazing tho.

  4. For me, covers sometimes show a snapshot of what to expect from a book, maybe a specific scene, the mood of a book, the character of the MC etc. But a great cover will certainly make me look twice and read the blurb.

    1. I like it when a book cover shows a scene or represents a book well- when the cover is totally unrelated it irks me.

  5. The retro covers are so cool. They really evoke such different feelings.

  6. These covers all have an old fashioned look to them and a certain appeal, too. I want to know more about some of them.

    1. Same here- I totally want to know what's going on in some of these stories!

  7. I love One Against Herculum, I'm laughing at the spaceship though! But that is a book whose cover really makes me want to find out what's going on😁

    1. Same! Those ships from the 50's (eye roll) but something about it makes me go ooooh.

  8. I always want covers to somewhat represent an event, character or scene from the book but I can't think of any that really captured that for me right now! Though what's even worse is when a cover misrepresents a novel. For example, a YA novel with a cover that seems reminiscent of 50 shades LOL

    1. True! I like a cover that represents the book well- if it doesn't do that I get irritated lol. :)

  9. I love all those covers! I agree, the ones that tell a story are my favorites. To be honest they remind me of the Nancy Drew books and Hardy Boys books.

    1. Yes- and you're right, those covers ALWAYS seemed to tell a story!

  10. I know exactly what you mean! I'm a huge cover whore and am always drawn in by a well done cover.

  11. I love when the cover really relates to the book in some way. All too often in some romance books the cover ends up having nothing at all to do with the book at all.

    1. Yeah I like a cover to make sense for the book- otherwise why even?

  12. Love those retro covers! I do love a good cover, and these do tell their own story! Kind of wish that retro style cover would be used a bit more today as well :)

    1. A good retro cover is fun and I wish they could bring some of that too- maybe find a happy medium between old timey covers and newer ones.

  13. A lot of covers don't tell stories anymore. More of a mood and often times it's misleading.

    But I do love when they get it right and there's a lot of little details related tot he story.

    One I liked for that was A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall. It fits the story SO well!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I know! Or just some abstract images. Like Liane Moriarty's books- I love em and they sell oodles but to look at the cover tells you nothing! I do like it when I can look back at a cover and see a scene from the book, and how the artist interpreted that.

  14. Great selection - One Against Herculum has a Jetson's feel - or is that just me?
    Lynn :D

    1. No it's not just you- it totally does!! :)

  15. I totally think certain covers have their own stories. I love that when it happens!! You have some great picks there!

    1. Thanks Grace- I agree some covers just reflect the book, or even almost set their own tone, so well!

  16. The guy on the cover of Snows of Ganymede looks like he just farted in his space suit. LOL.

  17. I LOVE all those old covers. I'd pick up any and all of those books just to see what they're about. :)

  18. These are great choices, because yes, I definitely agree that they all tell some kind of story- beyond just "nice cover", certainly. Funnily, I had never noticed the bridge on the cover of All We Have Is Now- and I read and own the book!

  19. You know I love the Dune cover! When we were looking for Cat's Cradle for Baz yesterday at B&N, We stepped over to the Herbert section and I was looking to see how much a new boxed set of the first three books would be because my '70s set fell apart when he read them, and we found a beautiful hardcover bind up with an extensive appendix for $30! I didn't buy it because of Christmas coming up, but after I got home. I wish I had. 😱I

    I still love the Star Born cover art a lot. πŸš€

  20. I love the older covers. The newer atmospheric covers catch my eye more at first glance but the older covers tell such a story!
