
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Midweek Stuff


 So here's a midweek round up of what I'm reading watching, etc. Plus Can't Wait Wednesday, hosted by Wishful endings. So sit back, raise a cuppa, and see what's new! And share what you're up to.  

This week my Can't Wait pick is Blackfish City. I mean, that cover. Plus the blurb.      

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What I'm Reading

The Birthday Girl

What I'm Watching

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Misc Stuff

Nothing like a good rant to make my day. 

And for another similar view. 

Okay- question of the day.

If there was a Book of Knowledge you could consult, for any historical detail, what would you choose to know? 


  1. I started the Handmaid's Tale over the summer and then got busy, really want to come back to it, since all I hear are good things. I can see why youre eager for Blackfish City - that is a great cover!

    Great question... I have no idea! There's SO MUCH I'd like to know about (my MA is in history), so I'd have to really think on that.

    1. I just finished The Handmaid's Tale last night and man! Is it dark! I thought our current society was bad :):)

  2. I really need to watch The Handmaid's Tale! Love the CWW pick too. The cover is goegeous.

    1. I just finished Handmaid's last night. Quite a harrowing story.

  3. I also want to watch Handmaid's Tale in 2018!! And I'm afraid to see The Last Jedi. I'm not sure I want to!!!
    Happy 2018!
    Jen Ryland Reviews

    1. You might like it, I'm negative on it but a lot of people seem to like it!

  4. We just started Travelers S2 - so far it's really good!

    1. Glad you're liking it! I really enjoyed S2.

  5. Blackfish City does have an interesting cover...On the subject of your question, I think I'd have to think about it a lot more before deciding!

  6. I still have not been able to watch The Handmaid's Tale. I don't have Hulu. I enjoyed the book very much.

    1. I got the Hulu trial just for a few shows I ant to watch, but I probably won't be keeping it. The commercials drive me nuts- I' too used to Netflix!

  7. Blackfish City definitely catches my eye. I want to watch Handmaid's Tale but alas I do not have Hulu. One day!

    1. I got hulu for a free trial but I'll probably cancel it at some point. The Handmaid's Tale was harrowing!

  8. Everyone seems to be watching the Travelers at the moment. I didn't know what it was until I saw your pic - now I remember seeing a few commercials for it.

    For What It's Worth

  9. I love The Handmaid's Tale. Couldn't get enough of it. The book is haunting and they did such a good job bringing that fear, that awfulness into the show. Stick that one out and keep watching!
    Rebecca @ The Portsmouth Review

  10. I really need to take a look at Handmaid

  11. So many books I don´t know. Thanks for sharing them.
    My pick

    Best wishes
    Vi @Inkvotary

  12. We just got done with Longmire and I loved it! I wasn't too sure about it the first few episodes but it quickly grew on me. I love the way it ended. I think you will be happy with it and I love the Handmaid's Tale. I can't wait for the new season. That show seriously creeped me out.

    1. I am loving Longmire so far, am in the middle of the second season. I wasn't sure about the first episode but it quickly grew on me, so same here!

  13. Are you enjoying Longmire. It was sad to see it end. The last season wasn't perfect, but I guess they were trying to get a lot of loose ends tied up before it ends.

    1. I am loving Longmire! So glad I stuck with it although now I'm hooked. :)

  14. Yeah, I had some of the same issues with The Last Jedi.

    **SPOILERS** (in case someone reads this without seeing movie)
    I mean, overall I liked the movie because there was some really great moments and scenes but I didn't like how Luke was portrayed. And I basically felt a huge facepalm moment with Leia flying through the air too... lol

    Anyways, your WOW pick is new to me so I'll have to check it out!

    1. Those were two of my major problems with it as well. Luke was all wrong to me. :)

  15. Oooh! I need to read A Handmaid's Tale again! Great picks!

    Here’s my WoW!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  16. Like the cover on your CWW pick. Sounds like a good book. I just finished watching Longmire. Hope you enjoy it.

  17. Both of your picks are new to me and sound great! I also really need to watch The Handmaid's Tale since I loved the book so much.

  18. Fun post! I haven't watched Travelers but I'm so curious. :) Hope you're enjoying.


  19. Oo The BIrthday Girl sounds good! I just added the first book on goodreads. :D

    1. The Birthday Girl started out iffy for me- like why would people do this- but once it got going I had to see where it would end!

  20. Obviously solid choices on the "watching" front! Blackfish City looks really good too, and I agree, the cover is fabulous. The Birthday Girl... I mean, it looks like it could either be good, or rather hokey? I am curious about which it is haha.

    This is a hard question! I mean- I think I'd probably want to know more about times before we had somewhat reliable records, I guess. Make the most out of my time with the book, ha.

    1. Ha ha! The Birthday Girl was iffy... I skimmed a lot of it, but once it got going I was intrigued. And Blackfish looks awesome.

  21. Blackfish City looks spectacular! That cover is so well done. :D

    As for the question, maybe a book about pre-history? I'm intrigued about how humans survived before there was any written or pictograph word. Maybe it's because I'm dependent on technology, but I'm so interested in their way of life!

    1. I absolutely love that cover! And yes I would love to know more about prehistory!

  22. I've been thinking The Birthday Girl looks interesting - can't wait to hear what you think about it!

    1. The birthday Girl was pretty good, although it started out iffy for me. Not bad- I was just wondering why would people do this? But once it got going it got twisty. :)

  23. Blackfish City is on my wishlist. I have not seen that cover before today though, wow! The only one I've seen so far is the Ecco version on currently on Goodreads. I like this one much better :D

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  24. Blackfish City does have an amazing cover and I'm really curious about The Birthday Girl! That seems like a book that needs to be on my TBR. You've got a lot of variety in your watching! I'm a little stale right now so I need to find some new shows!

    1. I think you might like The Birthday Girl. I had to suspend some disbelief at first that they would let themselves get in that situation, but once it got going it was twisty and I couldn't wait to see what happened next.

  25. We are four episodes away from finishing Longmire and will miss it. Think we will check out Travelers.

    1. Travelers is great! Hope you like it. I am loving Longmire so far...

  26. Oh my god, The Handmaid's Tale...that book absolutely broke me when I read it in high school. I really need to do a re-read so I can watch the series with the story fresh in my mind! Are you enjoying it so far?

    1. I liked The Handmaid's Tale but man was it horribly dark! I kept waiting for the good guys to get a win... :)

  27. Blackfish City cover is indeed awesome. Hope you enjoy it. I tried reading the Handmaid but couldn't Maybe I can watch the show!

  28. I still haven't seen The Last Jedi somehow so all these negative reviews are super scary to me!! I've been meaning to watch Travellers for ages, really need to get on that.

  29. I accidentally stumbled upon Alias Grace, new series based on Atwood book.'s not Handmaiden's Tale but it's also gold. And sad. And oh Irish accent!

    Have to check out Travelers.
