
Monday, July 23, 2018

Nancy Drew/ Hardy Boys Tag

The Mystery of the 99 Steps (Nancy Drew Mystery Stories, #43)

Welcome to the Nancy Drew/ Hardy Boys Tag! The goal here is to have fun and share books, and how better to do that than to take life lessons from some of the best? So we're going to look at some of the defining elements of these books, or maybe just something that pops up a lot, and use that as our criteria. Your task, if you choose to do the tag, is to share a book that fits each criteria. Sound fun? Let's do it!

Oh and feel free to do this or share it as you wish. All I ask if you link it back to my blog as an acknowledgment. Otherwise have fun!

The Nancy Drew/ Hardy Boys Tag

1) Sure you can go solve crime! Just be home for dinner. Seriously? List a book that features teenage protagonists doing unrealistic stuff.  


Winter was a good protagonist who dug deeper into missing persons, and frankly the cops weren't doing anything so I guess it's a good thing she's around! 

2) It's a knockout! The Hardy Boys get knocked out on the regular, and Nancy gets captured her fair share of times. Share a book that has someone powering through what should be a serious injury! 

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)

Seriously how did Peeta even survive this series? 

3) Where's Mom? Both the Hardy's and Nancy are missing their mother, and their dad seems oddly okay with them doing detective work. List a book with little parental oversight. 

The Lies They Tell

No momma in this one. Actually there is but she left. 

4) Friends make the world go around. The Hardy's have Chet, Biff and Tony (and occasionally Callie and Iola). Nancy has Bess and George (and sometimes Ned) to help her out. Name a book with an outstanding friendship or supporting character(s). 

The Extinction Trials (The Extinction Trials, #1)

I really enjoyed the supporting characters in this one. 

5) What a coincidence! I think it's fair to say that sometimes there are fortuitous coincidences that move the story along. Share a book with a somewhat far- fetched occurrence or plot development.

Sky in the Deep 

I liked this book but there were a few... conveniences towards the end. 

6) Where's a cop when you need one? Seriously they show up at the end but where are they when our heroes really need them? Share a book where the authorities are especially asleep at the switch or ineffective. 

Panic (Panic, #1)

The cops were not on top of this little situation!

7) These people are well traveled. I mean, the Hardy's and Nancy go everywhere. All over the U.S. and around the world. Name a book with a well traveled or globetrotting protagonist, or something with an exotic setting. 

Girls' Night Out


8) We're going top down! Or boating. Nancy has her convertible (sometimes called a roadster) and the Boys are always in a boat, seems like. Name a book with a cool vehicle or involving a speedboat.  

Related image

I'm going right to the source here.

9) It's a clue, a secret, or a mystery. These words (and a few others) show up a LOT in the Nancy Drew/ Hardy Boys titles. Share a book with a similar title. 

Two Can Keep a Secret 

Secrets and lies make for good reading. :) 

10) Killer cover! The covers are some of the best things about these mysteries. Share a favorite Nancy Drew/ Hardy Boys cover, or any cover with a mysterious vibe. 

Hardy Boys Cover Art

So there you have it! I could have listed probably ten more tropes but we'd be here all day. You get the idea. :) And share your faves- consider yourself tagged if you're so inclined! 

Happy sleuthing!!  


  1. Hahaha, that's a fair question about Peeta XD Girls night out sounds interesting especially with the Mexico setting...

    Cool post, Greg! I enjoyed reading through it.

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

    1. Peeta had it ROUGH! I can't wait to start Girls Night Out.

  2. This is such a good tag! I love these questions and your answers.

  3. This is so awesome! As a Nancy Drew lover, I found this tag delightful and spot on (and there were some great books included too. )

  4. I grew up reading Nancy Drew and found a few books of hers in a church one day. I agree - secrets and lies do make for good reading. Happy Monday and Hugs...RO

  5. I LOVED these books! I need to reread some of them soon! :) Great tag!!

    1. I re- read a few o them a few years back and it was sure illuminating!

  6. This is a fab tag and I loved your answers! The boat thing made me think about when I was a child in the '60s how prevalent it was for regular middle class families to own some kind of a motor boat or speed boat, and have it parked in the driveway with a cover over it, even if they only used it on vacation once a year. Ha ha. 🚀

    1. We were one of those families! We had a boat but I can't afford one now- apparently my parents had it more together than I do!!

    2. We had one, too, it was my dad's baby. I think not having one is more the aftermath of Reganomics than not having it together. Heh heh.

  7. Nice tag Greg! I'll be doing this one but it'll take me a bit of time to get answers to all the questions! Y'know for all I loved this kind of thing as a kid, I never once read Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys!

  8. OMG!! THIS TAG IS EVERYTHING!! I am in love with it and your responses are perfect. I will definitely add it to my list of post ideas. :)

  9. You're making me nostalgic for Nancy Drew😁 I must have read The Hardy Boys too but I don't remember. Awesome tag!

    1. I've read a few of both. Actually I think I read most of the Hardy's and a lot of the Nancy's... and I re- read some a few years ago and THAT was interesting!

  10. What an awesome tag. I remember reading so many of these. I was in a club where I was sent two of each in the mail every month. I looked forward to book mail even as a child :) Things just don't change huh?

  11. Ha I loved this!! I read your tweet about The Lies They Tell- I am adding it to my list!

  12. How did Peeta survive?!?! Haha great answers :)

  13. This tag is perfect! I love all of the questions as well as the books you picked to fit each one.

  14. What a fun tag! I totally agree, how did Peeta survive? And I love your first prompt, I feel like YA is filled with teenagers doing unrealistic things!

  15. I loved, loved, loved the books and TV show back in the day.

    I'd love to do this tag but I'm so horrible at remembering books lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  16. Love the old covers. I haven't read almost all these books. Still refusing the last Hunger Games. Even my husband had trouble getting through it which was not encouraging.

  17. This is such a cool tag! I quite miss reading the Nancy Drew books. They were comfort reads.
    I'm not sure how Peeta made it out of that series...I mean the first book was bad enough but the second and third put the poor guy through the ringer.

  18. It's so fun creating tags! And I love the questions you came up with! I feel like a lot of books have these weird tropes like characters surviving injuries they really shouldn't lol. I'm gonna save this one and try to do it at some point :-)

  19. What a fun tag this is! I might give this a go this week, but I feel like I have to have a good think first!

  20. I will be doing this! But not sure when with vacation this week and Dog Days coming up. Thanks for the fun post.

  21. What an awesome tag. I definitely collected Nancy Drew in elementary school. I wasn't a huge Hardy Boys fan though--my favorites were Alfred Hitchcock's Three Investigators and Trixie Belden. I will be doing this tag SOON!

  22. Love this tag! Nancy Drew was a favorite of mine in elementary school, along with Herculeah Jones (The Dark Stairs, etc.) And I agree about The Hunger Games—how on earth did they survive some of those injuries?! It was never bad enough to pull me out of the story, but Collins definitely took some medical liberties πŸ˜‚

  23. Love this tag! It always amazes me how many head injuries Nancy and the Hardy Boys sustain. One would think they'd have some lasting damage! I love the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boy covers. They're just the absolute best!
