
Saturday, March 24, 2018

Sunday Post #238

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews
It's Monday! What Are You Reading is hosted by Book Date 
So yeah. This month is flying by and it's almost my birthday. How was everyone's week? Mine was good, I read Annihilation (and need to see the movie) and I started rewatching The 100 season four (a buddy watch w/ Shannon at It Starts At Midnight) in anticipation of the new season- which is less than a month away. How awesome is that? Other than that I've been watching movies for my Movies That Suck feature, which started... this past week! Up first was Lake Placid, which is actually quite fun.  

I have another one coming up this week- on Thursday I'll be skewering watching Maximum Overdrive, a film based on a Stephen King story. And he directed it! Good times will no doubt be had. Oh and I'm wondering too about that title- like should I call it Movies That Suck if some of them don't actually suck? I mean most of them will, don't get me wrong, but several people said they liked Lake Placid, and TBH I kinda did too. I may have to reconsider that ...    

Last week I reviewed People Like Us, a fun read. And Obsidio, as well as a discussion on Jessica Jones 2.               

People Like UsRelated imageObsidio (The Illuminae Files, #3)

Song of the week 


Image result for the poisoned chocolates case

I thought I'd share some pics of Vault of Midnight, our local comic book store. And it's interactive- just click on the image to move it around. Kinda cool. 



  1. Idk, "Movies that Suck" is such a catchy title lol. Glad you had a good week!

    1. Yeah I think I'm gonna keep Movies That Suck- always go with your first instinct, right??

  2. I missed the new Karate Kid thing...whaaaat

  3. I had no idea about the Karate Kid series! AAAAAHHHHH! Not sure about it being on YouTubeRed. I wish it was on Netflix.

    1. Yeah I'm not sure either, I wish it was on Netflix- but it looks good kinda???

  4. Happy almost birthday!! :) I'm hoping to read Annihilation soon so I can go see the movie as well! :) I hope you'll review the movie too. I'd love to see what you think! :)

    1. Thanks! Annihilatin was kinda weird, but I'm looking forward t othe film!

  5. I can see why you're thinking about the title...some films suck as films but can still entertain in a cheesy or goofy or funny way.You could call your feature Movies that Kinda/Sorta Sucked! Or Greg's Goofy Movies! Or maybe Havenly Film Reviews...or Cheesy Filmfest?

  6. Tons of good stuff this week! I love that 360 photo of your comic shop. And The Rain is definitely something I need to check out😁

  7. I love the title. I think a movie can suck but you can still like it and maybe even because it sucks lol

    That's how I feel about syfy and Hallmark movies. I know they aren't necessarily good but I enjoy them for that reason anyway.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. That's true. I'm gonna keep the title and maybe just point out that occasionally... the movie DOESN'T suck? Although most of the time they do...

  8. This month is totally flying by. It is crazy. I love the title Movies that Suck -very memorable!!! Have a great week!

    1. It is! And I like that title too- I'll probably keep it!

  9. Lake Placid was terrible, but I still love it. Maybe you can come up with some kind of hybrid title about movies that suck, but also movies we love even though they suck, or something. Some movies refuse to be hated, even when they're not great, and that's what makes us love them all the more!

    1. Right? I like it too. Betty White FEEDING the darn thing was so inspired!

  10. Looking forward to your next movie review.

  11. Well. Movies that Suck can still be enjoyable, but it doesn't make them suck any less? :D I mean- Lake Placid could be a trip (I'll just take your word and some Betty White clips for it hah) but it still probably sucks, objectively? So I think you can keep your title!

    YAY for The 100 rewatch! I mean, we're only 3 episodes in but still, that's not bad! (And we have exactly a month, eep!) And also yay for birthdays! Ooooh I take it that Annihilation was good? I really want to see the movie too- but do I need to also read the book? And I *really* cannot wait for this Maximum Overdrive review, I have a feeling it's going to be good!

    1. True! And oh wait- you're not gonna WATCH Lake Placid? Seriously?

      A month? Remember when it was months (plural) away and we were like depressed cause it would NEVER get around? And now a month- yay!! Annihilation was... weird. Like one of those books where it's not explained (in fairness it is a trilogy- maybe answers are forthcoming?) but I've heard the movie is different, and I can see why- if it hewed close to the book it would be mega- boring??

  12. I've always wanted to see Lake Placid so I'm glad to hear it didn't actually suck! I'm very interested in hearing how Maximum Overdrive will turn out. Didn't know Stephen King directed. What will you call your post now? B Movies: The Good, The Bad, and the Super Cheesy? Or Glorious B Movies? Just throwing out some super awful titles here, lol!

    1. Oh you should. I mean seriously, if you still want to watch it even after reading my post, you definitely should. :) It is one of those so-bad-it's good films, for sure! And Maximum Overdrive... such a trip. I had a blast with that, and yes King makes a cameo very early- it's hilarious !

  13. I thought Lake Placid was funny. Such a great cast! Maximum Overdrive was fun too. I can't remember if King made a cameo appearance in that one. He does in a lot of his movies.

    My Sunday Post

    1. I did too! I actually enjoyed it quite a bit- and I was able to see the whole thing (previously I had only seen it in snippets). King does make a cameo in Max Overdrive- a very memorable one as I recall!

  14. You always find the best artwork! I actually like the title, even if not all the movies suck. It has a nice ring to it. Have a good week! :)

    1. Thanks! And I agree- even if the movies don't ALL suck (and let's face it, most will) I'm gonna keep the title. :)

  15. Thanks for reminding me how much I loved Tangerine Dream, and that I haven't listened to them in AGES upon AGES! 🎼

    How about Movies You Hate to Love? I still think Lake Placid sucks! Ha ha. 🎬

    Have a fabulous week, and happy birthday early! 🌞

    1. Tangerine Dream were the best! I remember discovering their music, I used to listen ALL the time.

      Ha that's a good title too. And yeah Lake Placid does suck, but in a GOOD way!!

      You too, hanks!!

  16. Happy early birthday! Hope it's a good one. That comic store looks pretty awesome. Great to have that locally. I feel like I read Maximum Overdrive (maybe?) but I never saw the movie. I'll be looking forward to your dissection of that one. :) I still can't get over the fact that Cobra Kai is actually a thing. That's going to be epic. LOL
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. Thank you! It's next Saturday, and I have no idea why I mentioning it so soon, but you know Sunday Posts don't write themselves, and sometimes updates are a little... sparse? Yes that store is amazing! I didn't even know Max Overdrive was a book, I knew it was based on a King story so I should have known I guess, but I've never seen it. Oh that was a bad movie lolol.

  17. Ooh, Diamond Girl. I looked it up, and yes, it's a short. But I saw that the next one in the series is coming in June: Shadow Dancing, which I'm sure you already know.

    I'm curious about People Like Us.

    Have a great week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I did NOT know about Shadow Dancing, and can only assume it may be a reference to a certain Bee Gees song? I have to ge caught up, haven't read one since book four. Can't wait to read the latest!!

  18. Love the artwork choices this week, especially Ancient City with its mix of futuristic and traditional. There needs to be a fantasy book based on a world like this one!

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. Thanks!! I loved Ancient City, and knew I had to spotlight it. I just love the whole concept!

  19. Oh lord, Maximum Overdrive. I watched that a few weeks ago, and it is BAD. But in the fun way, so enjoy :)

    1. Yes it IS bad, and you're right- in a fun way!

  20. I saw that Cobra Kai clip the other day. I just cannot believe that's a thing. Fantastic!

    1. I can't either. I was just like SMH when I saw, until I actually clicked it and though- I might watch this ha!

  21. I start dreading my birthday so that I deny I have one. ;)

    Oooooh I'm almost done with Jessica Jones season 2. I need to check out your discussion!

    As always wonderful art.
    Have a great week.

    1. Ha, I'll have to try that. :)

      I hope you're liking JJ2!

  22. yay for almost birthday! I still need to read Gemina but I'm so curious as I loved Illuminae. Have a lovely week and happy reading!

    1. You too! I loved Gemina, it was my favorite!

  23. Birthdays are so much fun. Somehow, the most wonderful thing of all is an almost-birthday, I think. Anticipation.


    1. Exactly, like in a lot of ways the anticipation is the thing! Once it's here it goes by so quick and then it's another year lololol.

  24. Happy-almost-birthday, Greg :) heheh. Oh, buddy watching sounds like a lot of fun. And it looks like you reviewed a lot of awesome stuff last week :) I should be delving into Annihilation soon, once I get finished with all those ARC comittments I have. Argh.

    1. Thanks!! Buddy watching is fun, we get to compare notes and it's a blast. Hope you like Annihilation- I liked it but didn't love it, but it does make me want to see the film!

  25. Seriously Lake Placid was a good movie. The banter between the Sheriff and Hector was funny. You want a movie that sucks watch Attack of the kill Donut that was made, I think last year or 2016. THAT was bad.

    I wonder how well the Karate kid series will do on Youtube red since I don't think I know one person that has it. I would have loved for it to be on Hulu or Netflix.

    Have a great week, Greg! Happy Reading!

    PS LOVE that comic book store.

    1. Attack of the Killer donut? Now that sounds perfect for my new feature lol. although you know *whispers* I've seen some that are so bad that calling them sucky films is not even enough!!

      I didn't even know Youtube Red was a thing. So clearly I don't have it?!? So yeah not sure if I can even watch the thing lol.

      You too- and yes that comic store is AWESOME.

  26. I really want to see the new Karate Kid series but like everyone else I don't have youtube red. :( You want a bad Lake Placid watch Lake Placid vs

    1. I hadn't even heard of Youtube Red- like I already pay for Netflix and amazon Prime, do I want ANOTHER subscription? So yeah...

      Lake Placid v Anaconda? Wow :):)

  27. Rewatching a favourite season before the new season starts is always a great idea! I hardly have the time to do this these days, but it is something that I would love to do. And that's true about naming your post movies that suck, like you said the majority probably will, but I like that you're taking one for the team, so that we can get your take on it! I hope you have a great week Greg!

    1. That's sort of the thinking here- to watch season 4 right before the new one so we're fresh on details. And ha ha right? Taking one for the team- I like that! Because yeah some of these stinkers are gonna be tough to sled through :)

  28. I think movies can suck but still be enjoyable. I mean, no one thinks Lake Placid was a cinematic masterpiece. We enjoy it because it was so ridiculous, you know. Its like Sharknado. So, I think a movie can suck but still be enjoyable.

    1. Oh my gosh sharknado!!! I should sooo do those. And yeah good point. We watch it BECAUSE it sucks lolol.

  29. Happy almost birthday! And I liked Lake Placid although it was kinda bad, some of my fav films are lol. I've never seen Maximum Overdrive. I love King but some of the film adaptations are awesomely bad, others are great like Misery.
    Enjoy your week!

    1. Thank you! I liked Lake Placid too, TBH. Max Overdrive is horrible, but just good enough to watch :)

  30. Oooh advance happy birthday, Greg! I CANNOT believe The 100's already on its fourth season!? I remember watching the first season back in 2015 or 2016, before I went on my blogging hiatus. There's so much I've missed!

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. Thank you! I know, it IS hard to believe the 100. It is SO good...

  31. I am so excited for The 100 to come back one. Loved it! Starting season two of Jessica Jones later, and I am really liking it so far. Never been much a Marvel person, but this has certainly got me interested in watching some more of them. :) Have a great Sunday.

    1. I am too- favorite show hands down. Jessica Jones 2 was quite good, I thought, less dark than S1 even though it still has some heavy themes. I wish more of the Marvels shows were more like it...

  32. Sending some birthday wishes your way! I love Maximum Overdrive lovely 80's movie. It was corny but I still loved it. Lake Placid what a mess. Anyway, have a good week!

    Mary my #SundayRoundup

    1. Thank you. I loved Max Overdrive too, and even though it didn't hold up super great on my rewatch, it's still fun. :)

  33. happy almost birthday! It is insane how fast March went and this year in general so far. It needs to slow itself down so I can read more. lol Hope you have a good one!

    1. Thanks!!! Yeah March FLEW. And yes I need more time to READ!

  34. Happy early Birthday! I need to get get on finishing Jessica Jones S1 (I'm not too far from the end) because I really do want to start the second season. I hope you enjoyed it. :)


  35. I love the artwork you post. I've heard others mention Jessica Jones but I've never seen it. I'm going have to see what's it's about. I stumbled across Mary Kills People for the first time and it was interesting. Hope you have a great week!

  36. You can call it movies that suck even if we don't agree with you. :) I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Annihilation! That's a strange one.

  37. I want to get my hands on Annihilation , heard mixed reviews on it. People seem to believe it be better as a movie, we shall see

  38. I like the title, Movies that Suck. You should do my favorite good bad movie, For Keeps with Molly Ringwald. So bad, but so good!

  39. Your local comic book den is sooo amazing! I wouldn't mind taking a trip there. I'd probably spend a lot of money, haha.

    Ronnie @ Paradise Found

  40. Happy early birthday! OMG, I am starting Obsidio now. I'm excited but also daunted because it is a huuuuuuuge book. Happy reading, Greg!

    Have a wonderful week. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

  41. I really need to start watching The 100... I really need to do a lot of things. *wishes for a time turner*

  42. “Movies that Suck” is such a good title! I’ve seen a lot of movies that suck. :) Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  43. Rain looks awesome. I've been hooked on Santa Clarita Diet this weekend and am trying not to watch them all at once. I'm anxiously awaiting your thoughts on Annihilation as well as Sunburn. I know I want to read Sunburn but the vote is still out on the others. Hope you have a wonderful birthday coming up.

  44. I'm seeing Sunburn everywhere. Hope you enjoy your new books. The title Movies That Suck will get people's attention. Science shows that we retain negative things far better than positive, so you know it's going to grab attention. :-)

  45. Silver Surfer - yay! Over a 2 day period I went through my list and purged, purged, purged. I watched the 1st 10 minutes of a series or movie, and if the acting sucked, or the the plot didn't make sense, it was off the list.(lol) So I like your idea of movies that suck. Hugs...RO

  46. I took a bit of a break and went on a road trip. Watched some golfers hack around the course and got a lot of great autographs. Wonderful weather and it was good to be outside.
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

  47. OMGosh! That Cobra Kai trailer had me LOL'ing. I was laughing and then choking on my spit. I didn't know there was going to be a 34 years later; interesting. I like your local comic store. How spacious it is and brightly lit it is. I want to go there and check it out.
    Thanks for sharing how you took your daughters to see Black Panther; honestly, I didn't even know you had daughters. I struggle sometimes with how much freedom to give mine. I know in SF, I have friends who live in a particular neighborhood which is a great, big niche. Their kids are all taking the bus to school and to the nearby mall. Here in the burbs it's different and I feel families are more protective.

    1. Oh and I was inspired by buddha bowl recipes on Pinterest. Our roasted veggies were bland in color as most were white but there are great ideas out there and even a guide on creating your own. I like brown rice, its nutty flavor. My girls eat it if they have to but that night I taught the oldest how to make rice (they like sushi rice) the old fashioned way in the pot on the stove, although I doubt she remembers how.
      Do you like curry? We get the Golden Curry box from Daiso for $4. You can find it at Lucky or Safeway I think and it's on Amazon. I use the whole box. I usually put cut up carrots, peas, corn, diced-cubed potatoes, and use tofu which has the texture of meat. One box lasts our four-membered crew three meals b/c the curry thickens up in the frig over night so I pour about 6 oz of water in to thin it out some.

    2. It is different in the burbs, definitely. Everything's spread out and you just don't know anymore. The comic store is awesome and probably the best one I've been in- it's just so bright and welcoming to newcomers. and fun!!

      Thanks for the suggestions too! Going vegetarian is a new thing for me (or piscetarian, or part- time vegetarian lol- I'm not sure what to call myself since I still eat fish and occasionally turkey) but I can use all the help I can get!

  48. Maybe you could call the feature Movies that Supposedly Suck. Makes it slightly less offensive for people who enjoy the movies you're featuring...and gives you an out if you enjoy the movie too.

    Have a great week. - Katie

  49. I can't believe I completely missed your Lake Placid post- running off to read it next! And AHHHH what did you think of Annihilation?!? Really looking forward to seeing your thoughts on it :) And happy early birthday! Hope you have a wonderful week (and celebration, if its coming up soon!)

    1. Annihilation was mixed for me! I loved the dreamy, immersive quality of the writing (something you alluded to in your review I think) and the mysteriosness, but at the same time it's one of those vague stories that could be anything. I'm so curious tho to see what next in book two, so in that sense it succeeded in hooking my interest! I wasn't sure if I would read the whole thing or just read the first one to see the movie, but now I'm going to read the trilogy to see where it goes...

  50. Happy early birthday, Greg! I hope it's fantastic! I'm excited to see your thoughts on Maximum Overdrive. And Sunburn, too. :) As for the title...Movies That Suck (and some that only sorta suck)? Haha!
    Have a great week!

    1. Thank you! Max Overdrive... should be fun. lolol I like your suggestion!

  51. Wow! You sure had a busy week! I love that Silver Surfer Cover and I'm glad that you had a wonderful week!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays

  52. So a movie that could have sucked but really had some things going for it! Yes can you believe March is marching on. April should well and truly bring you Spring.

  53. Beautiful art again Greg! And it's always fun when you end up enjoy a movie you thought would suck.

  54. I saw that Karate Kid trailer on FB was all excited until ... on Youtube Red. No thanks. Jesus. How many other subscription video programs am I going to have to pay for??? Anyway, I like your Movies That Suck title. You could always do a scale of 1-10, hardly any suckage to full-on suck. Lol.

    1. Ha that's awesome- I LOVE the idea of a scale. A suck-o-meter perhaps. :) But yeah- why does it have to be on Youtube red????

  55. How did you like Annihilation?? I cannot wait for that review! Oh I hadn't heard of Maximum Overdrive until now I love movies based on Stephen King's stories! That's a MUST watch!

    1. Annihilation was kinda... weird? But in a good way too? ? I'm looking forward to the movie now- time to compare!

  56. I watched the first couple episodes of the first season of The 100 but just didn't care for it. Hope you enjoy it! Have a great week!

  57. Enjoy your movie watching and TV viewing. I'm in the middle of binge reading my May review stack. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  58. Love your bad movie choices! Hey Cats is my fav image this week. I really need to to get to Obsidio. I may have been one of the people who said they liked Lake Placid -- I meant that in a movies so corny you gotta love 'em way.

  59. Love that interactive pic of the comic book store! Hope you enjoy your rewatch of The 100!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  60. Maybe call it "Movies That Are Supposed to Suck". I sometimes love sucky movies :) Have fun!

  61. I like the title Movies that Suck. Maybe put a question mark after it if you want? Just because a movie sucks doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. I mean Moonraker was a straight up terrible movie but it was a lot of fun to watch! This year is flying by so far. I can't believe it's almost April! Have a great week!

    1. I like that title too, I think I'm gonna keep it. :)

  62. Hope you've got something great planned for your birthday. After what you went through, you need to have a big celebration! Yay for The 100! I like your Movies That Suck title.

  63. Happy almost birthday Greg! Hope you have something fun planned.

    That comic book store looks like a fun place. Would love to peruse the shelves. :)

    Hope you have a great week!

  64. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a nice week.

  65. Ooh! I think I'll have to look out for The Rain! :)

  66. Happy Birthday, Greg! I love the Movies that Suck idea. Sounds like a fun idea. Have a great week!

  67. Happy Birthday :) I hope you birthday goes as per whatever you planned :) I have heard good things about People Like us and can't wait to read it :)

    My STS:

  68. Happy Birthday!

    Maximum Overdrive!! That movie rocks. Lol. It's based on his short story, Trucks, which I loved too. It's cheesy horror movie goodness!

  69. I need to see Annihilation, too! My wife said it's on Netflix already in Belgium!? So we'll see about that!

  70. I have Obsidio on my wishlist too. Not read the first book yet, but heard so many great things about it, that I definitely want to it *smile* Thanks for stopping by my blog. Have a great Easter weekend.

    Best wishes
