
Monday, October 15, 2018

Top Ten Bookstores/ Libraries I've Always Wanted To Visit


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by 
That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back to The Broke and the Bookish so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Top Ten Bookstores/ Libraries I've Always Wanted To Visit. I decided to go with fictional libraries for this one as it sounded more fun. So here are ten places of lore I'd love to visit (and fair warning- there's a heavy Game of Thrones and LotR emphasis).       

A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5)

The Citadel at Oldtown comes to mind- all that knowledge. Plus you're not far from the Arbor (good wine and libraries go together well). 

The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3)

In a similar vein, how about the archives of Gondor at Minas Tirith? If I remember right, Gandalf went there for info during the War of the Ring.  


The Encyclopedia Galactica that Sagan discusses.   

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide, #1)

Or, you know, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy as an alternative. In case the Encyclopedia Galactica is too stuffy.  

Per Douglas Adams: "In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, the Hitchhiker's Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopaedia Galactica as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older, more pedestrian work in two important respects. First, it is slightly cheaper; and second, it has the words "DON'T PANIC" inscribed in large, friendly letters on its cover." - via Wikipedia

Clearly an advantage.  


Back to Cosmos for a sec- the Library of Alexandria. The only real world library I went with, as Sagan discusses it as well- imagine all the lost knowledge!   

Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi  (Star Wars: Novelizations #6)

How about the Jedi Temple?   

The Last Jedi (Star Wars: Novelizations, #8)

Or the Jedi sacred texts from Ahch-To. What the heck is in those?  

A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire, #5)

The library at Castle Black, containing books even the Citadel does not have. 

The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3)

Back to Middle-earth. Does anyone doubt that Rivendell has an amazing library?   

Planet of Exile

The storehouse of lore in the farborn city.  


  1. Awesome list Greg! I can see why you'd want to visit these. :-) My TTT

  2. Oooh, I'd like to visit the libraries in Strange the Dreamer and in The Steel Seraglio. Great perspective on this week's topic!

    1. Thanks! I haven't read either of those...

  3. This is such a fun spin on this week's topic. I really should have posted about ten bookish stories (or books with bookstores/libraries) since I never visit bookstores unless it's a B&N or an outlet store. Still, there are some fun bookstores out there, and who knows! Maybe someday I'll see some of them. :)

  4. Like your spin on this! I'm sure there has been some fictional libraries/bookstores I would love to see.

  5. I love this take on this! I think I would love to go to an LOTR library more than a GOT one I think.

  6. What a great idea! I would definitely want to visit those libraries in the Got and LoTR books.

  7. I like your version of this list. It's so creative.

  8. Ooh, the Archives of Gondor would be an incredible place to visit.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

  9. Great spin on the topic! I think fictional libraries could be even more interesting than real ones😁

  10. Yes to the Citadel's library from GoT! When they revealed it in the show, my jaw dropped. It was so beautiful!

  11. Nice twist on this week's TTT theme!!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

  12. I love what you've done with this week's topic. Sometimes the real bookish treasures are found within the stories themselves. That might not have made sense.

  13. I've always thought that more books should have "Don't Panic" written in large letters on the front. ;-)

  14. That's a fun twist. The only book library that comes to mind for me is from Harry Potter at Hogwarts.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  15. Those look like they would be fun books.

  16. Ohhh yes to the archives of Gondor! That place looks incredible! I definitely believe Rivendell would have the BEST library!

  17. I love that you went with fictional places also! The archives from LOTR would be so neat, I can't imagine what interesting information could be found there. I'm with you on the Library of Alexandria, it's such a loss of knowledge.

  18. I love how you did this week's topic.

    Definitely would love to have been able to spend a few years at the Library of Alexandria! I know it existed once, but since it no longer exists, it might as well be fictional.

    Someone else mentioned the library in Strange the Dreamer. I'll second that one.

  19. Fictional libraries was a great way to go (I sort of did the same thing). I have only read Carl Sagan and LotR, but how could anyone write a library to be anything less than epic?

  20. Great twist on this weeks topic! I haven't read anything in the Game Of Thrones Series/Tv Show or Starwars so I don't have much to add. A few of these sound like very interesting places to visit! :)

  21. I like your take this week! The Citadel would definitely be the ultimate library!

  22. Oooh fabulous spin on this topic! I had no idea how to do it so I didn't hah. But this is perfect! Because what better than books IN books, right!? Totally agree about Library of Alexandria, ironically, only because I have read about it IN books!

  23. Ah yes, what could be in those sacred texts from Ahch-To? The rumor is Rey saved them all, so we may find out! The Jedi Order will not die with Luke!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  24. I love how you've compiled this list with fictional libraries!

  25. Great list! I'd love to go and explore some fantasy libraries.

  26. I was thinking while reading your description of The Hitchhiker's Guide that you were making it sound like Wikipedia, and then the ending quote was from Wikipedia. Hahahaha... another book I need to re-read. 🚀

    I havent read Cosmos, I need to. 🌌

    This was a brilliant twist to the TTT prompt! 👍✨

  27. What a fun list! I have never really paid attention to fictional libraries in books. I guess the only one I'm truly familiar with is The Library from Doctor Who! Without the Vashta Nerada, obviously. ;)

  28. I'm headed to Middle Earth, Gorgeous Greg! Hugs...RO

  29. I had another comment in my head but I got distracted just imagining how amazing the library at Rivendell would be!

  30. Great evocative choices here!
    As I recently finished Labyrinth of the Spirits, I'd go to the Cemetery of Forgotten Books

  31. I love the idea of going to the fictional ones. I don't follow real libraries/bookstores too much so I couldn't even come up with an answer.

    All of these sound excellent!

  32. These would be great. I've always wanted the library in Beauty and the Beast and I think Hogwarts would be interesting especially the restricted area.

  33. Ooh fictional libraries, that's fun! I'm not sure I even know of any fictional libraries, except HP and one book I read earlier this year. These sound like they'd be unique ones though!

  34. I had to skip this topic as I don't care much about thinking about libraries or bookstores around the world I'll never get to see! I couldn't think of enough fictional ones to make a list of five, never mind ten!

  35. I like you spin on this meme! OK, one day, I'll have to dine into Martin...

  36. I love your spin on this week's topic! Yes to the Jedi Temple and to The Citadel at Oldtown.

  37. The library at Rivendell must be stunning! :)

  38. I love this spin on the top ten. Take me to the Jedi temple, pleeeease. I'd love to take a look at all the old texts.
