
Saturday, July 7, 2018

Sunday Post #253

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
The 4th of July has come and gone. Wow this summer is flying by. It was a pretty relaxing week after being on vacation the week before, and the reading has been going well. Seriously there are so many books out right now I want to read. Luckily July is not too crowded with stuff, other than the Renaissance festival but that's August. The 100 is still humming along- that show is so good right now. I was tagged this week by Jo at Jo's Book Blog for the Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag, and by Anna at Adventures of a Booknerd for the All About reading tag- thanks you guys!!- so those will be coming along soon.  

Last week Movies That Suck looked at Against All Odds, and that was fun. This week will be The Guns of Navarone. I actually really liked that one, which is happening about half the time with these. Well this is not a perfect undertaking. And I have Edge of Seventeen coming up.  

This week I'll have a Best Car Chases post on Monday (cause this is a book blog, right?) and my Kamandi Challenge posts will start next week. Kamandi was a comic series that ran for twelve issues- a different creative team each issue- set in a post apocalyptic world, and every issue was a cliffhanger that the next creative team had to solve. I'm going to try and post some more Jonny Quest reviews too, as well as other things, as time allows.  

Vacation stuff

So last week I talked about vacation and some of the places I visited. This one is from 2016 and  at the 42 second mark you can actually see the trail that was developed out in the water, and the water flowing looks so beautiful. 

And this is just one of the better videos I've seen done about the dunes. 

Blackfish CityThe Lies They TellStrange New World (Brave New Girl, #2)

Song of the week 


Mitchell Hooks: The Case of the Sun Bather's Diary by Erle Stanley Gardner / Cardinal C-268, 1955


AdriftOnyx and IvoryLove & LuckGirls' Night Out


  1. Summer does seem to be going by quickly and with the heat, I'm just not getting stuff sone. Looks like a busy time for me when the weather finally changes!

    I didn't know asteroid surfing was a thing!

    1. Well hopefully you cool off soon!


  2. I just love lighthouses. I used to decorate with them back in the late nineties lol. Not many here in Iowa but we went on a vacation to Rhode Island many years ago and saw some beautiful ones. You may have me convinced to visit Michigan this summer! So beautiful. Thanks for considering do the tag! I look forward to seeing your answers.

    1. I do too. Lighthouses are amazing and surprisingly (or not, but Michigan is probs not considered a lighthouse state) we have a TON, thanks to the Great Lakes. And yes to visiting MI if you ever get a chance- the northwest lower peninsula (Traverse City as a hub) is phenomenal.

      Thanks again for the tag :)

  3. I don't mind the summer flying by! Let's get back to cooler temps!

  4. I love the drone videos. They always make me wonder though if the owners of the drones worry every time they send one up. What if it falls in the ocean or never comes back?

    1. Right? I don't know much about drones but I imagine they're expensive?? But the videos are cool.

  5. I'd had my mid-year book freak out post in my draft folder for about two weeks now. Maybe this will be the week I finally get it done. I really enjoyed Edge of Seventeen. Woody Harrelson was so hilarious in his role.And The Jetsons totally takes me back. :)

    1. Ha I have so many things in my draft folder! It's kind of out of hand... and I am looking forward to Seventeen!

  6. So many books to read and not enough hours in the day. I've been reading lots more this year, but my backlog is still pretty humongous. Glad you're able to relax a little and watch some interesting movies. Happy Weekend and Hugs...RO

    1. True! I just need uninterruped reading days. :) And same here. You have a great weekend!

  7. I hear you about all the books coming out. There are so many that I need to acquire! But I put myself on a buying ban because my TBR no longer fits on my TBR shelf. That’s a problem. I don’t want random stacks of books all over the floor. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Same here. And yes where do we put them all?

  8. The Pulp Cover of the Week is always so amusing. This week's has that risqué vibe. Have a good week.

  9. Yes summer is totally flying by! And there does seem to be quite a few books I would like to get to as well. Hope you have a great week!!

    1. I mean, mid-July already? Even telling myself not to let it fly by, it does :)

  10. Where is the summer going? I don't like when summer is over, so I want it to last forever.

  11. I have always wanted to attend a Renaissance festival. I love that stuff. The closest I got was a dinner in a castle in Ireland. There were minstrels and what not. Speaking of Ireland, I see you have Love & Luck. I hope you enjoy it, because I loved it.

    1. I'm really looking forward to Love and Luck. And minstrels- !! I love the Ren fest, but I like to go to different ones to vary it up a bit.

  12. Summer really does seem to be flying by! It still feels like it should only just be June to me, so I keep being surprised by the fact it’s already July.
    I really hope you enjoy all the new books you’re looking forward to! :)

  13. The summer really is going way too fast. I can't believe July 4th is already over. Girls' Night Out is on my wishlist. Hope you have a great week and enjoy your books.

    My Sunday post is here.

  14. Seriously, the summer is flying by, and I don't know how I feel about that. I don't think I have heard of ANY of your upcoming Movies That Suck, so I am excited to read about them! You're going to put Roan and Bellamy's car chase in your post, RIGHT? Talk about a show that never needed a car chase hahaha. Roan action-movie-jumping onto the Rover, kills me every time. As for the books... yep, there will forever be more books that you want to read than time to read them!

  15. Very nice art pieces this week - I too love that one of Glorfindel, that's like a museum quality painting, lol! Also love the pieces with the creepy trees.

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  16. You're so right! The summer is just flying by!

    The drone video of Old Mission Point Lighthouse is so beautiful! I'm going on a coastal road trip vacation the end of September for 2 1/2 weeks and we're going to visit lighthouses up the Western Coast starting in Northern California up through Washington. Have fun at the Renaissance Festival! :)

  17. The summer is going so quickly for me, too, and because of the heat (which is not unusual, but hitting me harder for some reason), I feel as if I am losing out on good times. I need to go to the beach!

    Great images...thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  18. This summer has been going by awfully quick. Whether that's good or bad I can't tell. I'm glad that you enjoyed your week back after vacation, those can be difficult. Have a good week! :)

  19. Some nice new reads, Greg. And I know what you mean. Time is flying by. I swear it goes faster every year. Love the pics!

  20. I must agree with everyone: summer is going by too soon.
    Great artwork! Especially the minotaur and the LotR piece.

  21. I love lighthouses! The Old Mission Point Lighthouse looks like a church. How exactly does the water trail work? 🌅

    I love the image of the lanterns in the water. 🌌

    Have a wonderful week. 🌞

  22. Tree of the Forgotten is my fav this week. And wow, that array of book covers looks enticing.

  23. Yes - the summer certainly is flying by! As ever, wonderful pics, Greg and I loved the video of the Sleeping Bear dunes - what an amazing place... Have a great week.

  24. I really want to visit one day! Have a lovely week!

  25. The Summer really is just flying by. But I am ready for some cooler temps. Enjoy the new books, Girls Night Out was really good.

  26. It is crazy how fast this year is moving. It really won't be all that long before kids start going back to school. Thanks for sharing the videos of the dunes. Have a great week!

  27. Where you went on vacation looks pretty! I spent the last week or so on vacation-- nothing as picturesque I'm afraid but it was still lovely and I don't want to go back to work tomorrow D:

  28. Hey, can I do the mid-year book tag and say you taged me? I'm so unpopular haha XD. Have a great week! I know, another anniversity away, U.S is one year older (happy b-day~). Have a great week!

    Anne @ The Reading Life

  29. Oh those videos of Michigan are very cool! Thanks for sharing!

  30. I am glad you had a good holiday, sleeping bear dunes look amazing

    Engrossed in a good book

  31. I agree, there are always so many books that I want to read.

  32. Loved the videos of the Mission Point Lighthouse! Looks like you had a great vacation in a beautiful place. And I really like that Glorfindel picture, too; I've pinned it to my LOTR board.

  33. Glad to see you've got Onyx & Ivory coming up! It looks like you had a great vacation :) I liked Guns of Navarone, but it felt a little long for me. Looking forward to your post on it!

  34. I really enjoyed The Edge of Seventeen. Can't wait to see your thoughts on it.

  35. Hope you had a nice weekend Greg!

    And I like that hobbit picture too.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  36. It's crazy how quickly summer is passing us by! Which RenFaire are you going to?

  37. I love the cover for Adrift - I will have to check that one out. Glad your week was easy and the vacation was good. Have a great week reading!

    Mary my #SundayRoundup #26!

  38. Wow, I got lost in all the goodness. I used to live in Michigan, the Flint area, so those vids were fabulous!
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

  39. Summer is going by so fast. The Littles start school in a couple weeks so I've been trying to get back into school mode. Asteroid surfing sounds pretty awesome!

    I hope you have a wonderful week.

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

  40. Your summer looks amazing, Greg! I would love to see lighthouses!

  41. Glad to hear the reading is going well. You have some great images posted.
    Happy reading!

  42. I know this time of year has so many new books coming out, it makes my eyes boggle and my heart yearn for them all!

  43. Glad you had a good week with some good reads! Those drones videos are so cool! And that place is gorgeous.

    Whoa, could you imagine having a view with a bed next to a giant window like in that 2:00am video??!

  44. Oooo, I want to do a summer vacation. It's seriously July already and the time is zipping by. I'm going to go o vacation in October anf it's Iceland so it'll be worth the wait. But still! Vacation! So far away. Maybe I'll take some weekend trips. ANYWAY, happy reading and happy vacationing!

    Have a lovely week, Greg. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  45. Any post that features my girl Harley Quinn is a great one in my book. I really enjoyed the drone stuff as well. I'm anxious for your thoughts on Blackfish City. I've been putting it off mainly because not enough time :) Did you enjoy Survive the Night? I still remember that pretty well even though it wasn't one I really enjoyed much.

  46. Glad you had a nice vacation, and this summer really is flying - it's crazy. It's always weird to me when states have the Renaissance Fest in the summer as mine is always in the fall. lol


  47. Glad you are having a great summer. This summer is going to be jam-packed for me with out move next month. I could totally use a vacation to catch up on my reading.

  48. Kamandi sounds interesting. Great pictures as usual. Thanks for visiting and hope you enjoyed your vacay!

  49. Lovely bunch of images. I'm glad you are recovering from your vacation and that this week wasn't a letdown. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  50. Gorgeous art this week! I love the last one and as usual the pulp fiction cover made me giggle. Summer is flying ridiculously fast which isn't fair! We really only have 3 more week or so which doesn't seem fair! Have a great week!

  51. Love the cover for Onyx and Ivory aw well as the forest art

  52. Summer always seems to fly by while I think winter Great art pieces!!

    Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my!

  53. I'm curious what your favorite car chases are. I'm on the road this week so I might be slow in approving comments. I hope you stop by to see my weekly updates.

  54. The summer really is flying by. I feel like it's nearly over and I haven't really done many summery things yet. Looks like you've got some great new reads coming up. Girls Night Out and Adrift both sound especially good. Have a great week!

  55. Those are some really nice fantasy pictures. We're already putting the school supplies out on the shelves where I work... summer seems to have just started.

  56. Summer is going by WAAAAAYYYY too quickly. I've been to Sleeping Bear Dunes several times, but not for years.

  57. I loved those pictures of Harley Quinn and Mystiques. And those ant like people climbing the sand dunes seemed so intriguing.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

  58. This summer's weather has been all over the place where I am. I'm good with any temperature as long as it isn't super-humid.
    August 7 is National Lighthouse Day. Not sure how I know that....
    Jen Ryland Reviews

  59. Summer is passing by so quickly and I just want to slow down the time - I have so much more energy during the summer months than in winter, although I read less because there are so many outdoor activities!

    Love the Silver Surfer images and that pulp cover is really fun too!

  60. Honestly the fact that it's the second week of July already has me freaked, hahaha. Where is the year going?! I'm quite keen to hear what you think of The Edge of Seventeen, because I actually thought it was great. The protagonist is a bit unlikeable at times but I mean...she's a teenager!

  61. I feel like I haven't visited everyone's Sunday posts in AGES due to my trips! Finally catching up :) hope you've been having a good July?

  62. Wow, the dunes really are impressive! I can't imagine trying to get up that steep cliff---I'd be one of the ones needing rescued!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  63. I have never been in a lighthouse before. Thank you for seeking out my post. I'm a bit all over the place. I was swamped with planning out the girls' summers and making appointments for eyes and doctor. My youngest had an eye irritation that I needed to confirm it wasn't pink eye and now she's got a staph infection from where she fell. I also have a potato salad to make and a batch of golf themed cupcakes for Saturday. Life is busy here. Yeah, I really like that Country Club series. The snark and these matriarchs are so trippy and fun. Off to have a drumstick ice cream.

  64. Not only summer, but this whole year is flying by so quickly. I have never been to a lighthouse before. I don't think there are much in my country either.
    I really hope you enjoy your new books.
    I am really sorry for returning so late.I was kind of busy but I am glad that finally I have. I hope your week is wonderful.
