
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Top Ten Books I'd Like My Future Children To Read


 Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week a new Top Ten list will be posted. Everyone is welcome to join. Link back to The Broke and the Bookish so everyone can check out other bloggers' lists. It's a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

This week is Top Ten Books I'd want my kids to read. This is an interesting topic, because I think no matter how much we love a book, there's no guarantee that a kid would love it too. Which might be kind of heartbreaking? And I think I would have looked askance at anything my parents gave me, but that might just be me. But... if I was recommending to my own kid units, these would be on the list.    

A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1)

Just checking to see if you're awake. In all seriousness though, I would recommend it once the kids are grown up. Not before, because obviously. :) 

The Lord of the Rings (The Lord of the Rings, #1-3)

This one's probably obvious. 

Anne of Green Gables (Anne of Green Gables, #1)

I've never read these but I know relatives that have, and I've seen a lot of book bloggers talk about how it was an important part of their childhood, so yeah. 

The Crab with the Golden Claws (Tintin, #9)

I think Tintin's bigger in Europe than in the US, but I read these as I was growing up and loved 'em. And they teach kids about the world I think too, a little bit. 

The Cave of Time (Choose Your Own Adventure, #1)

Choose Your Own Adventure- these books are pretty old but some have been re- released, and as a kid I thought they were great. Well, kinda. They're not exactly great literature, but what's more fun than an interactive story? 


If the college transition is coming up this might be a good book? I mean who doesn't have anxiety when getting ready for that change? Plus it's a good story. 

Emilie and the Hollow World (Emilie, #1)

A fun adventure and a clean read. 

The Originals

Think YOU have problems at school? Try living with 2 clones who share your life. 

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

Skewing a little younger now but honestly- I read this as an adult and it was good. 

Planet of Exile

This one's personal- my uncle had it as a kid and I loved it when I read it. 

Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar (Tarzan, #5)

I think anything by Edgar Rice Burroughs is great if you're a kid. Great literature? Nope. Fun and will get your imagination soaring? Yup. 

The Cats of Tanglewood Forest (Newford)

This is just a great book. Looks at choices and consequences- and who doesn't want to wander a forest looking for fae?


  1. Great list!! I need to add some of these to my TBR :)

    My TTT

  2. I love your list. I am seeing Anne of Green Gables on a lot of lists today and it's sad, but I've never read it.

  3. Love Cat Patrick's stories, they are so fun and unique! I have the advantage of having two big readers in my family (so far) and it's been so fun recommending books to them and seeing them fall in love with the same books I have. It really is the best. ;)

    1. That's a great feeling! And I've only read one Cat Patrick book but I did love it!

  4. Nice choices! I'd totally give a future kid Fangirl in high school/college. I read the first Anne of Green Gables when I was younger, but honestly, I didn't really like it. hah I'd totally share Harry Potter with future children, and The Outsiders, and just...lots of books!


    1. Thanks Lauren! I agree about Fangirl. and ooh the Outsiders...

  5. Oo Choose Your Own Adventure books were the coolest growing up! I feel like my future kids will have to enjoy them ;)
    My TTT

  6. I have kids and my eldest is already reading some of my favorites! It is SUCH an amazing experience, to share this great love for books.
    Rebecca @ The Portsmouth Review
    Follow me on Bloglovin'

  7. Brilliant list! I will most definitely be recommending the Game of Thrones books to my son once he's an adult. And oh man did I love those Choose Your Own Adventure books when I was a kid. I just thought they were so cool!

  8. This list is so bomb! I’d like to read them all. And you’re right, sometimes your kids won’t like what you loved as a kid and it’s heartbreaking lol. I LOVED the movie The Dark Crystal as a kid, and I bought it for mine, and out of the 4 of them, no one liked my favorite childhood movie. I was crushed lol. Better luck with the grandchildren I hope 😉

    1. Ha ha thanks! I've never seen the Dark Crystal but I know lotsa people love it! Yes hopefully the grandchildren come around. :)

  9. I agree that giving a beloved book to your child and having them dislike it would be heartbreaking. This is a fun topic today.

    1. It is, isn't it? and that would be hard...

  10. Great list! I used to adore the Goosegumps choose your own adventure stories as a child, so they're definitely a good choice - especially good for children who aren't used to reading, I think, because they're almost like literary video games.

    1. Thanks! And I agree- sometimes books like that reach out to reluctant readers.

  11. I'm going to assume you aren't going to let the kids read Game of Thrones until they're older simply so they'll have the physical strength to hold the blessed books! :)

    This is a great list and I may have to add a few in for my daughter.

    When she's old enough, of course.

    My TTT:

  12. I loved Tintin as a kid! Such a great choice. And yes to Lord of the Rings and Fangirl for that college transition.

    1. Wouldn't Fangirl be great for that? And I adored the Tintin's too.

  13. wow how come I never heard of The Originals? I'll have to check that one out! Sounds good! :)

  14. I’m only familiar with the first two. I need to check out the rest. Love this week’s theme. I cant participate because I have my own weekly feature plus I don’t remember any children books I read when I was a kid. Hehe

    Anyway, I hope you’re getting better. Glad to see you’re back. Missed you. 😁

  15. This is a fantastic list. I hope your kids will appreciate them for what they are. Surprise about The Originals. I might read that one for myself as well.

    1. Me too! And The Originals I thought was quite good.

  16. Brilliant list, Greg. I can see why you'd want your future kids to read this!

  17. So many great books up there. I tried to check out one of the newer Choose your own Adventure books and read it with my kids and none of us were fans, which was a total bummer. Loved Anne of Green Gables and the Emily series when I was a girl.

    1. I imagine the newer CYOA don't have the same charm as the originals.

  18. I love the Choose Your Own Adventure Series!!

  19. This is a great list. My 9yo liked The Hobbit, but I think he gave up somewhere during The Lord of the Rings. Maybe he'll give it another try in a few years!

    1. Yeah the LoTR might skew a bit older, but hopefully he'll like those too!

  20. Omg I forgot about Choose Your Own Adventures. Those were the days!

  21. I hated Anne of Green Gables when i was a kid, I thought it was so boring! Haha, but everyone seems to love it! So agree on the choose your own adventure books those are always fun!

    1. Ha ha not my thing either I suspect, but I know everyone seems to swear by them. Choose your Own Adventure's were the bomb!

  22. You picked some really good ones! I was a rebellious kid, so if my parents told me to read something, I probably wouldn’t have done it . . .

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  23. Your list is great! I think I would be overjoyed if my future kids read any of these, especially The Lord of the Rings. Nice list! :)

  24. These are great! Plus maybe they're more likely to take your choices to heart if you recommend popular stuff like GoT too. I think books for certain life situations like college transition and high school and such is a great plan! I'll just be over here begging someone to read The Hunger Games or something hah. (And let's be real, trying to force people to watch The 100.) I feel like my parents rarely recommended any books, at least when I was old enough to pick them out myself? Which is weird because they're both pretty avid readers.

    1. You think? I think you might be right- and I never thought about it before, specific books for certain transitions, but maybe that is a good idea. And I feel like your kids will have a pretty good THG advocate in you? :)

      The 100 is funny, I'm recommending that left and right to people and some don't *gasp* watch it. What is wrong with em??????

  25. CYOA!!!! Those books were the best!!! Loved Nihm too, and you're right, can appeal to kids or adults.

    1. I wish I could go back and experience the cYOA's in all their silly glory!

  26. I loved Anne of Green Gables but my kids did not. They did enjoy Mrs.Frisby and the Rats of NIMH.

    1. The Rats of NIMH was pretty good I thought!

  27. Holy crap, Tintin! Love those books. I remember devouring my school library's collection of them when I was kid. I will definitely be giving some to my children to read one day :D

    ~Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum

  28. I couldn't get into The Lord of the Rings series as much as I tried to. My husband loves Tarzan and even though I haven't read it, that sounds like a good series to let children read!

  29. I didn't read Anne as kid, but got a chance to introduce it to my niece and she loved it. I agree though, it's hard to choose books like this when you don't know what future generations may be in to.

  30. I love how varied your list is. Fangirl was fun - and relatable. I never read the Anne of Green Gables books either. I love the cover of Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of Nimh.

  31. I devoured those Choose Your Own Adventure books when I was a kid! Great picks!

  32. Sebastian wants to start reading the Game of Thrones series, so I am buying him the first book for Yule. I will get to them eventually. Ha ha. Baz loved the Tin Tin books, too.

    Speaking of not liking a book... I saved my Earthsea paperbacks specifically for my future children to read, but my son hated the first book. Ha ha. He also was not interested in reading any of the other books in the A Wrinkle in Time series. Blasphemy!

    Great list, I am happy you included Anne of Green Gables. :)

  33. I love how you chose so many different books for your list. Its unique in that you didn't just stick with the obvious popular titles. Nice job.
