
Saturday, December 2, 2017

Sunday Post #222

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer

It's been over a month since my surgery and in spite of some frustrations, I'm doing pretty good. I had my follow up with the surgeon this week and the prognosis was great, everything is healing well.     

We are in December and Christmas is coming! To celebrate I'm countdown my own special way- with a favorite Christmas tune every week here on the Post. It will surprise no one that these tunes are Peanuts related. So if the holiday stress gets you down, remember- there's a place where kids are always kids, and parents talk funny, and the worst thing you have to worry about is grumpy Lucy. Okay that sounds incredibly corny, but hey... it's the holidays, I don't care.  

This past week I posted my first heart patient post- this one on catheterizations- and more will be coming. Also those of you who were following my On the Run series- I will try to get back to it, events have just derailed it temporarily.      

The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)

Song of the week


Related image





  1. Love that cover for Cards on the Table. Fun countdown idea too Greg. Have a good week.

  2. Good to hear that the medical follow up went well. I avoid all the Christmas TV repeats and go straight to sport and favourite DVDs!

  3. Glad your recovery is going well! Yay for Christmas tunes. I LOVE the Peanuts music. It is ok to be corny especially at the holidays. Have a great week!

  4. Great artwork as usualšŸ˜Š I really love the icon artwork, but it's hard to pick a favorite. Maybe the one with the islands?

  5. So glad to hear your healing process is going well. I love that series of "The Three." Very striking.

  6. Glad to hear you're doing so well! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on Wild Bird!

  7. Good to hear you are recuperating well. Keep on :-) I plan on listening to some new christmas albums this year along with what the radio plays on my daily commute. I'll post about it on next week's update. Happy reading.

  8. I can not believe it is Dec! Enjoy it!

  9. I really need to take a look at every one of your Sunday Posts, Greg, because you include such AWESOME music and images in them!! I am listening to the "Song of the Week" -- "Space Ambient Mix 19" as I look at all your pics! WOWSERS!! BLOWING my mind!! I feel like jumping aboard either the "Enterprise" or the "Millenium Falcon" RIGHT THIS MINUTE!! Yup, I'm a HUGE SF fan! You wouldn't know it from my blog, though, 'cause I publish a lot of YA stuff, as well as paranormal stuff. But I'm a DIEHARD TREKKIE!! I do like Star Wars, but only the first three films. Maybe I should give the subsequent ones a chance, right? I need to read more SF!!! (BTW, YA author Claudia Gray has a Star Wars novel out. It's titled "Leia".)

    Anyway, thanks for the GREAT space music!! I need to come back and listen to the Peanuts Christmas video, as well as the "Coruscant" Star Wars video.

    BTW, where do you get all of these EPIC pictures? Do tell!!

    Thanks for sharing all of this AWESOMENESS!!! <3 :D

    1. Yes you should (ha ha)! But thanks. I love those Space Ambient mixes BTW- some of them are so relaxing. I saw Claudia's new book, thanks- it looks great

      A lot of the pics I see on Artstation, with a few from DeviantArt and a lot from Pinterest!

  10. Okay that mining station is obviously where the Gagarin has spent the last 106 or so years, right? It needs to be. Also, I agree, the details are fabulous! I loooove the Star Academy one too! The colors are so perfect. I would take that boat ride, no question. And I mean, you can come too, but only if you can row (yes, everything comes back to The 100, obviously). The Swamp Village one reminds me of the hippo fighting book, the Teeth one, I feel like you will know what I mean without having to look it up? I love that you purchased some of those pictures! They're quite lovely. I shall attempt to pick a favorite. Okay, I have decided: The Three of the Three Million Islands. Love the colors, and also, one of those islands is a face and how can that NOT be a favorite?

    I don't think I have seen any of the Charlie Brown specials since like... elementary school? I know, that is awful, and I am probably a scrooge. But the music IS jolly, I'll give you that.

    OH I hope you do get back to On the Run! I kind of wondered about it, but it seemed shitty to be like "hey forget your major surgery, how about writing some stuff!" But I do hope you get back to it, someday, whenever you feel up to it. Of course I have already told you how thrilled I am that your appointment went so well, but it certainly is worth repeating, yes? You just must be so relieved and so happy and I am those things for you too :) Also- Hunger Games tip, if I may? I often read them 3 chapters at a time, because everything in the series divides by 3 (fun fact)- so if you don't feel like reading a ton, it's only about 30 pages at a time, so there you go!

    1. Right?? It fits... the Star Academy has SO many colors I was just blown away. Especially when I saw the details. Swamp Village lol. Yes The three of the three Million Islands is my favorite too, that one and the one right after it are the ones I bought. :)

      Thanks and I may get back to On the Run just haveta get back to that mindset again.

  11. It's good to hear you are recovering. It's hard to believe we are in December already but I am enjoying the holiday music. You can't have Christmas without Charlie Brown and the gang. I love the three of the three images. That would be a great adventure to explore. I hope you have a great week!

  12. Good news about your prognosis, Greg! I;m lining up my holidays movies and shows. Planning to do some binging. LOL

  13. I am a total sucker for that Vince Guaraldi Trio song! Oh my gosh, the first time I heard it on the radio this year I BLASTED it and made my fiancƩ wait in the car with me until it was over :)

  14. I change my ringtone every year in December to Linus and Lucy. I love that song! My husband bought me the sheet music for the piano one year so that I could play it. Unfortunately, it is not an easy song. It has like 4 sharps. I guess it is the thought that counts right? I am glad you are doing well and healing properly. Have a great week.

  15. I am glad you are doing well, Greg, and healing well after your surgery. We are fans of Charlie Brown here. I think my daughter's favorite is the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, but the Christmas one comes close on its heels.

    I think I like The Three of the Three Million islands best of the six you shared here. I love the rain on Coruscant one as well.

    I hope you have a great week, Greg.

  16. Oh I missed it! You had a surgery?! Why? I really hope you're feeling better. And yes, it would not surprise anyone that Christmas reminded my everything of Peanuts XD

    Have a great week!

    Anne @ The Reading Life (❄-The-Beginning-of-December-❄)

  17. Thanks for the tunes! I'm currently bobbing my head as I write you this comment. :)

    I'm glad that things went well with at the surgeons. Post op check ups are the worst, I always feel like they will tell me I did a horrible job even if I did everything that they told me to do.

    Have a good week! :)

    1. Glad you liked them :)

      Thank you, and I know! I was expecting to be told okay this is an issue and that... but it went surprisingly well!

  18. Yeah, I can't believe we're in December already. This year has gone by so fast, it's crazy.

    And my favorite of the three icons is the one where they're standing atop mountains above the clouds! So majestic :)

    Beautiful art picks too. I also missed the asteroid base until you mentioned it. And then I only saw it after I looked reeeaaally carefully :)

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

    1. I like that one too. You're right- majestic is a good word. :)

  19. I'm glad you are recovering well!
    I kind of like The First Three.

  20. December.... I'm in disbelief. What the heck?

    I'm glad you're healing well and the doc confirmed this! I read your heart patient post but not sure if I commented or not yet.

    Those icons images are amazing, especially all together like that. Gorgeous!

    Hope you have a great week this week and enjoy what's left of the weekend.

  21. Blogger ate my comment. :( :( :( Here is the short version...

    One and five for the Three art.

    Love the ambient rain sounds.

    Peanuts is probably the only actual Christmas music I will listen to. Ha ha.

    Your On the Run hiatus with give me a chance to catch up!

    Loved the heart post and looking forward to the next one.

    Have a happy and healthy week. :)

    1. The first one is my favorite and the red one seems to be popular as well. :)

      And thanx- hope you have a super week!

  22. Glad you are healing up well! I just love watching Peanuts during the holidays!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  23. Glad to hear your follow-up went well. I love that it’s December already, and Christmas is coming closer. I love Christmas!! But it’s definitely crazy to know 2018 is almost here. Wasn’t it just 2017?
    Happy Reading!

  24. always some wonderful illustrations. It's been a while since I read Huger Games. Have a nice week and happy reading!

  25. Delighted to hear that the recovery is on track and thank you so much for your pics - your series of The Three is stunning and The Three of Red Deep is my favourite, but they are all wonderful. They remind me of the Antony Gormley statues on Crosby Beach here in the UK... Have a great week, Greg.

  26. I'm so happy to hear things are on track and your doing good. I love all those pics, they are amazing. Have a great week!

  27. Glad you are doing well!! Love the pics on here as always!

    Happy reading and have a great week!
    Week in Review

  28. I adore the Peanuts! Nothing makes my heart happier than the Peanuts gang. Glad you are doing well!

  29. Glad you are doing better! I love the Peanuts, I have Lucy, Charlie Brown and Linus figures by my tree. They are about 18 inches tall maybe a little bigger. I got them a very long time ago and they used to move. I still make sure to take them out. It's my favorite Christmas show! :)

    I hope you have an amazing week, Greg! Happy Reading! :)

  30. Love Charlie Brown! Watching it is a surefire way to lift your spirits. Glad to hear you're healing up nicely. Love the Agatha Christie cover! :)

    1. Thanks Rachel! I agree, Charlie Brown Christmas gets me every time. :) And that may be one of my favorite Christie covers- it's so atmospheric.

  31. I thing Cards on the Table was my first Agata Christie novel, liked it, but got lost in all those calculation))))

  32. The Peanuts always make me smile. I love the cover for Cards on the Table. Glad your follow up went well!

  33. Cards on the Table has an awesome cover! And...I always love Charlie Brown stuff. Reminders of my little kids growing up. (My little kids who are now very tall).

    I'm glad you are doing well post-surgery. After surgeries, our lives feel surreal for a while.

    Enjoy your reading and holiday moments. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  34. I love the Linus and Lucy score! I always look forward to Charlie Brown (Peanuts) during the holidays. The memories come rushing back! Love the Agatha Christie cover. I actually plan on making a point of exploring her work this coming year finally. Happy Sunday!

    1. I do to and it's one of my fave parts of the holidays. I can listen to that music over and overs. I should read some Christie this year too!

  35. Glad to hear your post surgery check up when good! Enjoy your week coming up!

  36. Glad to hear that your check up was good. Hope you enjoy your books and have a great week!

  37. I’m glad everything is going well! I’ve started watching Dark on Netflix, pretty good so far. I always enjoy your pictures such a creative idea to share those. Have a great week and happy reading!!

  38. Glad to hear your recovery is going well :) That's great news.

    Hope you have a fantastic week ahead, Greg, and happy reading!

    Amy @ A Magical World Of Words

  39. I can't believe it's been a month since your surgery.. Time flies. I'm glad you're doing well!

    Oh wow, that Agatha Christie cover is amazing :0 and wow, that artwork is pretty amazing. I like the ones with the three men standing!

  40. Glad to hear your followup went well! Keep taking good care of yourself. A Charlie Brown Christmas is still one of my favorites. I love the humor and the heart of it.

  41. I’m glad you’re doing well. Your Christmas countdown idea sounds like fun. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  42. That's awesome to hear your recovery is going well! Also, I love the idea of a favorite Christmas song countdown. Anything Peanuts related is a win in my book. Plus Christmas music in general is fantastic - I've been listening to it since early November but shh don't tell anyone lol Intrigue in Capri sounds interesting. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it! Happy reading, and have a great week, Greg!

  43. I vow to read an Agatha Christie book in 2018. And that cover, I'd love to own her books in those covers. Glad your recovery continues to go well and thanks for sharing it with us. Also, I love Peanuts and don't think your Peanuts thought is corny at all. I listen to that CD over and over at Christmas time. It's actually one of the few I own. That and Barenaked Ladies - I love their holiday one too!

    1. I need to do that too. And some of those covers are so awesome I'd love to have them printed. Thank you and glad to find another PEanuts fan. I just love the simplicty of it.

  44. I'm glad to hear that your recovery is coming along so well. The favorite Christmas song countdown sounds like a lot of fun, and I love that it's Peanuts themed. It's guaranteed to put a smile on ny face and bring back lots of great childhood memories.

  45. So happy to hear that you are recovering! I'm loving that Agatha Christie cover. Happy reading!

  46. I haven't been here in a while, so I had no idea you had surgery! But I'm glad you're recovering well, Greg, and I hope it continues that way.

    Funny you mention Christmas music. I spent about 45 minutes Saturday morning hunting around online for Christmas instrumentals - specifically ones featuring the hammered dulcimer. When I was little, my parents used to play cassette tapes of that music as we opened presents on Christmas morning. And wouldn't you know, I found not one, but two of those albums available for MP3 downloads on Amazon. I was in hammered dulcimer bliss all day. :)

    What I've heard of that ambient space music so far is beautiful. I'll have to come back to that when I need a couple hours' worth of background music for writing.

    1. Thank you Sara, and I'm glad you found your music. :)

  47. Glad the healing progresses. I too love that cover for the Agatha Christie. I went to a cookie exchange, but that's as far as I've gotten into Christmas this year!

    1. I love that cover! So many good ones. And I hear you- I'm into the Christmas spirit early this year, compared to some years!

  48. Intrigue in Capri looks good. I am a big armchair traveler.

  49. Great pictures. Thanks for the earworm. That Peanuts song is now echoing in my brain. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

  50. Glad to hear you're recovering nicely! We just found out my husband is going to have to have surgery and I'm not looking forward to it. He's a good patient but I have a feeling he's going to be seriously frustrated not being able to do exactly what he wants to do! I love the Peanuts songs! We watch the Christmas episodes every year and they're my favorite. I've actually gotten the bulk of my shopping done and we are slowly putting up decorations. Have a great week!

  51. Glad your follow up was so good. My grandmother was a Peanuts fan too. Now I have a young friend who is also a fan. Peanuts has lasting appeal.

    I'm getting ready for the new year. Come see what I'm looking forward to and what I'm reading now.

  52. Great visit to the doctor!! I will have to check out your post.

    We love the Peanuts gang - and the music. We were just talking about this the other day. We love looking out over the snow, the Peanuts Christmas playing in the background. My brother (6 years younger than me) told us that Peanuts will die with my generation. I just don't believe it!

  53. Glad to know that you are doing well.

    I definitely need some holiday cheer and Peanuts always does the trick for me. Thanks for sharing that.

    Hope you have a great week! ~Aleen

  54. I'm glad to hear you are doing well. And I'm also all about the carols this time of year.

  55. Those images are absolutely gorgeous - I can see why you're taken with them - I would have bought all myself! :)

  56. Before I forget I wanted to say Sorry I haven't been able to catch up with On the Run. fall has been crazy! I'm so happy to hear the prognosis was good and you are recovering well! I ADORE Peanuts Christmas songs! :) and no, it's not corny at all! those were magical words :) Hope you continue to recover and enjoy your holidays!
