
Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Top Ten Books With Sensory Reading Memories


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by 
That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back to The Broke and the Bookish so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Top Ten Book Books With Sensory Reading Memories. Or something. I don't know, but I'm going with books that mean a lot. It could be a book that resonates for a certain place or time or just a book that has specific memories attached. So let's take a look!     

Planet of Exile

This one belonged to my uncle and I was captivated by it. I read it a bunch of times. 

The Shark Club

I just wanted an excuse to put this one on here. 

Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker

Awful cover but I read this a ton of times for the extra details. Also the prologue takes on a special significance given The Last Jedi. 

The Sword of Shannara (The Original Shannara Trilogy, #1)

I read this one a lot. 

The Black Island (Tintin, #7)

I read quite a few of the Tintin's growing up. 

Journey Under the Sea (Choose Your Own Adventure, #2)

Same w/ these- I'm not even sure which ones I had but I know I had some. 

Tarzan and the Forbidden City (Tarzan, #20)

I clearly remember reading this on a summer day in the backyard. 

The Dark Tide (Iron Tower, #1)

I've told this story before but this was the book I was reading when I skipped class one day in college- I was sitting in a hall by a big bank of windows and the professor walked by after class. Awkward.  

Image result for essential avengers

It's funny how I can remember where or when I bought certain comics. 

Star man's son

I read this book all the time- it was probably my first post apoc read and it just paints such a vivid picture. 


  1. I really need to get The Shark Club! You always have it on your lists!

    1. I know! It's almost a punch line now :)

  2. There's The Shark Club. I will read that book yet. I never tire of seeing it here and I'm always obsessed with shark's in the summer so this would be a perfect time to get it!

    1. I thought of you when I added it- I was like Barb's gonna call me out on this one. :)

  3. I wish I'd done this post (too busy!) because I have a lot of kids books that are super special to me. Seems like lots of yours are from childhood memories as well😁

    1. They are- once I started it was like falling down the rabbit hole?? Nostalgia a powerful thing!

  4. I haven't read any of these, but I like the idea you chose for this - books that really mean a lot. :)


  5. Haha #oops to your teacher seeing you. On the up, at least it was in college and it was your own responsibility. Was the book at least good?

    1. Right? I'm sure he didn't care. :) And the book was... good at the time, not so much now. :)

  6. I have sensory memory books, too! Ones I read in the backyard by the pool or on a long car trip. Super fun. I didn't read Star Wars but I saw The Empire Strikes Back about a million times the summer it was out. Matinee! :)

    1. Ooh! Yeah for some reason reading in the backyard sparked memories for me! I almost didn't do this topic either because I wasn't sure which way to go. I did it super last minute!

  7. Oh what an interesting topic this time! I love all the books you choose and how many of them have the old timey covers to them, so much fun!

    1. This topic turned out okay even though I didn't like it at first! And yes I noticed that too- I guess I read a lot of old school stuff as a youngster!

  8. There are some terrible old book covers! Haha! And YES to Choose Your Own Adventure! Those were my favorites growing up!

  9. I have very few books that have some sort of memory or "feeling" attached to them, so this an interesting topic to see other people talk about! I don't think I've ever skipped class to read a book though, but I can imagine how awkward it was to have the professor see you there in the hall and not in his/her class. Unless it was a big class and he/she isn't good with faces? :)

    1. It was a small class. :) To be fair, he probably didn't care much but I was embarrassed!

  10. it's a nice mix of choice there!

  11. I like your twist on this weeks theme. I have quite a few books that hold a special place (even if they aren't beloved books) but don't reach sensory level lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  12. Thanks for sharing, those are great covers.

  13. Hehe. Skimming class to read a book. True book addict!

    1. Right? Embarrassing when he strolled by :)

  14. "I was sitting in a hall by a big bank of windows and the professor walked by after class. Awkward."
    LMAO! That sounds like a really nice place to read though.

  15. Gee, do you like sci fi? :)
    I once convinced myself that the cold I had was serious enough that I should stay home from work--and finish reading The Stand.

    And now I'm curious about Shark Club too.

    1. Right? That sounds perfectly reasonable. :)

      And yes read it- I tell everybody

  16. I loved Shannara! It was one of the first series I read

  17. Oh, Tintin totally takes me back to when I was a kid too, I was obsessed with them!

    1. I loved tintin- I think Black Gold was the first I got.

  18. Thats hilarious your teacher caught you after skipping class! Was the book worth it? I skipped more than one class reading when I was in college too 😂 😂

    1. Yes it's perfectly reasonable? And you know... the book was gripping at the time, but being a fantasy knock off I'm not sure it would hold up well now. :)

  19. Lots of new to me ones here! But omg, you skipped class to read?! I love it! I never ended up doing that. But wow, how awkward to run into the professor afterwards! Lol.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. It was rather awkward- and yes I did it more than once!!!

  20. I love that you can remember when you bought certain comics. I think this is one thing I miss about visiting bookstores. Those specific memories. Now most of my books are bought online.

    1. I buy a lot online too, so I don't think I'm making memories like that now? But yes certain comics- it's amazing to me that I remember!

  21. I love your list of books. I haven't read any of them but all make me smile. Happy reading memories, huh?

  22. I laughed when I got to The Shark Club. =) There are some books from my childhood that stand out, but I don't have any strong memories attached to any recent books. I am jealous of everyone, who was able to d this week's topic, and I really enjoyed reading them too.

  23. I thought you weren't doing this week's!? Anyyyway. I love books that are basically memories, so fun- especially ones from childhood and such. Or you know, The Shark Club randomly hahah. Love the college story- I mean, if the professor was a reader, they'd have totally understood. Sounds like it's on the professor, really. Though I need to know- who stays in the actual building when they're skipping class!?

  24. Great list! I have vivid memories of reading those Choose Your Own Adventure books with my cousins while we were all visiting my grandparents. We had so much fun with those stories.

  25. When I was unpacking a box of storage books a couple of months ago I realized I have three Shanara books in hardcover that I never read. How many are there? I don't even know if they are sequential. The first one is the same cover as yours above. 📚

  26. It looks like a lot of your strong memories are associated with rereads! (I'm the same, I guess you accumulate more memories the more times you read a story...)

  27. Haha, I love the missing class because you were reading a book one. I mean, reading is always encouraged, right? :) I love reading books that belonged to other people, and it's always fun to remember buying specific books/comics. Great memories. :)

  28. I love finding out what books really mean something to people.

  29. A lot of books that hold these kinds of sensory type memories or associations for me are those I read when I was a kid. Needless to say, I'm not surprised to see TinTin on this list! That series was a huge part of my childhood too!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  30. The choose your own adventure books DEFINTIELY bring me back to 5th-6th grade!! I love thinking about the books I loved as a kid!!

  31. I read a ton of Tintin when I was a kid and just loved Snowy!

  32. I do love the Shannara books. :)

    Check out my TTT and my current giveaway

  33. OMG, what a TERRIFIC list!!! I ESPECIALLY like "Planet of Exile" and "The Sword of Shannara"! Not that I've ever read them, lol. But I SURE want to!! I do own "The Sword of Shannara", but I think it's in storage, lol. So I might have to buy myself another copy to read....LOL.

    As for "Planet of Exile", I LOVE Le Guin, just from having read "The Left Hand of Darkness", so I really need to read this book!

    I also LOVE that Tarzan novel!

    Heck, I'm bookmarking this post!! I want to check out all of these books, as well as that comic!!

    Thanks for sharing!! <3 :)

  34. The Shark Club comment made me laugh. I really need to read it! I had a few of the Choose Your Own Adventure books too though I mostly just remember dying quickly. Great list!
